Honors United States History 10 Syllabus

Teacher: Mr. Taylor Jones

Room: 116 Email:

Course description:

The study of the early history of the United States in Grade 10 forms the foundation for understanding the

development and principles of modern American society. Beginning with the earliest explorations of the

American continents, this course offers a chronological study of major events, issues, movements, individuals, and diverse groups of people in the United States from a national and an Alabama perspective. In addition to gaining essential knowledge regarding this period of our nation’s past, students develop historical thinking skills, which include chronological thinking, historical comprehension, historical analysis and interpretation, historical research, and advanced decision-making. Content standards build on foundational knowledge and skills learned in the study of United States history in Grade 5 and world history in Grade 8. In addition, content rigor is designed to be

developmentally appropriate in order to prepare students for increasingly challenging courses at the high school level. Students in Grade 10 benefit from a classroom environment that provides activities to facilitate historical

inquiry. Teachers challenge students with a variety of instructional methods to enhance the development of critical thinking skills. Methods include analysis of historical documents, map reading activities, and the use of current technologies. Students are encouraged to explore historical topics and begin thinking like historians while studying key events, people, and ideas in this period of American history.

By the end of this year, you will:

ØDemonstrate and strengthen your ability to write

ØStrengthen your note-taking and study skills.

ØCompare/contrast/synthesize and analyze information.

ØExercise critical thinking and communication skills in formal and informal discussions.

You must have the following in class each day:

Blue or Black ink pens and/or pencils.

Composition Notebook.

Colored pencils: We will do in class projects and you will need to add color.


COURSE POLICIES: Course policies are the rules and guidelines our class follows, in addition to those established by Prattville High. These policies are consistently enforced throughout the year.Each student is expected to know, understand and follow these policies. If you feel class or school policies need clarification, please speak with me.

ATTENDANCE: Prompt daily attendance is expected. All students must be seated in the classroom and prepared to learn when the bell rings. If you are tardy without an excuse from a teacher you will be required to sign the tardy log. All tardiness will be recorded. Additionally, if a student is aware of upcoming absences then he/she should inform me before the absences and arrange make-up or alternative work if possible. If a student is absent, it is the responsibility of that student to collect his/her work from me and turn an excuse into the office. If a student does not take an excuse to the office within 3 days of returning from absence the absence will be considered unexcused and no credit will be given for any work assigned during the time the student was absent.

CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR: You are a member of a community of learners. For any community to thrive, certain concepts must be embraced. In our community, I expect the following general behavior of all students.

RESPECT: All students will respect themselves, their community members and their learning environment.

READINESS: All students must attend class everyday and be ready to actively participate in daily activities.

RESPONSIBILITY: All students must accept responsibility for themselves and their actions.

Active participation and preparedness is expected at all times!

No distracting items are allowed in the classroom (i.e. headwear, coats, backpacks, food, chains, purses, electronic devices, pictures, notes, yearbooks, magazines and catalogs).

Appropriate language will be used in the classroom—no swearing or other offensive remarks will be allowed.

You are responsible for your academic progress and full communication with me about any problems or struggles is expected from you. I can be available before, during, and after school hours (during the spring semester this will only be before or during school) to help you with any struggles. Please do not hesitate to ask questions or ask to meet with me at a different time to clear up any confusion. I am here to help!


Cheating, copying and plagiarism are serious acts of academic dishonesty that are not tolerated. The administration and family members of students involved will be informed of such behavior.

Students who cheat will receive a zero for the assignment or exam. Students involved in copying of work will receive a zero for the assignment or exam, including any student allowing the copying to take place.

Plagiarism is the use of another’s ideas or expression without appropriate acknowledgement of the source. Examples of plagiarism include failure to give appropriate acknowledgement when repeating another’s phrase,sentence or paragraph; failure to give appropriate acknowledgement when paraphrasing another’s thesis or argument; failure to give appropriate acknowledgement when presenting another’s line of thinking; or, turning in a paper for a current course that was written for another course. Plagiarism, like cheating and copying, results in serious consequences. If students or family members have questions about this, please talk to me.


Failure to follow classroom guidelines will result in:

1. Written warning (sign discipline log)

2. Sign log, call parent

3. Sign log, parent conference

4. Office referral

Severity Clause

Students exhibiting any form of severe behavior that endangers students, violates the law or seriously prevents the teacher from teaching or other students from learning, will be referred to administration. The teacher reserves the right to remove a student without prior consequences depending upon the severity of the situation.

HOMEWORK: Homework may consist of assigned reading or assignments. All homework must be completed on the scheduled due date. Unless otherwise noted, assignments are collected at the beginning of the class period.The primary source of homework will be assigned reading, homework assignments will be rare in my class, but it is expected that students will rise to the occasion when it does occur.

65%: Major Grades

35%: Minor Grades


90-100: A

80-89: B

70-79: C

60-69: D

59-below: F


I will follow the make-up policy outlined in the Student Handbook.


Technology may be used periodically for in-class assignments. Devices used for anything not related to class (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, texting, etc.) are subject to disciplinary action.

I am here to help!

I understand everyone learns at different paces and in different ways. I will incorporate many different teaching methods throughout each chapter in an effort to reach every student. If you are having issues understanding a concept please do not hesitate to ask for my assistance. I can meet with you before or after school upon appointment