Homework Grid, Spring Term

Homework Grid, Spring Term

Class Three

Homework Grid, Spring Term

Let’s Rock

I like reading and writing and being creative with words. / Write a diary as though you are on a Himalayan expedition (Similar to Ashley in King of the Cloud Forests) / Write a newspaper report about an Earthquake hitting ‘The Colne Valley’ / Create your own story about living in the stone age times.
I enjoy maths, calculating and using measures and graphs. / Create a graph of the different earthquakes and their scale on the Richter scale (You will have to do some research on different earthquakes as well) / Find out the heights of the top 10 tallest mountains in the world. Can you round these figures to nearest 10, 100, 1000? Can you convert to different measurements? / Measure the heights of people in your family. Create some worded problems based on these.
I like being a scientist and researching and finding out. / Create a fact file about different types of rock / Can you complete an experiment to test differing things around the home that sink or float? / The bigger the rock, the heavier it is.
Is this statement true or false? Could you investigate?
I like to find out and use different facts. / Find out about Ernest Shackleton – present the facts in your own words. / Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary rocks – what can you tell me about these rocks? / Create a timeline of prehistoric events – what can you find out and tell me
I like to be creative with art, craft and drawing. / Create a cave painting of yourself / Use rocks to create a piece of art. Write and explain what you have done. / Find a rock and paint it into a piece of art
I like to make things. / Can you make a volcano? / Create a model of a Glacier. / Create a stone age artefact and tell me about it.
I like to use ICT for research and presentation. / Use VLE at home to create a blog about your weekend. (Screenshot and print into your book) / Create a PowerPoint about current natural events (Earthquakes, Volcanic eruptions etc) / Make a film about travelling up Mount Everest
I like to share what makes me me. / Create a photo collage of you in 2018 so far / Create a self-portrait in Andy Warhol style / Create a Haiku about you.

Each week you must choose one homework to complete. You will also have an additional sheet to complete each week.
We will choose 1 person each week to be homework hero. Their work will be displayed in the hall.
Over the term you must complete at least one piece of homework from each row.