Student Name: Class period: Date:

Honors Independent Reading

Speech Requirements & Explanations

In addition to the in-class essay over the independent novel, students will also deliver a formal speech detailing the novel’s contents to the class. The speech will be formal in tone, 3-5 minutes in length (students will be given a warning at 4 ½ minutes) and compliant with the rubric below.

The speeches will be delivered in class on Tuesday, December 1st through Friday, December 4th. The speaking order will be drawn at random; therefore, all students should be ready to perform on Tuesday. Students will be allowed one 4X6 index card to assist them in their delivery; prior rehearsal is a must.

Book Title/Author
(5 points total) / Book title & author are given & pronounced correctly throughout the presentation / Book title & author are given & pronounced correctly at the beginning of the presentation / Either book title or author is incorrectly pronounced throughout the presentation / Either book title or author is not mentioned at all during the presentation
(5 points total) / Introduction is interesting, original appropriate to the novel / Introduction is interesting, somewhat original appropriate to the novel / Introduction is clichéd, uninteresting, consists of “my novel was blank written by so-and-so” / Introduction is non-existent
(10 points total) / Setting and its significance to the novel is conveyed correctly / Setting or its significance is conveyed correctly / Setting and its significance is conveyed incorrectly / Setting and its significance is not discussed
Main Characters
(10 points total) / The main characters their significance to the novel are conveyed correctly / One of the main characters or his/her significance are conveyed correctly / One or more of the main characters his/her significance are conveyed incorrectly / Main characters their significance are not discussed
Main Conflicts
(10 points total) / Main external & internal conflicts and resolutions are correctly conveyed / Main external & internal conflicts or resolutions conveyed incorrectly / Main external & internal conflicts, as well as their resolutions, conveyed incorrectly / Main external & internal conflicts & resolutions are not discussed
(10 points total) / Two themes, supported by textual evidence, are correctly discussed / One theme, supported by textual evidence, is correctly discussed / Themes and supporting textual evidence are incorrectly discussed / Themes are not discussed
(5 points total) / Conclusion is interesting, original, and leaves the audience with a sense of completeness, without giving away too much of the novel’s ending / Conclusion is somewhat interesting, original, and leaves the audience with a sense of completeness / Conclusion is unoriginal, abrupt, and/or uses the novel’s ending as its ending / Conclusion is extremely abrupt and/or consists of “Well, that’s it.”
(5 points total) / Pitch is high enough to be heard yet not distracting; rate of speech is slow enough to be understood yet fast enough to maintain interest; inflection rises & falls appropriately; volume is at an appropriate level. / One of the voice elements is not appropriate / Two or more voice elements are not appropriate / Three or more voice elements are not appropriate
Eye Contact
(5 points total) / Speaker makes frequent eye contact with teacher and fellow students throughout the presentation / Speaker makes infrequent eye contact with teacher and fellow students during the presentation / Speaker either looks directly at the teacher or the students only / Speaker looks at the floor, notecard, or other object instead of the audience.
(5 points total) / Gestures are appropriate to phrases, maintain audience interest, and do not become nervous tics / Gestures are somewhat appropriate to phrases, maintain audience interest, and do not become nervous tics / Gestures detract from audience interest and become nervous tics / Gestures are non-existent
(5 points total) / Speaker stands up straight, looks relaxed, confident, enthusiastic, and smiles appropriately throughout the presentation / Speaker stands up straight, looks somewhat relaxed and confident, and smiles once / Speaker slouches, looks nervous, and does not smile / Speaker slouches, looks nervous, does not smile, and seems incredibly unhappy
Evidence of preparation
(10 points total) / Speaker’s presentation is smooth, efficient, practiced, and has obviously been rehearsed / Speaker’s presentation is smooth overall, practiced, and has some evidence of prior rehearsal / Speaker’s presentation is abrupt with little evidence of prior rehearsal / Speaker’s presentation is abrupt, confusing and obviously unrehearsed
Length of speech
(10 points total) / 4-5 minutes in length / 3-4 minutes in length / 2-3 minutes in length / Speech is either less than two minutes or more than five minutes in length
Listens to others’ presentations
(5 points total) / Listens attentively, engages in the presentation, and provides subtle support for the speaker throughout the presentation / Listens attentively, engages in the presentation, and provides subtle support for the speaker for most of the presentation / Listens intermittently, does not engage in the presentation, and makes little eye contact with the speaker / Sleeps, does other work, or displays behavior which distracts the speaker

Total Points Earned: /100