Honors 10th Grade World Literature
Course Expectations and Syllabus 2016-17
Mrs. Ann Tucker Email: r
Class Blog: Room 2205
Honors World Literature is a college prep course that surveys the earliest literature of the world’s cultures through the present day. The students will read across the curriculum to develop academic and personal interests in a variety of subjects. Students will also learn a world of new vocabulary and grammar concepts and complete a number of writing assignments. The course follows the Georgia Standards for Excellence for 10th Grade for reading, writing, language, and speaking and listening.
Our Units and Texts
Unit 1: The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, selected chapters from How to Read Literature Like a Professor
by Thomas C. Foster, Poetry
Unit 2: The Iliad and other Greek myths, The Epic of Gilgamesh, creation myths, Arabian Nights, other
archetypal stories
Unit 3: The Tragedy of Oedipus by Sophocles, The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka, Life of Pi by Yann
Unit 4: A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen, The Taming of the Shrew by Shakespeare, A Thousand Splendid
Suns by Khaled Hosseini
*Texts listed in bold are parallel reading selections. Students must obtain their own copies of these books.
*** Text selection for the course is subject to change based on availability, student interest, and time constraints. Certain selections may be eliminated, and others may be added including but not limited to short stories, articles, and poems. These additional selections are to be determined at a later date. ***
Cobb County Grading Scale: A = 100-90 B = 89-80 C = 79-74 D = 73-70 F = 69 and below
Grading categories are based on school and county requirements and are reflected in Synergy.
10% Formative: Reading/Writing, (Classwork, , Homework – none will be accepted late)
10% Formative: Reading, Writing, Speaking, Listening (quizzes, class discussions)
25% Summative: Writing (essays, constructed responses, research, seminars, projects)
35% Summative: Reading (tests, seminars, projects, etc.)
20% Final Exam
Grade Conferences: For your privacy, no discussion of grades will be permitted during instruction time. Please make an appointment in order to discuss grades before or after school.
Late Work: If a student is present the day a summative essay/project/assignment is due, they may turn it in one day late for a MAXIMUM of 70%. After that, the essay/project/assignment will NOT be accepted for credit. In order to optimize feedback and learning, formative assignments will NOT be accepted late.
Absences & Make-Up Work Policy: In order to maximize learning and ensure students do not fall behind, students need to be in class. If a student is absent, he/she needs to obtain the missing work the day he/she returns. If the student misses a quiz or test, he/she will have one opportunity to make up the missed assignment in either LEAP tutoring or LASSO the Thursday immediately following the absence
Cheating/Plagiarism:“Rather fail with honor than succeed by fraud.” -- Sophocles
Cheating will result in a zero for your assignment. Plagiarism is stealing someone else’s work and passing it off as your own, citing sources improperly, or failing to cite them at all. This falls under that category of cheating and will also result in a zero for the assignment. A “U” in conduct will be given to students who engage in these behaviors, and students will be referred to administration. We will use for major writing assignments as well.
- Prentice Hall Literature: World Literature. A class set of textbooks will be provided for student use while in class. Students may check out a textbook for use at home upon request.
- Students will be required to obtain their own copies of the parallel reading texts for Units 3 and 4: Life of Pi by Yann Martel and A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini.
We will use a variety of websites and applications that I will discuss in class. There will be times in class when we will use technology such as smart phones for academic purposes. Mrs. Tucker will determine what constitutes an academic purpose and failure to abide by this policy will result in an administrative referral. You will also need access to the Internet at home. If you do not have Internet access at home, please let me know immediately so that we can discuss an alternative for you.
You must bring the following materials to class every day:
1. A binder with an organizational system that works for you and keeps all of your materials for this class on hand.
2. COLLEGE-ruled loose-leaf paper
3. A writing utensil
4. Your journal (a binder with paper, spiral notebook, or composition notebook- your journal can be creative.)
Classroom Etiquette and Respect:
It is expected that you will do your part to maintain a respectful, productive learning environment every day. This includes respecting everyone and everything in the classroom, using appropriate language and avoiding abusive language, taking responsibility for your actions, following instructions in a respectful manner the first time they are given, minimizing distractions to yourself and others, working diligently, and participating in a positive way. I expect you to follow all school rules and regulations.
Take care of all necessary business before class such as visiting the restroom, sharpening pencils, or throwing away trash. Please do not get up and walk around the room during instructional time. You should avoid getting out of your seat when Mrs. Tucker is addressing the entire class unless, of course, you are experiencing an emergency situation.
Hall Passes: The first and last 15 minutes of class are considered “dead time” – no hall passes will be given. Students MUST have their agendas to use as a pass in order to leave the classroom. Students have no more than 5 minutes for a bathroom break, office pass, water fountain break, etc. Failing to return to class within 5 minutes will be considered skipping. No passes will be allowed during instructional time unless there is an absolute emergency. Teachers reserve the right to limit the number of passes a student uses.
Food and Drinks: Food and drinks are permitted in class as long as students clean up after themselves and throw away their trash. Food that causes a disruption will not be tolerated. If it becomes a problem, Mrs. Tucker will take away the privilege to eat and drink in class. Roaches are among us!!! Let’s not invite them into the room
Detention Policy: If a student fails to follow our classroom policies, procedures, and behavior guidelines they will be given a warning. If their behavior persists, they will be given teacher detention which they must serve before or after school within one week of the offense. Failure to serve detention will result in an administrative referral.
Computer Usage: We will use the writing lab multiple times during the semester. Students may be assigned seats in the lab. When in the lab, students are to work only on the class assignment at hand. Abuse of internet privileges will result in a loss of all computer privileges school-wide for 10 days. FOOD AND DRINK IS NOT PERMITTED IN THE LAB.
***All Kell student handbook policies apply to ALL Kell courses!***
***Please detach and return this sheet to Mrs. Tucker by Friday, August 5th, 2016.***
2016-2017 Policies & Procedures Contract
I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the policies and procedures for Honors 10th Grade World Literature taught by Mrs. Tucker at Kell High School.
By signing below, I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and agree to meet all portions of the expectations set my Mrs. Tucker in the provided Honors 10th Grade World Literature Expectations and Syllabus.
Class Period: ______Homeroom Grade Level: ______
Printed Student Name: ______
Student's Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Email address: ______
Parent's/Guardian’s Printed Name: ______
Parent's/Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ______
Phone: ______
Parent's/Guardian’s E-mail Address: (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY to avoid bounced emails.)
Will the student be able to access the Internet from home? YES NO
Is there anything that I should know about your student?