Minutes of Meeting

Date:17th October 2005


Venue:The Old Vicarage

Present:Tim Carter, John Dyson, Hilary Dyson, Jane Harris, James Henderson-Findlay,Margaret Henderson-Findlay, Karen Aston, Ann Fletcher, George Fletcher, Ginny Hutton, Graham Hutton, Bruce Holley, Kate Holley, Peter Wilmer, Christine Paske, Michael Paske, Judy Hamilton, Graham Watkin, Julian Lipman, Bernie Haws, Pat Haws, Rob Watson, Ron Sheppard

Apologies:Robin Harris

Item 1:2004 Minutes – Accepted.

Item 2:Matters Arising - All outstanding issues added to 2005 agenda.

Item3:Proposed Street Renaming

The Chairman covered the details of the proposed change and the history linked with the renaming suggestions (as set out in the 2005 agenda). Also covered was the procedure from South Kesteven District Council (SKDC) for village road renaming if the village accepted the proposal.

The Chairman opened a debate on the proposal:

Issues raised:

  • As all 3 branches of the main roads in the street are named Main Street, there can be difficulties with deliveries in the village. The problem is exacerbated by the same postcode, NG32 2PG, applying to 2 of the 3 branches. Furthermore, more urgent problems can be encountered such as difficulties for the emergency services locating individual properties within the village.
  • This is a problem that affects many villages.
  • It was suggested that a number could be given to each individual house instead of renaming roads. This was opposed by some and thought not in keeping with our rural village.
  • SKDC have not supplied road signs for the current road names.
  • The issue has already been raised several times in previous meetings and discounted: why has the proposal been brought up once again?

Chairman’s reply: To his knowledge the issue was raised within the AOB section of previous meetings and the proposal had not been properly pursued. Formally raising the issue to meet local government requirements ensured that the issue would not need to be raised at future meeting.

  • If the village did go ahead with the proposal would the village be responsible for the cost of the new signs?

Chairman’s reply: SKDC do have a small budget for the supply of road name signs, which would be supplied at no cost to the community.

  • Who decided on the names proposed and for what reason was the word Street used instead of Road or Lane? Why do all three streets need to be renamed?

Chairman’s reply: The names included those discussed in previous meetings and also have historical links. However, none have been agreed upon and, should the village adopt road renaming, specific names would be discussed.

  • Instead of street renaming could the postcodes be broken down?

Chairman’s reply: Although this has not been investigated it would be unlikely the post office would agree. Other people at the meeting confirmed this.

The Vote

The Chairman discussed the possibility of several voting options including 3 and 2-way name change, research into numbering or no change. Following an open discussion it was decided that a simple Yes/No vote should be reached before further discussion. SKDC had suggested that a two-thirds majority of those attending the meeting is the norm for passing a proposal. It was stated that the vote would include the views of villagers who were unable to attend the meeting but had contacted the Chairman with their views prior to the meeting.

Vote on: The proposal that the 3 branches of Main Street be renamed (names to be decided)




Following the vote it was agreed the proposal has been rejected and no further investigation is required.

Item 4:Honington Community Events

The Chairman asked the question: The village has few social events, which has an effect on community spirit: how can this be changed?

Issues raised:

  • No village hall exists and when the village did have a social club it was not widely used.
  • People do have a community spirit when events are organised and the example of the bridge luncheon was highlighted.
  • A quiz evening was also highlighted as a forthcoming event on 26th November.
  • A supper evening has also been suggested for the future.
  • Michael Paske also confirmed he would be happy to offer a field for a summer event and confirmed in the past strawberry teas have been organised.

The chairman suggested outdoor events could be organised next year and the item was left open for village residents to come up with some ideas.

Item 5:Honington Parish Plan

The Chairman supplied details of what would be involved in creating a Parish Plan, and confirmed he has an example plan from Long Bennington.

Issues raised:

  • At what level is the information requested from? Government, high-level council or local council?

Chairman’s reply: Parish Plans are an initiative being put forward throughout the country for the benefit of local communities. In our county the Community Council of Lincolnshire was assisting parishes in plan preparation.

  • Would a plan be of benefit to Honington or provide little for the effort expended?

A Parish Plan Workshop was to be run by the Community Council of Lincolnshire in Ancaster Village Hall on 15th November and would provide answers to the questions and issues raised. Volunteers were sought to attend to workshop and potentially progress the idea. Michael Paske volunteered to assist but would probably not be available for the workshop.

Item 6:Honington Parish Website

The website is now available at Further information in connection with Neighbourhood Watch will be supplied by Bernard Haws for adding to the website.

Please provide any feedback on the website to the Chairman.

Item 7:Election of Officers

Tim Carter has agreed to continue as Chairman and Jane Harris will take on the role of Clerk. This met with general agreement from the room.

Item 8:AOB

Road maintenance: Repairs are already scheduled to take place on the road outside the Old Vicarage. New items raised:

Repairs to the road are required at the bus stop outside Garden Cottage.

A hole in the road has appeared outside Michael Paske’s office. (Chairman to action)

Dog fouling: It was raised that we currently have a problem within the village with dog fouling. Despite many residents being happy to cut the grass verge outside their property, this was difficult due to some dog owners not clearing up after their pets foul. Hilary and John Dyson confirmed that Meg does sometimes escape and would ask residents not to encourage her but to strongly tell her to go home. However, it was agreed that the village has several other dog owners who do not clean up after their animals. In an effort to reduce the problem, it will be advertised in the village. (Clerk to action)

Lighting: It was suggested that the current orange streetlights could be replaced by softer, white lighting as seen in other villages. (Chairman to investigate)

Village sign: it was generally confirmed that this has been discussed in the past and the village had been prohibited by SKDC from erecting a sign in the centre of the village. (no further action to be taken)

Neighbourhood Watch: anyone who does not currently receive the Neighbourhood Watch information e-mailed by Bernie Haws and wished to do so, please write down your e-mail address and put it in the red letterbox at Spinnyfields.

Thankyou: both James Findlay and John Dyson were thanked for all the work they had done in the past as Chairman and Clerk of the Honington Parish Meeting.

Meeting closed 8.30pm

Jane Harris 21st October 2005