Homework at Seven Locks

Homework is one of the many learning opportunities in the school life of our students. Seven Locks Elementary staff realizes the importance of spending time with family, playing outside, andlearning through experiences. In addition to doing homework, we believe that children need time to participate in child-oriented activities that are fun, educational, and recreational.

The purpose of homework is to:

1. Provide practice in applying concepts and skills initially presented in the classroom.

2.Extend and strengthen learning concepts and skills related to instructional objectives.

3. Develop learning skills such as initiative, responsibility, self-direction, and organization.

September 09

Teachers Will:

  1. Clearly explain homework assignments and due dates.
  2. Usually assign homework Monday night through Thursday night.
  3. Not assign homeworkthat interferes with designated religious holiday observances.
  4. Review, or designate someone to review, the homework.
  5. Give feedback in writing or by talking with the students in a group or separately.
  6. Plan appropriate instructional follow-up.
  7. Include homework completion as part of the Learning Skills Section of the report card in grades 1 – 5, using the code (I, L, F, R, NI) explained on the back of the report card.
  8. Not be responsible for providing homework for unexcused absences, such as extended vacations.

What Parents Can Do:

Students should assume the major responsibility for completing homework assignments. Parents are encouraged to:

  1. Provide a quiet, well-supplied work area free from distractions.
  2. Encourage students to complete homework on their own as much as possible.
  3. Provide a designated time for homework.
  4. Help students with mastery of specific skills, such as math facts and word wall words.
  5. Support your child’s nightly 20-minute reading assignment (Students may be read to).
  6. Review homework assignment sheets/books.
  7. Help students plan and organize for long-term assignments and tests.
  8. Inform the teacher if homework becomes distressing or overly time-consuming.
  9. Remind students to ask teachers for homework after an excused absence.

As Students, YouWill:

  1. Know what yourassignments are, and ask for further explanation if you need it.
  2. Organize your time to work on assignments.
  3. Complete the homework cycle:
  • Listen to the explanation.
  • Bring the assignment home and any materials you need.
  • Complete the assignment.
  • Return it to school.
  • Hand it in.
  • Read/listen to the teacher’s feedback.
  • Ask for missed work when you have been sick.
  • Tell your teacher when you have trouble completing your homework.