Homework Thurs. 10/22/15
LS Algebra 1A- 1.6 & 1.7 Quiz tomorrow
LS Algebra 1B- 5.5 & 5.6 Quiz today
Geo: p. 109 #1-51 odd, 63
Alg1B HW: 5-5 Skills Practice Worksheet
Math App- Unit Conversion Packet
Geo A-None
Geo B-None
Keystone Algebra- Solving Inequalities packet
Atkins: pg 78-81 9-39 mo3, 45-57 mo3
Gingrich: Alg. 1-
Computation Practice. Subtraction – Borrowing!
Anchors due Fri. 10/23
Current Events #3 Due Fri. 10/23
Thursday - None
Friday - Storage Mechanism podcast and online quiz
Transfer Mechanism & Conservation of Energy podcast and online quiz
Monday - Tracking Energy Changes podcasts and online quiz
Temperature Scales podcast and #1 thru #4 on Temperature & Specific Heat worksheet
Crime Scene Investigation
Thursday - complete Firearms Identification research (does not get handed in)
Friday - none
Monday - none
Tuesday - Ballistics Case Study power point and presentation
Thursday - complete video analysis of 4 types of motion
Friday - none
Monday - Problems #1 - #4 on 1-D Motion worksheet.
Whiteboard graphical and mathematical models of motion.
CP BIO: Study page 2 of prefix, suffix, Rootword prep packet for Friday’s quiz.
BIO II: Quiz on Chapter 30- Wednesday, October 28th.
CP Bio: CP Bio: cbl project + presenting 10/22 through 11/6
Keystone Bio:
Environmental: Chapter 4 Test will be Friday, 10/23. Review Worksheets will be due at that time
Bio 2: All Fish Material is due ASAP. Amphibian material will be due Next Tuesday (will have all week to work and complete!)
CP ENG 10:
*There is an open-note 3MD quiz Tomorrow Friday 10/23
*The short stories unit vocabulary assignment (an on-going assignment throughout the unit) is due at the start of class on Monday, November 2.
Eng 11 CP:
APEng 11:
*For Wednesday's class, please read p. 266 and pp. 268-275 in the online textbook.
*scansion problems as assigned: 10/15/2015 10:00 AM - 10/21/2015
BCEng 11:
Reading: Spelling quiz tomorrow
English 9: INA Reading Check today; vocab quiz Tuesday
English 10: Vocab Quiz today
English 11/12: Final Paper due today!
*Topic selection sheet due at the end of the period today (Wed. 10/21). (We are actually a day behind now!)
*Independent Novel Projects Due: Wed. 10/28
Tech/BA Eng:
Eng 12 CP:
*Oral Report Due: 10/21-10/28
Mod History
*FCS Skills Diet Evaluation due on Friday 10/23 for Period 4 and Period 9 . Students were given three class periods to work on this project.
*FCS Skills (period 1 only) Diet Evaluation due today, Wednesday October 21. Note: 3 class period given to do this project.
*December 1st name and address of a company whose product you are unhappy with. (No food or restaurants...those complaints should be done immediately).
Vocab of “Song of Witches” & Day of the Dead is due for Monday Oct 26. Will be worth 10 points. Sentences plus drawings.
Needs to include:
1At least 6 words in a sentences.
2At least 2 of the words in the list should be in the sentence. 3 or 4 is even better.
3If you need more words, use the previous 2 lists. You will need words from these lists.
4DO NOT look up other words on Google. Use the ones we need to work on now.
5When you re-write a sentence with the same words, change it around— don’t just cut and paste it. Make yourself begin it differently. The nasty witchflies in the cemetery and looks for kids at night. In the cemeteryghostsgo out at night.
6Re-use and re-cycle the vocab, and draw a tiny drawing that looks like your sentence. You should be able to look at just your drawing and tell a neighbor what your sentence says in Spanish, if you pay attention and practice in class as you are asked.
*New vocabulary sheet— Please write a Spanish sentence for each vocabulary word, that includes at least one other word on the list— two others, if possible. Each sentence needs to be 6 words or more, and include a different linking word.
Don’t forget to draw a little cartoon of your sentence. Due on Monday Oct 26.
Spanish II: as yesterday; prepare for chapter 9 test next week.
Spanish III: prepare for chapter 4 test, next week
Spanish IV: prepare for a “pop quiz” on vocabulary early next week; chapter 6 test next week.