Home –Start

Home-Start position on recording and sharing information

The best interests of the child will always be Home-Start’s primary concern when considering sharing information with other agencies, sometimes this may override the need for the family’s consent to share information.

All information about parents and families is treated as confidential, to be discussed only as necessary with the organiser/co-ordinator in support of the volunteer and to assist the family.

Any disclosure of the confidential information to any other person may only be undertaken with the expressed permission of the parents for the purpose of assisting the family, except where it is considered necessary for the protection of a child when information shall be shared with the appropriate authority.

Home-Start Standards and Methods of Practice 8

Support for families

Home-Start supports the principles of openness and honesty with families. The confidentiality statement in the Standards and Methods of Practice for schemes will be included on information given to families at the outset of visiting. In line with Home-Start’s policy on confidentiality, staff will normally seek to discuss any concerns with the family[1] and where possible and appropriate, seek their agreement to make referrals to Children’s Social Care and/or other agencies as part of an assessment and/or to secure further support services.

Home-Start abides by the golden rules underpinning information sharing as defined in the Information sharing: Guidance for practitioners and managers available at:

and will:

  • explain to children and families at the outset how information will be shared and seek their agreement – the only exception being where there is a risk of significant harm to a child or serious harm to an adult
  • consider the safety and welfare of the child (the overriding consideration) when making decisions about sharing information
  • where possible respect the wishes of children and families
  • seek advice if in doubt
  • ensure that the information shared is necessary for the purpose for which it is being shared,, is shared only with those who need to see it, is accurate and up to date and is shared securely
  • record the reasons for decisions to share or not share information.

Government has produced a suite of materials including guidance for practitioners and managers; a pocket guide; credit card sized quick reference guide; posters; case examples; further guidance on legal issues; endorsements and statements. Lord Laming's recent report recognised these useful materials and urged all organisations to be familiar with them and practice effective information sharing in order to better safeguard and promote children's welfare. Home-Start is included in the 2nd case study.You can view the materials here.

Involving children in decisions to share information

In families supported by Home-Start most children will be young children, but where they are mature enough (normally considered to be 12 or over), they should be involved in making decisions to share information about them.

Click here for further information on involving children in decisions to share information.

Recording information in Home-Start

Home-Start’s practice will be to record only information which is relevant to the support for the family. The records kept by the scheme will have a clear purpose which is to enable appropriate support to be provided for families and monitor progress, as defined by the Standards and Methods of Practice and the Home-Start Quality Assurance system.

Records will be maintained in a Family File in accordance with Home-Start record keeping recommendations. Individuals will have right of access to information Home-Start holds about them and be aware who else may have access to the information.

Child safety and welfare concerns will be recorded by the designated organiser/co-ordinator (the organiser/co-ordinator responsible for supervising the support for the family) on the Home-Start Record of Concern Form(This link will allow you to click the relevant version for your nation):

in detail



without any personal interpretation beingimposed on events.

Records will include:

odates, times, locations and the individuals present

owhat a volunteer or worker sees and hears personally in relation to any specific incident which causes concern

oconversations with children, parents and professionals about possible abuse

oother relevant information such as direct observation of family interaction and functions which can be substantiated and justified in relation to the incident.

oaction to be taken by Home-Start.

The record of concern form(s) will be signed and dated by the designated organiser/co-ordinator and shared with the scheme’s Strategic Lead (the member of staff within the scheme with overall responsibility for safeguarding practice) and kept in chronological order in a sub-section of the family file.

See also Home-Start’s paper on Retention of Records

Training and induction

The training and induction for all trustees, staff and volunteers will include information on their responsibilities with regard to record keeping and to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. This will include signed and dated confirmation of their understanding and acceptance of the Home-Start safeguarding policy, code of conduct and procedures and Home-Start’s policy and guidance on Data Protection, Confidentiality and Information Sharing.

Liaising with other agencies

Home-Start is committed to maintaining effective communication with other key agencies and will share information according to these principles in order to contribute to the best support available for children and their families.


Referrers will be informed when Home-Start support starts and the nature of that support, home visiting, group support or a combination of both. They will also be informed when Home-Start support ends. With the family’s consent they may be informed of any changes in the nature of support as the relationship with Home-Start progresses.

Health Visitors and Children’s Centres

With the family’s permission their Health Visitor and Children’s Centre may be informed that Home-Start is supporting the family; as this aids effective communication between agencies and helps to ensure a more co-ordinated approach to the delivery of services.

Multi-agency meetings

Home-Start staff will only attend multi-agency meetings with the family’s knowledge and consent, unless there are concerns for the safety or welfare of a child. They will discuss with the family what information will be shared. It is usual for families to attend these meetings too.

Commissioners of services

Evidence of positive outcomes for children and their parents is essential to underpin Home-Start funding applications and for accountability purposes. Schemes will retain statistical records of their support for families and children to meet requirements.

Currently there is a greater emphasis on joined up or integrated working and information sharing is seen as an essential part of this collaborative approach. Through working together, positive outcomes may be recognised and acknowledged. In addition, given that Home-Start often supports families who have little contact with other agencies we are committed to the further development of monitoring and evaluation systems to indicate the difference Home-Start support makes for parents and their children.

Information sharing databases for children

The setting up of an information sharing database for all children has been recommended by Government as a means to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. There will be separate arrangements and timescales for developing and introducing these databases in all four nations of the UK.

Home-Start’s procedures and practice with regard to Information Sharing need to be seen in context and therefore link with:

  • Home-Start Quality Assurance standards and guidance for schemes on the Home-Start Intranet
  • a commitment to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and to work within Home-Start, statutory and local procedures
  • safe recruitment processes for all trustees, staff and volunteers
  • identified personnel to hold the Strategic Lead and designated safeguarding responsibilities within Home-Start
  • insurance and risk management requirements.

Through sharing information in an open and responsible way Home-Start will contribute to ensuring children supported have the best start in life.

[1]Home-Start will not raise concerns with the family about abuse if this could place the child or adults at risk. This might be a particular issue when there are concerns of sexual abuse or domestic abuse.

Date procedure adopted: ______

Signature of Chair:______

Date procedure to be reviewed ______