Home of the Brave*by Katherine Applegate

Summer Reading for Incoming 8th Grade

Social Studies, Mrs. Peterson

  1. RESEARCH: As a class, you have studied genocide when learning about the Holocaust. The background for Home of the Brave is the civil war that devastated the Sudan on and off from the 1950’s-1990’s and the ethnic war in the Darfur region of Sudan that has raged from 2003. To understand the plight of Kek and the millions of Sudanese people affected by the war, you are asked to get a general overview of the war in Sudan and the Darfur region in particular. The following websites will help you research the information. Be prepared, at the conclusion of your research, to identify Sudan on a world map and give a brief summary of the troubles in Sudan, and particularly the Darfur region.
  • (Click Countries on top menu, then click Sudan)
  • (Click Whose At Risk in top menu, then click Sudan)
  1. After reading the book, please type the answers to the following questions; be sure to answer in complete sentences:
  1. “This America is hard work.” (p. 5) This is one of Kek’s first realizations. What does Kek mean by that statement?
  2. On p. 148, what does Kek say is the most amazing thing about America? In your own words, explain what he is saying.
  3. On p. 62, Kek puts on a t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans and he wonders if he “looks like an America boy?” What does he mean? Is there such a thing as an ”America boy?”
  4. P. 87 – “Because they won’t let you.” Who is the “they” that Ganwar refers to? What is the nature of his cynicism (look up the word)? Do you agree with him or not? Why?
  5. Why do you think Katherine Applegate titled the novel, Home of the Brave?
  1. Activities:
  1. Each part of Home of the Brave begins with an African proverb. Proverbs have special meanings to the cultures from which they come, but they are universal in nature. Research some proverbs, sayings or words of wisdom that come from your own culture (parents and grandparents are great resources for this). Write several of these sayings (and their meanings) on index cards; be prepared to share at least one with the class upon return to school.
  2. Presently, there is a civil war raging in Syria with thousands upon thousands of refugees fleeing the country. The issue of immigration is a topic that is being debated in our country today. What are we to do? Be prepared to discuss these questions upon return to school:
  1. Should we make it easier to for people to emigrate to America or should we enforce stricter quotas? (again, look up the word if you do not know the definition)
  2. Do immigrants add to the economy or take jobs away from American citizens?
  3. Should illegal immigrants be allowed to stay in America and seek to gain legal status or be sent back to their home countries?
  4. Should the United States accept Syrian refugees?

*Available at amazon.com and Barnes and Noble.