Hosted by
Department of Sociology,
Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Date: 5 December 2015 (Saturday)
Please note that all paper presenters must register for the conference.
NameProf / Dr/ Miss /Mr / (English)
Email address
Phone / (Office)
Correspondence Address
(1)Registration Fee
□ Registration fee for member*: Nil
*Members who have paid the membership fee (life membership or annual membership for the period of 1 December 2015 to 30 November 2016) need not pay for registration. Members who have not paid the membership fee for the period noted is advised to renew membership.
□ Non-member: HK$400
□ Student: HK$150
Or you can join our Association/renew your membership and your registration fee will be waived.
□ Life member: HK$4,000
□ Regular member (academics/researchers): HK$400
□ Student member: HK$150
(2)Payment Method
Payment will be accepted in Hong Kong dollars.
□ Pre-payment by cheque
Please mail this form together with acrossed cheque payable to “Hong Kong Sociological Association” toDr. LI KitMan, Department of Sociology, Hong Kong Shue Yan University, 10 Wai Tsui Crescent, Braemar Hill Road, North Point, Hong Kong.
□ On-site payment by cash / cheque
If you wish to pay on the conference day (5 December 2015), please submit this registration form first by email (at ). For cash payment, please tender the exact fee.
(3)Conference Luncheon:
Will you join us for lunch on 5 December, 2015 (Sat.)?
Yes No [Free for registered participants]
Are you a vegetarian?Yes
(Please tick the appropriate box)
To be cont.
PaperTitlePanel Title
Medium of Communication: English Chinese
*Our official medium of communication is English. Special sessions would be arranged for presentations to be given in Mandarin.
Abstract (300 words maximum)
Closing date of submission of registration form and abstract:
2 November, 2015(Monday)
- Please submit this registration and abstract submission form by email at,or by post toDepartment of Sociology, Hong Kong Shue Yan University,10 Wai Tsui Crescent, Braemar Hill Road, North Point, Hong Kong.
- For full paper, please send it to us by email orby post.
- We will inform you whether your paper is acceptedno later than16 November, 2015 (Monday).
For enquiries, please contact Dr. LI Kit Man or Mr. Eric TSE:
Tel:(852) 2806 5125
Fax:(852) 2806 8044
Email: or
Conference webpage: