World History Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. Smith (Email:

Room: 223

Course Description:

Throughout this course, we will be addressing important events, time periods, personalities, and movements. We will also be making connections between events in history with current events to add relevance to our topics.

Topics Covered in Course (There is a calendar on my website with more details):

First Semester:

  • Pre-History
  • Ancient Civilizations – Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China
  • Classical Civilizations – Greece, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Islamic Empire
  • Africa & the Americas
  • European Middle Ages
  • Golden Ages – Renaissance, China, India, Middle East, Japan

Second Semester:

  • NationBuilding
  • Reformation
  • Absolutism
  • Enlightenment & Revolutions
  • Imperialism
  • World Wars
  • Post World War II

Required Materials:

Three-Ring Binder with lined paper: Your notebook will be used to maintain all handouts, class notes, study guides, vocabulary lists, journal entries, assignments, quizzes, tests and papers.

Pencils and Pens: Please have something to write with each day.

Planner: For recording assignments and important dates.

Colored Pencils or Highlighters: Strongly recommended. We work on maps and worksheets frequently that require different colors to be used to distinguish regions and/or countries.


Students will get to decide if they want to take a book home the first day. If they do so it should stay at home because there is a classroom set that we will be use if needed. Students will have homework assigned from the textbook from time to time, however, if this happens I will put the pdf of the chapter on my website.

Assignment and Grading Guidelines:

A = (90 – 100)B = (80-89)C = (70-79)D = (60-69)F = (0 – 59)

Grading: Tests and Major projects= 40%, Quizzes= 20%, Homework and in class work= 15%, Vocabulary= 20%, and Participation= 5%.

Extra credit is rare, challenging, and at the discretion of the teacher. Your focus should be on completing the work assigned in a timely fashion.

Please do not ask me about your grades during class time. You may see me individually outside of class if you have questions or concerns.

Academic Integrity:

Students must complete their own work. Students who copy the work of others or who give their work to others will be assigned a zero and a possible office referral. Students may not cheat and may not use any form of “cheat sheets.” In addition, work that is plagiarized will receive a zero and will be given an office referral. School rules for plagiarism (including suspension) will be applied

World History Syllabus

Teacher: Mrs. Smith (Email:

Room: 223

Course Description:

Throughout this course, we will be addressing important events, time periods, personalities, and movements. We will also be making connections between events in history with current events to add relevance to our topics.

Topics Covered in Course (There is a calendar on my website with more details):

First Semester:

  • Pre-History
  • Ancient Civilizations – Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China
  • Classical Civilizations – Greece, Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire, Islamic Empire
  • Africa & the Americas
  • European Middle Ages
  • Golden Ages – Renaissance, China, India, Middle East, Japan

Second Semester:

  • NationBuilding
  • Reformation
  • Absolutism
  • Enlightenment & Revolutions
  • Imperialism
  • World Wars
  • Post World War II

Required Materials:

Three-Ring Binder with lined paper: Your notebook will be used to maintain all handouts, class notes, study guides, vocabulary lists, journal entries, assignments, quizzes, tests and papers.

Pencils and Pens: Please have something to write with each day.

Planner: For recording assignments and important dates.

Colored Pencils or Highlighters: Strongly recommended. We work on maps and worksheets frequently that require different colors to be used to distinguish regions and/or countries.


Students will get to decide if they want to take a book home the first day. If they do so it should stay at home because there is a classroom set that we will be use if needed. Students will have homework assigned from the textbook from time to time, however, if this happens I will put the pdf of the chapter on my website.

Assignment and Grading Guidelines:

A = (90 – 100)B = (80-89)C = (70-79)D = (60-69)F = (0 – 59)

Grading: Tests and Major projects= 40%, Quizzes= 20%, Homework and in class work= 15%, Vocabulary= 20%, and Participation= 5%.

Extra credit is rare, challenging, and at the discretion of the teacher. Your focus should be on completing the work assigned in a timely fashion.

Please do not ask me about your grades during class time. You may see me individually outside of class if you have questions or concerns.

Academic Integrity:

Students must complete their own work. Students who copy the work of others or who give their work to others will be assigned a zero and a possible office referral. Students may not cheat and may not use any form of “cheat sheets.” In addition, work that is plagiarized will receive a zero and will be given an office referral. School rules for plagiarism (including suspension) will be applied.

Classroom Expectations:

Come to School: The more you miss, the more you get behind and the more likely you will want to give up or slack off.

Food and Cell Phones: Food is not to be eaten in class and ALL electronic equipment is not to be used in class. Once the bell rings I should not see any phones. They must be put away and not on your desk. I have a clock in my room so there is no need to have your phone out. However, there may be times when I will have you get your phone out in case we are doing Socrates, Poll Everywhere, etc.

Respectfulness, Common Sense Behavior: High school students are at a time in life when they want to be adults and that is understandable. Part of being an adult is to act like one towards others so please keep this in mind. Be mature.

Tardies: You will get a warning after the first tardy and after that you will receive a 15 minute after school detention the day of the tardy for the 2nd offense. The consequences get worst up until you get ISS or OSS therefore, be on time and let us hope no one gets to a 3rd offense.

Take Responsibility for your own Grades: YOU, not me, are responsible for getting any missed work due to an absence, etc. YOU, not me, are responsible to ask me questions, remind be of things pertaining to your grades, etc. Part of being an adult is to take charge and responsibility of your future and this applies to my classroom too. YOU must keep up with notes; make up work, etc., not me. I have a designated area in my classroom where students will pick up any late work.

Northwest Guilford High School Student Code of Conduct: Be familiar with this, you will be held to its standards.

Make Up/Late Work:

NO grades are dropped.

Late Work: You have two days to get work in for full credit if you miss school.

  • Late work will have a 10 percentage deduction (meaning you have only a week to turn in late work and that is it. There is no waiting until the end of the quarter to try to turn in work.

You may get any missed lecture notes from a classmate or from my website.

Missed Tests and Quizzes: You have one week from the day a test is given to make it up. Tests may only be made up before school or after school. You may not make these up during class. Please see me to schedule a time for a makeup.

Teacher Contact:

Students: I am available before and after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students just need to give me a heads up the day before they need to meet with me.

Parents: Please feel free to email me anytime at my email address. I will respond to your concerns within 24 hours.Additionally, I send out weekly emails about what is happening in class and reminders on important dates pertaining to tests and projects.

I do have a Remind101 account to send out information to students reminding them about tests, quizzes, and project due dates. If you have an IPhone or Android phone open your web browser and go to the following link

  • If you do not have a smartphone you can text the message @9df6f8 to the number 81010 to get signed up.

Classroom Expectations:

Come to School: The more you miss, the more you get behind and the more likely you will want to give up or slack off.

Food and Cell Phones: Food is not to be eaten in class and ALL electronic equipment is not to be used in class. Once the bell rings I should not see any phones. They must be put away and not on your desk. I have a clock in my room so there is no need to have your phone out. However, there may be times when I will have you get your phone out in case we are doing Socrates, Poll Everywhere, etc.

Respectfulness, Common Sense Behavior: High school students are at a time in life when they want to be adults and that is understandable. Part of being an adult is to act like one towards others so please keep this in mind. Be mature.

Tardies: You will get a warning after the first tardy and after that you will receive a 15 minute after school detention the day of the tardy for the 2nd offense. The consequences get worst up until you get ISS or OSS therefore, be on time and let us hope no one gets to a 3rd offense.

Take Responsibility for your own Grades: YOU, not me, are responsible for getting any missed work due to an absence, etc. YOU, not me, are responsible to ask me questions, remind be of things pertaining to your grades, etc. Part of being an adult is to take charge and responsibility of your future and this applies to my classroom too. YOU must keep up with notes; make up work, etc., not me. I have a designated area in my classroom where students will pick up any late work.

Northwest Guilford High School Student Code of Conduct: Be familiar with this, you will be held to its standards.

Make Up/Late Work:

NO grades are dropped.

Late Work: You have two days to get work in for full credit if you miss school.

  • Late work will have a 10 percentage deduction (meaning you have only a week to turn in late work and that is it. There is no waiting until the end of the quarter to try to turn in work.

You may get any missed lecture notes from a classmate or from my website.

Missed Tests and Quizzes: You have one week from the day a test is given to make it up. Tests may only be made up before school or after school. You may not make these up during class. Please see me to schedule a time for a makeup.

Teacher Contact:

Students: I am available before and after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students just need to give me a heads up the day before they need to meet with me.

Parents: Please feel free to email me anytime at my email address. I will respond to your concerns within 24 hours. Additionally, I send out weekly emails about what is happening in class and reminders on important dates pertaining to tests and projects.

I do have a Remind101 account to send out information to students reminding them about tests, quizzes, and project due dates. If you have an IPhone or Android phone open your web browser and go to the following link

  • If you do not have a smartphone you can text the message @9df6f8 to the number 81010 to get signed up.