Annual Dues and Contributions(Make one check to AAUW)*

$____Basic membership $80* Dues breakdown: National $49 State $16 Branch $15

$____Life member $31 (branch/state only)

$____Student affiliate $26

$____Dual branch member $15 (Payable to the Ashland branch by members of another branch)

Dual members, what is your primary branch?______

$_____Helping Hand fund (dues assistance)

$____National AAUW Funds donation. You may specify which fund(s) you wish to support:

___Legal Advocacy Fund ___Public Policy Fund ___Leadership Programs Fund

___Educational Opportunities Fund ___Eleanor Roosevelt Fund (research reports)

___Unrestricted Funds (go to programs with greatest current needs)

Total to AAUW enclosed $______Date______

*The tax-deductible portion of your $80 dues is $46.This is a portion of the AAUW national member dues-- national AAUW is a 501c(3) charitable organization. Donations to AAUW Funds are wholly tax-deductible.

Scholarship Donations (Make separate checks for each and note “annual scholarships” or “scholarships endowment” in the memo line. **

$_____SOU Foundation (annual scholarships)

$_____SOU Foundation (AAUW scholarship endowment fund)++

$_____RCC Foundation (annual scholarships)

$_____RCC Foundation (AAUW scholarship endowment fund)++

**Foundation donations are tax-deductible.

++Endowment fund principals remain intact in perpetuity

Last Name First Birthday (month & day)

Primary phoneE-mail addressPartner’s name (optional)

Address (Street, City, Zip)

1stDegree andMajor College/University State

2ndDegree andMajor College/University State

3rdDegree andMajor College/University State

I am primarily: employed a student a homemaker ___ retired other:

First/ Last Name Primary phone E-mail address

I may be interested in helping the branch with the following. (You are not committing):

__ Serve in leadership position
__ Serve as a board member
__ Chair a committee
BRANCH SUPPORT / ___ Celebration of Scholars
___ Accounting/Finance / ___ Garden Tour
___ Advertising/Marketing / ___ AAUW Scholarships (selection team)
___Publicity / ___ Women-in-Need (WIN; Dunn House)
___Public relations / ___$$ for Scholars Tag Sale
___ Fundraising/ community giving / ___help to develop new or additional projects
___ Photography
___ Database management
___ Website development & maintenance
___Graphic design for brochures, etc. / NON-AAUW COMMUNITY PROJECTS
___ Branch Directory / ___ Educational Projects at High School (Senior Projects, etc.)
___ Monthly Newsletters (The Vision) / ___ AWSEM (Advocates for Women in Science, Engineering, Math )
___Other writing/editing projects / ___ Soroptimist Strong Girls Strong Women Lunch Buddies
___Serve on public policy team / Other______
___ Serve on membership team
___ Host a new member get-together
___Lead an interest group / OTHER INTERESTS
My career focus is/was______
OTHER______/ ______
MEETINGS / My other volunteer interests include______
___ Greeter at meetings / ______
___ Serve on Hospitality committee
___ Help with coffee and refreshments
____Program planning
____Coordinate calendar/hall set up