Job description
Home-Start Lambeth Scheme Manager
Job title: Scheme Manager
Location: Home-Start Lambeth, Unit 2, Holles House, Overton Road, London SW9 7AP
Hours of work: 28 hours/week
Salary: £32,000 - £35,000 pro rata
Responsible to: The designated line manager drawn from the Home-Start Lambeth Board of Trustees
Responsible for: All coordinators and other paid employees
Purposes of the job
- To ensure the effective day to day management of the scheme in accordance with the Home-Start governing documents, the Home-Start Agreement and Quality Assurance Standards
- To maintain high standards of practice in supporting families within the ethos of Home-Start
- To ensure ongoing good partnership relationships with the scheme’s key funders
- To develop new funding relationships
- To ensure inclusion and diversity in all aspects of the scheme’s work
- To provide leadership and management to the staff team
Main responsibilities
Managing the scheme
- Taking ultimate responsibility for the day to day management and work of the scheme
- Reporting to and supporting the Board of Trustees to ensure the strategic management, development and future funding of the scheme
- Ensuring all relevant policies and procedures are implemented and reviewed
- Ensuring the requirements of the Home-Start Quality Assurance system are implemented and monitored and preparing assessments and reviews of the scheme’s progress
- Ensuring effective administration and financial systems are in place
- Ensuring regular monitoring and evaluation takes place
- Drawing up or contributing to funding applications alongside the Board of Trustees
- Consolidating and reporting appropriate information to funders and Home-Start UK as required
- Supporting the Board of Trustees in the recruitment, selection, induction, management and deployment of other paid employees
- Supervising the work of other employees
Support for families
- Maintaining an overview of the work with families
- Receiving referrals, assessing need and arranging and monitoring support
- Managing group activities for families as required
- To undertake the strategic lead and designated responsibilities to safeguard and promote children’s welfare
Managing volunteers
- Overseeing the recruitment, selection and preparation of volunteers
- Contributing to the volunteers preparation training course
- Providing support, supervision and on-going training opportunities for volunteers
Working in partnership
- Ensuring compliance with all requirements of our contract with LB Lambeth and agreements with other key funders
- Building relationships with new funders
- Liaising with Home-Start UK
- Liaising with referrers
- Networking appropriately within the community
Managing the wider context
- Promoting the scheme its profile, ethos and practice.
- Contributing to the development of Home-Start locally, regionally and nationally
The post holder may be required to undertake any other duties that fall within the nature of the role and responsibilities of the post as detailed above or as may be reasonably requested by the Trustees.
September 2013