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"Any teacher who can be replaced by a machine deserves to be."

College of Education and Human Services

Educational Studies Department

Graduate Studies and Special Programs


EDST 3700/EDST 6307Integrating Technology and Curriculum

Rm 442 –Jubilee Hall

(973) 275-2120

Text:Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching by Roblyer, 4th Edition, packaged with a DVD).

Text Web Site:

Storage:Flash drive 1G or larger

Course Objectives

Course Objectives and Standards:

After completing this course the student will be able to:

  1. Define instructional terms and describe models associated with behaviorist, information processing, and other cognitive learning theories;

AECT/ECIT Standards addressed: 1.1.c, 1.2.a, 1.2.b, 1.3.a, 1.3.c, 2.0.4,

  1. Discuss standards, policies, professional, ethical, legal, and equity issues in the implementation of technology;

AECT/ECIT Standards addressed: 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.3, 3.4.4, 3.4.5

  1. Plan and implement lessons and activities that integrate technology resources and a variety oflearning strategies using New Jersey core curriculum;

AECT/ECIT Standards addressed: 1.1.a, 1.1.1.b, 1.1.1.d, 1.1.2.b, 1.1.2.d, 1.1.4.a, 1.3.a, 1.3.c, 1.3.d

  1. Describe the most popular uses for educational technology, and develop and create instructional activities that integrate technology into a particular teaching/work specialty for all learners;

AECT/ECIT Standards addressed: 1.1.1.a, 1.2.b, 1.4.a, 1.4.b, 1.4.c, 1.4.d, 1.4.e

  1. Design appropriate learning experiences that include a variety of audiovisual and computer-based materials, such as slide presentations, multimedia, the Internet, interactive software, software tools, Web pages, teleconferencing, distance education, CD-ROM's, and virtual courses;

AECT/ECIT Standards addressed: 1.1.a, 1.1.b, 1.1.1.a, 1.1.1.b, 1.1.1.d, 1.1.2a, 1.1.2.b, 1.1.3.a, 1.1.3.b, 1.1.5.a, 1.1.5.c, 1.2.a, 1.2.c, 1.3.a, 1.3.d,

  1. Demonstrate the essential hardware and software production and utilization skills needed to apply technology in teaching/learning environments;

AECT/ECIT Standards addressed: 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.0.4, 2.0.5, 2.0.7, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.4, 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.4.1, 2.4.3, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.7, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 4.4.1

  1. Critique and evaluate learning experiences (lesson plans and units) that integrate technology resources and a variety oflearning strategies.

AECT/ECIT Standards addressed: 1.1.5.a, 1.1.5.c, 2.0.5, 5.1.1, 5.2.1, 5.3.1

  1. Design, create, and deliver a curricular lesson Plan that includes a variety of technology-based learning tools and materials;

AECT/ECIT Standards addressed: 1.1.a, 1.1.b, 1.1.1.a, 1.1.1.b, 1.1.1.d, 1.1.2a, 1.1.2.b, 1.1.3.a, 1.1.3.b, 1.1.5.a, 1.1.5.c, 1.2.a, 1.2.c, 1.3.a, 1.3.d, 2.0.1, 2.0.2, 2.0.3, 2.0.4, 2.0.5, 2.0.7, 2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.1.4, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.4, 2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.4.1, 2.4.3, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.4.6, 2.4.7, 2.4.8, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.2.1, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 3.3.3, 4.4.1

  1. Discuss and describe a variety of assistive devices and software for using technology with persons with disabilities;

AECT/ECIT Standards addressed: 1.1.4.a, 1.4.a, 1.4.b, 1.4.c, 3.1.2, 3.3.1, 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 4.4.1

  1. Knowledgeably discuss present directions and future visions for technology in education.

AECT/ECIT Standards addressed: 3.2.1, 4.0.1, 5.4.1

  1. Integrate information literacy skills into classroom and media center instruction.

AECT/ECIT Standards addressed: 1.1.2.c

Course Schedule

Module 1
Introduction, Review syllabus, Journal, Assignments &Instructor Web page for course materials
Background on Computer-Based Technology
Developing a Sound Rationale for Using Educational Technology

Distinguishing between a Unit Plan and a Lesson Plan

Developing a lesson plan that integrates technology
Course Management Systems and the Web for learning
Using the Internet for Classroom Web Sites,online course materials, and your textbook website
Developing lesson plans

  • (R = Roblyer) Read R - Chapter 1 and pages 261 to 264and CD-ROM User Manual.
  • Complete journal entry. Reflect on the Chapter and at least 2 points (page 12) that Roblyer states we have learned from the past
  • Review textbook website
  • You will be creating a lesson plan that includes a PowerPoint slide presentation as a method of instruction. The PP slides will be presented by the teacher to introduce, explain, expand, or assess a topic. Select a topic for your lesson plan project. The project should be relevant to your field of study. Look at the New Jersey Core Curriculum Standards in your field or the professional development standards for your profession if you don’t know what is included in the curriculum for a particular learner level. Use a topic with which you have some familiarity and one that you will be able to use with your students or colleagues in the near future. Be prepared to discuss theidea for your lesson plan at our next meeting.
  • Print & read Teacherweb FAQ’s. Bring copy of FAQ’s to class with you every meeting.

Module 2

Current Issues in Technology Discussion

Chapter 1 – Review

Discuss lesson plan topic and elements

Discuss CD-ROM Database of Strategies and Lesson Ideas, 4th Ed.

Importance of TeacherWeb Page


Teacherweb Lab

Web Page Development using

Set up your Web page with the look that you want it to have. Select colors, graphics, and bars of your choice. Your assignments for this course will be typed in Word and linked to this page. Setup the index page to reflect the projects you are creating in this course. Select the type of page for each project – template, text formatted or photo/doc page.

  • Read R – Chap. 2.
  • Complete journal entry. Reflect on the chapter and discuss your learning/teaching style with regard to the theories discussed in Chapter 2. Do you embrace one model or accept some parts of a variety of theories? Which do you accept and which do you reject? What are your reasons? Type your response in your journal. Be prepared to discuss your answers at next meeting.
  • Using the lesson plan template provided on my web site – complete the initial data section and your audience description for our next meeting for review (print out).

Module 3

Current Issues in Technology Discussion

Learning Theories and Technology Integration
Essential Conditions for Technology Implementation

Standards- Technology Standards, Core Curriculum Standards, Information Literacy Standards

Goals and Objectives for Lesson Plan

Links on the Teacherweb site

Exchange Audience Descriptions and Critique
Locate the URL’s for national, state, industry, local, or in-house standards in your field (science, math, ETC.) and the NJ technology standards. Type these into your Teacher Web site with a description. This will be the start of your annotated Webliography.

Complete constructing your Teacherweb site.


  • Read R – Chap. 15.
  • Complete journal entry. Discuss chapter and any experiences you have had with persons with disabilities, mainstreaming, assistive technologies or technology use with special populations in your journal. If you have no personal experiences discuss one mentioned in chapter 15.
  • Add goals, objectives, and NJCC and technology standards or other professional standards to your lessonplan. Bring hard copy to class for review.

Module 4
Current Issues in Technology Discussion

Discuss last sections of lesson plans

Technology and Special Education (Video)
Mainstreaming and Inclusion
Assistive Technologies
Assistive Software
Recommended Resources and Applications

Peer review of goals, objectives, and standards in Lesson Plans.
Windows features for the disabled, assistive devicesand websites for Special Education. Practice with Assistive devices.

Practice with WORD publishing tools.

  • Using the Internet, review sources for assistive devices and software that help persons with disabilities use computer technology. Use the course Resource Page on AT URLs and search for others using a search engine.
  • Select an assistive device or software package that could be used with students with learning or physical disabilities. Each student should select a different AT.
  • Print the rubric for the AT Brochure and refer to it.
  • Construct a bifold booklet that describes your selection and evaluates it’s usefulness for persons with disabilities. Use WORD to create the booklet.
  • Do not copy text directly from a website. Paraphrase the content.
  • Use pictures or graphics in your booklet.
  • Be ethical - cite the pictures and text used.
  • At a later date, you will have 5 minutes to present your AT selection to the class , distributing your booklet to the class orusing a Website with a picture when you present your assistive technology research to the class, so that everyone can clearly see what you are describing.


  • Read R – Chap. 3.
  • Complete journal entry. Discuss chapter and why or why not ILSs will replace teachers in the future.
  • Create first draft of AT booklet – Bring 2 B&W copies to class next meeting.
  • Complete first draft of lesson plan

Module 5

Current Issues in Technology Discussion

The One-Computer Classroom

Software Functions

Software Integration Strategies

Evaluating Software


  • Critique first draft of Lesson Plan
  • Evaluate 2 AT brochures using rubric.
  • Analysis of an interactive software package to determine how it integrates new pedagogies.
  • Evaluate software package.Use evaluation form provided on my Website. Add to your Teacher website.


  • Read R – Chapter 4.
  • Correct AT brochures and add to your Teacher Website. Prepare 3 minute presentation.
  • Complete software Evaluation form and add to your Teacher website.
  • Complete journal entries.Discuss chapter and explainhow you could use one of the software tools other than WORDin your instructional area.
  • Make corrections and complete second draft of lesson plan (print copy for class).

Module 6

Current Issues in Technology Discussion

Introduction to 3 Basic Software Tools

Word Processing




Evaluate 2nd draft of lesson plan (entire plan)

Discussion of utilization of Basic Software Tools

Present a 3 - 5 minute presentation on your assistive technology using pictures or by projecting from the Website.

Introduction to concept mapping tools. Create an outline for a concept map of your Lesson Plan showing the relationship of Goals to Learning Objectives to Standards to Products to Assessment


  • Read R – Chapter 5.
  • Complete journal entry. Discuss the chapter and using the disk that came with your Rbook, review some lesson plans that use concept mapping and discuss how you can use concept mapping in your instructional area.
  • Complete Concept Map outline.
  • Complete lesson plan and add to your Teacher Website.

Module 7

Current Issues in Technology Discussion

Materials Generators

Data Collection and Analysis Tools
Graphics Tools
Planning and Organization Tools
Research and Reference Tools
Content Area Tools

Concept Mapping

Planning, designing and developing a graphic organizer using Inspiration. Produce an Inspiration web using the outline you created for your lesson plan. Be sure to put a title on your Inspiration project.


  • Complete your Concept Map and bring a hard copy for review to next class.
  • Read R – Chapter 6
  • Complete journal entry. Discuss the chapter and explain how a PowerPoint slide presentation can be both multimedia and hypermedia?
  • Complete all projects assigned up to this point (Midsemester review next week)

Module 8

Current Issues in Technology Discussion

Multimedia Presentations

Planning, Designing and Developing a PowerPoint Presentation
Techniques for Producing Slide Presentations

Tips for Good Presentations


Review concept maps
PowerPoint Project Lab. Introduction to the design and development of effective PP slide presentations (backgrounds, transitions, animation, sound, hyperlinks, video and graphics).

Plan and begin to produce your PowerPoint slides. You must have at least 12 slides in your presentation.


Practice with PowerPoint, either at home, at work, or at an SHU lab.

Complete script and locate graphics and video for slides.

Module 9

Current Issues in Technology Discussion

PowerPoint as an Interactive Medium


PowerPoint Slide Development

Equipment/presentation practice


  • Complete PP presentations for next meeting.
  • Read R – Chapter 7.
  • Complete journal entry. Discuss chapter and describe “What current pitfalls in Internet use have the most detrimental effects on teaching and learning?”

Module 10

Current Issues in Technology Discussion
Learning at a Distance
Course Delivery Technology
Technology to Facilitate Communications
Using the Internet to Locate and Use Educational Resources

Evaluating Internet Information

Introduction to the WebQuest


Introduction to Internet-Based Projects
Browsing and Searching the Internet
Learning Resources on the Web
Webliography – Develop an annotated Internet library of at least 10 on-line resources that you can use in your Lesson Plan. You may include web sites, games, primary resources, listservs, newsgroups, bulletin boards, and any other on-line facilities that will enhance your teaching and learning environment. An annotated bibliography is a collection of URL’s and a 2-sentence summary of their content. An annotation consists of 2 complete sentences that describe and evaluate the site so that the reader will know whether they want to use your site. This assignment will be placed on your online website under the heading LINKS.


  • Read Chapter 8.
  • Complete the 10 annotated Webliography sites.
  • Complete journal entry. Discuss the chapter and think about a WebQuest that you could use in your instructional area. Describe the simulation device that you will be using.

Module 11
Current Issues in Technology Discussion

Developing activities and Lesson Plans that use the Internet
Teaching and Learning Activities that Link Learners

Filters, safety, and plagiarism

Developing WebQuests that include Simulations, Collaboration, and Critical Thinking


Interactive, collaborative, critical thinking projects using the Web

How to construct a WebQuest

WebQuests using


Journal entry: Review and evaluate the WebQuests on the Assignment sheet distributed in class.

Complete the Introduction, Task and Process for your WebQuest.

Module 12

Current Issues in Technology Discussion

Developing creative activities and lessons that use the Internet

Developing rubrics for technology-based assessments

The storyboard script


WebQuest – Complete the WebQuest and develop a rubric for grading using a Web-based rubric generator.


  • Read one of the following Chapters -- 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, or 14 -- based on the subject you are pursuing for your final project.
  • Complete journal entries. Review the Technology Integration Strategies for the subject you selected. Which strategy (ies) do you feel has (have) the most potential for the grade level you plan to teach.

Module 13

Lesson Plan Presentations

Current Issues in Technology Discussion

Presentations of completed Projects. Presentation is required.

Evaluate and review presentations.


Complete journal entries. Last journal entry should be a reflection on your change and growth since the beginning of the course.

Module 14

Lesson Plan Presentations

Current Issues in Technology Discussion

Presentations of completed Projects. Presentation is required.

Course Assignments

Journal Activities

  • Begin a Journal that you will keep for the course. Journal entries are due at the beginning of each class to use for discussion.
  • Use a word-processing tool (e.g. Word) and copy/paste into your Web page.
  • Make a minimum of one reflective entry each class and write at least two paragraphs per chapter that we read in the book.
  • Each week you will have a specific assignment to put in your Journal. Read the syllabus every week for the specific question to be answered.
  • Record ways that you see technology being used in your profession and any uses outside your field that you think could be adapted to enhance education or training in your field.
  • When readings are assigned, make entries that relate to your utilization of technology. Reflect on the relationship of the readings to your personal experiences with teaching and learning or other readings -- make connections. Develop questions that the reading poses for you and respond to any of these that interest you. Do not write a summary of the reading.
  • When you read something that relates to our class or enhances the material we are learning, please add it to your Journal.
  • In your Journal you may reflect on our class activities, discussions, and your use of technology. Any meaningful relationships or reflections are welcome.
  • Do not express an opinion without telling me WHY! I liked it because …. It is valuable, useful, negative, positive, biased, or educational because ….
  • Use the following format for journal entries for readings:
    DATE (of entry)
    TITLE (of article) or Chapter in book
    Your analysis of the text, reflections, and your answer to my question.
  • Your last entry should be a reflection on your change and growth since the beginning of the course.

Assistive Technologies Project

  • Using the Internet, review sources for assistive devices and software that help persons with disabilities use computer technology. Use the course Resource Page on AT URLs and search Google for others.
  • Select an assistive device or software package that could be used with students.
  • Construct a bifold booklet that describes your selection and evaluates its usefulness for persons who are disabled.
  • Do not copy text directly from a website. Paraphrase the content.
  • Use pictures or graphics in your booklet.
  • You will have 3-5 minutes to present your research to the class.

Requirement: Distribute your booklet to the class, and if available use a Website with a picture when you present your assistive technology research to the class, so that everyone can clearly see what you are describing.

Lesson Plan

You will create a lesson plan using the template attached to my Website. Copy the template into WORD and fill in the required information. Here is some background for completing the Audience Description section. Include these 3 headings.

Audience Description

General Characteristics

This is a description of the class as a whole. This includes such information as the number of students, grade or age level, gender, socioeconomic factors, exceptionalities, and cultural/ethnic/or other types of diversity.

Entry Competencies

This is a description of the types of knowledge expected of the learners. Ask questions such as: Do the learners have the knowledge base required to enter the lesson? Do the learners have the entry competencies and technical vocabulary for this lesson? Have the learners already mastered the skills you are planning to teach? Do the learners have biases or misconceptions about the subject?

Learning Styles:

This is a description of the learning stylistic preferences of the individual members of the class. First of all the instructor will want to find the learners perceptual preferences and strengths. The main choices are auditory, visual, and tactile/kinesthetic. Slower learners tend to prefer kinesthetic experiences. The instructor will then determine the information processing habits of the learners. This category includes a broad range of variables related to how individuals tend to approach the cognitive processing of information. Finally the instructor will determine the motivational and physiological factors of the learners. When it comes to motivational factors the instructor needs to consider things such as anxiety, degree of structure, achievement motivation, social motivation, cautiousness, and competitiveness. The most prominent influences in physiological factors are sexual differences, health, and environmental conditions.