Homework 3 – Centrality
The objective of this homework will be to calculate centrality scores and visualize them and to calculate centrality scores that you will export a .csv file that you could use in a statistical package such as SPSS. For this assignment you will use the Social and Professional network data sets we created in class. For your convenience I will go over the steps to recreate these.
- Open the spreadsheet ‘Class 2012 Whole Network’
- Click on the Sheet labeled Edgelist
- Highlight A1—D226 (four columns including the heading) and click Copy
- Open Ucinet
- Click Data->Data Editors->DL Editor
- Click on the Data tab
- Click the upper left cell then select Edit->Paste
- On the right under Data Format select Edgearray1 (we will be loading both relational data sets into one data set – Thanks Ryan)
- Click File->Save UCINET Dataset and call it Class 2012 Whole Network
- Open Netdraw (last icon at top)
- Click the open folder (third icon from left) and select Class 2012 Whole Network. On the Rels tab on the right it should have Professional checked, and Social available to be checked
- Click Analysis->Centrality Measures then click OK (It should say Centrality measures calculated and added to node attribute database)
- Click Properties->Nodes->Symbols->Size->Attribute-based
- Under Select attribute select Betweenness then click OK
- Click file->Save Diagram As and select .jpg and save as Professional sized by Betweenness
- Under the Rels tab uncheck Professional and check Social
- Click the lightning bolt to redraw (10th icon from left)
- Repeat steps 12-15 and save as Social sized by Betweenness
- Close Netdraw and return to UCINET
- Click Data->Unpack and select Class 2012 Whole Network. Under Which Relations to Unpack select All. (This procedure will create two network data sets, one professional and one Social).
- Select Transform->Symmetrize and select Professional. The Symmetrizing method will be Maximum. Name the Output dataset Professional-Sym_Max (This will create a new dataset symmetrized on the maximum)
- Select Transform->Dichotomize
- Select Professional-Sym_Max as the input dataset. The dichotomization rule should say Greater than 0. The dataset will be named Professional-Sym_Max_GT_0. Click OK
- Select Network->Centrality and Power->Freeman Betweenness->Node Betweenness and select Professional-Sym_Max_GT_0 as the input dataset. The output dataset will be Professional-Sym_Max_GT_0-bet
- Select the spreadsheet editor with the second icon.
- Click the open folder and select Professional-Sym_Max_GT_0-bet
- Highlight and copy the cells
- Go back to the original spreadsheet Class 2012 Whole Network and click on the Attributes tab
- Paste these cells beginning in Column F
- Hit Shift->Print Screen
- Open Word and Paste the image and send this to me