Home FellowshipManual for the week ofApril 1,2018

(Based on Sermon by Rev. David Edosa)


Scripture Text: Romans 8:11-18


God first loved us and because He loved us, He came to die for us. Why did He have to do this? Jesus died for us because of where we are coming from. There is the tree of life as well as the tree of the Knowledge of good and evil,but Adam chose the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Everyone is a tree, we come from an ancestral tree. As parents, we notice that sometimes our children do certain things just like us. As children, we always want to do the desires of our parents.

Point of discussion

Some things about the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

It is actually the tree of death, man was destined to die after Adam ate from the tree.

We lost our right as children of God and now became of the devil by eating of the tree. John 8:44

We need to know that …

Jesus needs us to be grafted back into where we were taken from. The devil cuts us off - Romans 11:23

With Jesus’ death, there is no more condemnation for us, death of Christmeans life for humanity

We do not support God, but God supports us, we do not own God, but he owns us - Romans 11:18

There is no sin that is so deep that God’s blood is not sufficient to clean

We can now come boldlyto the throne of God – Thanks for the resurrection of Christ

Things you need to note….

We pray that we are able to see and recognize God when we see Him - Mark 15:29

Whatever has been buried will come back to life again - Mark 16:1-3

No matter how large the stone, God is able to roll it away - Mark 16: 4

No matter what has happened in your life, God is about to bring the power ofHis resurrection - Philippians 3:10

Jesus is the way, the truth and the life; the tree of knowledge of good and evil brings death and the devil is the father of all lies- John 14:6

Living according to the flesh brings death - Romans 8:13

We fight the fight between the flesh and the spirit. The spirit of God gives life to our mortal bodies - Romans 8:11

We become children of God when we receive Him - Romans 8:14

Adam got the spirit of fear – bondage, but we have been adopted and no longer live in fear -Romans 8:15


When we have Jesus in our lives, the power of resurrection brings back all that the enemy has killed, dead things are brought back to life. The resurrection power in our lives raises every dead situation back to life. The spirit of God gives life to our mortal bodies. The more we allow Jesus to reign in our lives, the more we become aligned with God, we become adopted as children of God.