Homework Choice Board Español 2 ~ Unidad 5

Directions: You must choose at least 1 task from each row. For any additional tasks you complete you will earn extra points TBD. All tasks must be completed in Español and are due before the end of the 1st marking period.

Make a Wordle for 15 different vocabulary words from this unit.
/ Make a Crucigrama for your classmates to complete using at least 15 vocabulary words from this unit. / Create a Buscapalabras using at least 15 vocabulary words from this unit and share with a classmate
Create a TV news segment in which you tell people about what they need to do to PLAN A PARTY. / Make a detailed chart that explains where and how to PLAN A PARTY. / Write an email/text/tweet to a friend in which you tell him/her about A PARTY YOU ARE PLANNING.
Write a poem/Facebook status/Instgram message for a friend in which you suggest things that your friend could do to HELP WITH CHORES. / Write a song or rap in which you provide advice to others about DOING CHORES. / Make a Voki in which you provide advice about how to HELP WITH HOUSEHOLD CHORES.
Make a storyboard or cartoon about SETTING UP FOR A PARTY AT HOME. / Put on a puppet show about
SETTING UP FOR A PARTY AT HOME. / Draw a chart of a typical day’s activities FOR SETTING UP FOR A PARTY AT HOME. Label each time period and what you do at that time. Include a picture that shows what you are doing.
Get four friends together and chart the activities you all have done to PREPARE FOR A PARTY AT HOME. / Research common problems HAVING A PARTY AT HOME. Create a PowerPoint presentation to share what you found with the class. / Write to your ePal and find out what common activities he/she does to PREPARE FOR A PARTY. Share the email response with the class.