All-Inclusive Home Staging Service Agreement

This home staging service agreement is between ______Name of Client___ the owners of ______address of home_____ heretofore referred to as the “Customer” AND ______Your Staging Company______of ____your address____ heretofore referred as the “Service Provider”


  1. Customer is engaging Service Provider to provide staging services to the Customer, on the terms and conditions as set forth in this Agreement.
  2. Services agreed upon include: ______


IN CONSIDERATION OF the matters described above and of the mutual benefits and obligations set forth in the Agreement, the receipt of and sufficiency of which consideration is herby acknowledged, the parties to this Agreement agree as follows:


  1. The Customer herby agrees to engage the Service Provider to provide the Customer with services consisting of staging and preparing the property for sale.
  2. Staging, although proven to be effective, is a trained professional opinion and services provided do not in any way warrant the sale of the home.
  3. The Customer acknowledges before and after photographs will be taken during the Staging process and gives permission to the Service Provider use of these photographs in advertising and marketing materials.
  4. It is understood that there are some risks involved in moving furniture and accessories as part of Staging/redesigning services as contracted with the Service Provider. Albeit rare to experience any damage or injury, it is agreed by the Customer and Service Provider to hold harmless each other. There will be no future claim against the Service Provider or any partners, associates or helpers for any injury to persons within the Customer’s property or damage or destruction of possessions or property belonging to the Customer.
  5. It is warranted that the signers of this contract have all authority to authorize the movement of all furniture and accessories within the property.
  6. Any work performed by third party companies recommended by the Service Provider is not in any way the responsibility of the Service Provider.
  7. All pets should be removed from the property during services being rendered and are not the responsibility of the Service Provider to prevent escape.
  8. Services will be re-scheduled if pre-staging recommendations in the Home Preparation Plan are not carried out thus preventing staging of the property effectively and the Customer will be charged a rescheduling fee of $150.

Term of Agreement

  1. The term of this Agreement will begin on the date of this Agreement and will remain in full force and effect until completion of the Services.


  1. For the services provided by the Service Provider under this Agreement, the Customer will pay to the Service Provider compensation in the following manner. A Service deposit of ___% will be collected at the signing of this agreement to hold the days of staging service. Further billing will not be composed until completion of services provided at which time Compensation is payable. The agreed upon amount included in the proposal for all-inclusive staging services and photography is $______. Accessory or furniture rental fees, if incurred will be listed separately in the Accessory Rental attachment of this agreement if applicable.


  1. The Service Provider acknowledges that a material term of the Agreement with the Customer is to keep all confidential information belonging to the Customer absolutely confidential and to protect its release to the public unless oral permission is granted otherwise by the Customer.

Capacity/Independent Contractor

  1. It is expressly agreed that the Service Provider is acting as an independent contractor and not as an employee in providing services hereunder. The Service Provider and the Customer acknowledge that this Agreement does not create or imply partnership of joint venture.

Accessory Rental

  1. Inventory remaining on the property listed on an attachment and its replacement costs are the direct responsibility of the Customer. All items are to be returned in the same condition, as when placed, otherwise replacement costs will be added to the invoice.
  2. Inventory items are for display purposes only and not to be used, including all bedding, table linens, towels, etc..
  3. Any rental agreement for inventory left on the premises will commence on the staging completion date.
  4. Cancellation of the rental agreement will require ten (10)calendar days written (email) notice to remove staging items. Failure to give adequate notice will result in additional rental charges. The Service Provider recommends the property remain staged until closing is completed; this prevents problems if the offer falls through.
  5. If inventory remains on the property, entry to the premises must be made available to the Service Provider by way of providing a key and combination to lock box.

Governing Law

  1. Is it the intention of the parties to this Agreement that all suits and special proceedings be construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of ___STATE___.

Date stamp on the email used to forward this document signifies acceptance of this agreement by both parties.




Customer Date Service Provider Date