Institutional Eligibility Form
School: / ACUI Region:
This form must be:
  1. Signed by each player, confirming their permission for the school Registrar to release the specified information.
  2. Signed by the Campus Coordinator and sealed by the school Registrar or Records Department.
  3. Returned to CBC by February4 for the RCT or by April 7 for the NCT.

Step 2: Roster & Student Permissions
I, the undersigned students, do hereby grant permission for the information below to be released (sign in ink).
Position / Name(First, Middle, Last) as it appears on your Drivers License or Gov’t issued ID / Signature / Last 4 digits
of SSN / Date of Birth
*Indicate if the student is an Undergraduate (U) or Graduate (G)
Step 3: Campus Coordinator Verification & Release
I hereby certify that each team member has played in at least one Campus Tournament game during this College Bowl program year. I further certify that the below named institutional representative will accompany the team to the regional tournament;or, I certify that the above named students will be traveling “unsupervised” as representatives of my institution. On behalf of my institution, I agree to waive, discharge claims, and release College Bowl Company and the Association of College Unions International from any and all liability on account of, or in any way resulting from injuries and damages that may result from travel to or participation in the College Bowl tournament(s).
Signature of Campus Coordinator* (required): / Date:
Signature of Institutional Rep. traveling (optional): / Date of Birth: / Last 4 #’s of SSN / Date:
*This person must be a full-time faculty or staff member of the institution.
Step 4: Registrar’s Verification
I hereby certify that the students listed above meet the following requirements:
  1. All members of this College Bowl team are registered for the current term, and were registered during the term in which the Campus Tournament took place.
  2. Each team member is carrying 3 semester credit hours,OR is carrying a lower second-term course load which completes all degree requirements.
  3. No more than one student on the team is a graduate student.
  4. Any student who has received a Bachelor’s degree from ANY institution is defined as a graduate student for College Bowl eligibility.
  5. Any student taking graduate-level courses for graduate credit is considered a graduate student.

Signed: / Stamp this form with registrar’s seal below:

Make 2 copies of this form. Have all the participants and registrar complete both copies. Retain one copy and mailone fully completed originalto College Bowl Company, 5900 Canoga Ave., Suite 100, Woodland Hills, CA 91367.