PRE-APWorld Geography Information and Class Procedures

Course Information: In World Geography, students will examine people, places, and environments on local, regional, national, andinternational scales. Students will examine the interrelationships that exist between geography, history, and the economy, while developing cultural empathy.

Supplies: You will need the following items EVERYDAY.
  • 3-Ring Binder (at least 2”)…If you are in AVID this is NOT required
  • 7 Dividers
1. Course Info/Unit Plans 2. Notes 3. Maps 4. Strategies 5. Tests/Writing Samples 6. Daily Work 7. Journals
  • Pencil and/or Pen
  • Lined paper, college rule
  • 1 Spiral Notebook (to be left in the classroom)
  • “A Long Way Gone” by Ishmael Beah
  • Highlighters and Post-Its (Optional)
  • Ream of Paper, Tissue, Hand Sanitizer (Optional)

Class Procedures:

  1. Make-up Assignments: You are responsible for all missed assignments. It is your job to ask for missed assignments before or after class. See the handbook for further policy.
  2. Daily Work: Full credit for a daily assignment may only be earned if the work is turned in when asked for on the due date and is completed showing effort. Late work is accepted up to one week from the assigned date and will not be given full credit, assignments lose 10 points. Assignments not turned in will earn a zero. Currently our campus is forming a Grade Policy committee which may result in changes and additions. When this happens you will be notified promptly.
  3. Quizzes: Comprehension of lecture and class material will be checked through the use of announced quizzes and open note quizzes.
  4. Journals/Intellectual Diaries: Occur at the start of every class period. Occasionally journals/intellectual diaries will be checked. If it is not completed during time allotted a zero will be given, missed points cannot be made up.
  5. Grading Procedures:

Formative (daily work, quizzes, maps, Socratic seminars, etc.)= 30% of Six Weeks Average

Summative (tests, projects, evaluations, etc.)= 70% of Six Weeks Average

  1. Major Projects will be assigned periodically during the school year. Late projects will be accepted with a point deduction. Currently our campus is forming a Grade Policy committee which may result in changes and additions. When this happens you will be notified promptly.
  2. Textbooks: We will have a class set of textbooks. You will be assigned to a book and use the same book every time they are used. You are responsible for any damage to your textbook. Check your book carefully and report any damage to me IMMEDIATELY. Water damage or profanity will result in the student being charged full price for the textbook
  3. Tutorials will be available before and after school. Schedule time if you need extra help. Please sign-up for tutoring using the tutoring log. If you need tutorials when I am not available someone within the department will be.

Tutoring Availability
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 6:50-7:15 Before School
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 3:00-4:00 After School

SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS:Substitute teachers fill a very important role at SummerCreekHigh School. If your teacher has to be out of school, a substitute teacher will be informed of the lesson plan for the day and will receive instruction from your teacher as to the types of activities or assignments that need to be completed. Students will be expected to be cooperative, courteous, and comply with a substitute teacher’s instructions. In the event a substitute teacher reports that a student was uncooperative or disruptive, discipline referrals will be completed by your teacher and/or parent notification may occur. With your cooperation, the substitute teacher’s experience at SummerCreekHigh School will be a pleasant one.

Incentive Program:Extra Credit in this course is a privilege; it is not a guarantee or requirement for the teacher to offer. However, opportunities may be made available as the school year progresses.

From the Student Handbook…

[Cheating & Forgery: Results in a ZERO and may also be subject to additional disciplinary procedures

\“Cheating shall be defined as giving or receiving information on a test or submitting duplicatedwork for class or outside assignments.

\Forgery is defined as the act of falsifying documents, signatures, etc., to deceive.” (Humble I.S.D. Student Code of Conduct)

\This includes plagiarism, “to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own and use (another's production) without crediting the source” (Webster’s definition).

[Prohibition of Electronic Communication Devices

\“Displaying, turning on, or using a cellular telephone or other telecommunications device on school property during the school day is prohibited.”Campus staff discovering a student in violation of this policy shall report the infraction to the appropriate school administrator. The device will be confiscatedand parents can claim the phone from the Humble ISD Police Department after paying a $15 fee. If the device is not claimed, the student’s parent, guardian, or company whose name and address appears on the device shall be given 30 days prior notice of the district’s intent to dispose of the device. The district will not assume responsibility for these items if they are damaged, lost, or stolen.” (Humble I.S.D. Student Code of Conduct)

[Dress Code

\“Any form of dress that attracts undue attention, disrupts school, is considered gang related or detracts from the learning process is not acceptable. Administration and faculty have the right to consider any current fashion or fad and determine whether it is appropriate or inappropriate for school. District guidelines state that any form of dress that attracts undue attention, is unsafe, disrupts school or detracts from the learning process is not acceptable.” (Humble I.S.D. Student Code of Conduct)

Class Expectations:

  1. Be prepared: Bring textbook, supplies, and learning vessel (brain)
  2. Be on-task : Students are actively engaged and participating in the learning process
  3. Be respectful: Students are respectful of themselves, their peers, and the adult.

SCHS Non-Negotiable Behavior
Profanity / Harassment
Disruption of the Educational Process / SCHS Consequences
  1. Warning = Social Contract
  2. Teacher Morning Detention (7:00-7:15)
Phone Call Home and to Coach/Sponsor
  1. Teacher After School Detention (3:00-3:30)
Phone Call Home and to Coach/Sponsor
  1. Behave Out = Administrative Referral

Instructor Information:

Teacher: Ashley Grippo

Conference:1st Period

Phone: 281-641-5486




Please return this page by FRIDAY, AUGUST 26

Student Name: ______

Parent/Guardian Name: ______

Relationship to Student: ______


Please provide the best e-mail address to reach you at:

Best phone number(s):


PARENTS/GUARDIANS AND STUDENTS: Consider and initial each of the above aspects of the course and sign at the bottom. Please, contact me with any questions or concerns.


______I received a copy of and agree to follow the World Geography Course Information and Class procedures. This includes information on supplies and rules for the course.

__________ This class will involve some research using the internet. While the district uses blocking software, the possibility always exits that your child may visit unauthorized sites. I understand and consent to the supervised use of the internet.

__________ I would like to share pictures of students at work on class projects. I will allow images of my child to be posted on the class web-site without their last name listed in the caption.

__________ I have received our district policy regarding cheating, plagiarism, late work, and missing assignments. (H.I.S.D. Student Handbook and Campus Policy)

Student Signature: ______

Parent/Guardian Signature: ______

Date Signed: ______

Below please leave any concerns or need to know information about your student that may help me further assist your student: