AMERSHAM & CHALFONT (01753 884163) Colours –Blue shirt with red sleeves, Red socks

Colts Manager + U14 Dev.+ U16 Fixs. – Emma Hewitt (H) 07971 682218 (M) 07718 980512


U14 Fixs – John Madden (E)

ASHFORD (01784 252288) Colours – Red & Black Shirts/Socks, Black Skirts

Colts Manager + U14D+ U16 Fixs.–Peter Cottrell (H) 01784-642647 (M) 07803-263488


AYLESBURY (01296 415187) Colours – Red Shirts Black Skirts

Colts Manager – Trevor Chandler, (H) 01844 346276 (M) 07973 886648 (E)

U16 Fixtures – John Brooks, (H) 01296 338672 (O) 07990 578772 (E)

U14 Fixs – Maryvonne (maz) (H) 01296 747512 (M) 07771 8808888 (E)

U14 Dev. Fixs. – Roy Cooling (H) 01296 334914 (0) 077342 57318 (E)

BRACKNELL –(01344 411425) Colours –White, Orange or Black/Red shirts

Colts Manager +U14 Dev. +U16 Fixs –John Sellwood, (H) 01344 829910 (E)

BROMLEY & BECKENHAM - Colours – White Shirts + Socks, Navy Shorts/Skirts

Colts Manager + U16 Fixs – Antoinette Whitfield (H) 020 8658 8710 (E)

CHEAM - (Tel. 020-8240-3500) Colours - Claret & Navy- Navy Skirts- Claret Socks

Colts Manager + U14D + U16 Fixs.- Denise Edwards (H)020 8393 5472 (E)

EASTCOTE - (Tel. 01895-634268) Colours – Red shirt & socks, blue skirt

Colts Manager & U14+U16 Fixs -Tim Moore (H) 01494 776053 (O) 01483 750508 (M) 07768 855650


EAST GRINSTEAD (Tel. 01342-321210) Colours - White, Maroon, White

Colts Manager - Linda Parkin (H) 01342-328302 (E)

U16.Fixs – Anne Davis (H) 01342 822075 (M) 077111 26066 (E)

U14D. Fixs – Georgie Worsley (H) 07968 864433 (E)

EPSOM (Tel.01372 722487) Colours - Maroon shirts + socks, navy skirts.

Colts Manager &U16 + U14 Dev. Fixs – Mark Sydenham (H) 01372 739936 (O) 020 8722 4104


GUILDFORD - Colours - White Shirts, Navy Skirts, Maroon & White Hoop Socks

Colts Manager & U16 +U14Dev, + U14 Fixs- Maggs Kyte, (H) 01483-505395 (M) 07929 103152


HORSHAM - (01403 254628) Colours - White Shirts Black skirts & socks.

Colts Manager.+ U16 & U14 Fixs. – Kate Smith (H) 01403 738976 (E)

Rob Hedgecock (E)

MAIDENHEAD - (Tel. 01628-622669) Colours - White shirts & socks’ Navy skirts

Colts Manager +U14 Fix – Ruth Young (H) 01628 633279 (M) 07845 145582 (E)

U18 Fixs – Bex Miall (M) 07796 833324 (E)

U16 Fixs – Claire Edgerley (M) 07833 950308 (E)

MARLOW (Tel. –01628 483638) Colours - Red and White

Colts Manager + U16 + U14 Fixs. Alex Clee (H) 01628 471803 (M) 07740 797160 (E)

OLD GEORGIANS - ‘DRAGONS ‘– (Old Georgians HC) - Colours – White with Maroon Trim Shirts.

Colts Manager -Mr Chris Timmins, (H) 01932 784667 (E)

U16 Fixs – Gill Youngs (H) 01932 346064 (M)

U14 Fixs – Sally Parrish (H) 01932 248104 (E)

OXTED (Tel. 07899 665933/0207 818 5868) Colours – Red/Blue/Red

Colts Manager – Graham Foggin (E)

U14 D. Fixs – Keith Tarrier (H) 01883 715449 (E)

PHOENIX & RANALAGH – (Tel. 01189 424130) Colours -Dark Blue Skirts. - Orange socks + Shirts

Colts Manager & U16 + U14 Dev. Fixs – David Wilkinson, (H) 01189 472069 (M) 07753 822203


PURLEY WALCOUNTIANS - (Tel 01737-354348) Colours - Black/Gold Shirts

Colts Manager +U16 Fixs - Ros Shepherd, (H) 020-8668-4538 (O) 01732 442504 (E)

U18 Fixs – Sarah Byrne (H) 0208 643 3025 (M) 07748 495942 (E)

U14 Fixs – Andrew Bond (H) 01737 354864 (E)

READING (Tel. 01189 699049) Colours -Sky Shirts, Navy Skirts+ Socks.

Colts Manager – Terry Walden (H) 01189 833892 (E)

U18 Fixs.- Alice Margerison (E)

U14D Fixs.- Tim Westacott (H) 01635 861069 (E)

U14 Fixs.- Rachel Mann (H) 01189 835836 (E)

U16 Fixs – Sue Newman (H) 01491 628036 (E)

RICHMOND (Tel. 0208 995 6863) Colours – Cherry Shirt, White Shorts, Black Socks

Colts Manager & U18, U16, U16P U14 & U14D Fixs. Tiki Tabor (M) 07931 597560 (E)

Club Junior Chairman – Ian Necus (M) 07930 485715 (E)

SJB ACADEMY (Cranleigh) (Tel. 01483 266644) Colours – Blue Shirt, Skirt & Socks.

Colts Manager & U16 + U14 Fixs – Neil Burlinson (H) 01403 240944 (M) 07941 247317


SOUTHGATE (Tel. 020-8440-7574) Colours – Red/Black Shirts & Socks

Colts Manager & U14 + U16 + U18 Fixts. – Liz Moss, (H) 0790 5005168 (E)

SOUTHAMPTON colours – Royal Blue Shirts, Navy Skirts, Blue,White & Black hooped socks.

Colts Manager – Roger Merry (E)

U16P Fixs – Russell Kelly (H) 01962 717653 (M) 07733 122620 (E)

SPENCER (Tel. 020 8874 2717) Colours – Sky Shirts, Navy Skirts, Maroon/Sky Socks.

Colts Manager & U14 Dev. Fixs. Lesley Gairns (M) 077105 00398 (H) 020 8871 3143 (E) lgairns@ aol.com

STAINES (01784 456399) Colours – Navy/Lt Blue halves

Colts Manager-Seamus O’Connell (M) 07875 422485 (E)

U14Dev Fixs – Christiane Scott (H) 01276 453998 (M) 07799 036654


SUNBURY Colours – Green Shirts & Socks, Navy Skirts

Colts Organiser & U14 + U14D + U16 Fixs. – Steve Park (H) 0208 941 3362 (M) 07920 156867


SURBITON (Tel,0208-398-2401) Colours- White Shirts, White/Green/Magenta Socks

Colts Manager + U18 +U16P + U16, + U14 + U14Dev. Janyce Holmes


TEDDINGTON Colours - Pink/ Brown

Colts Organiser & Fixs -Moran Stevens (H) 0208 979 3205 (M) 07714 740916 (E)

U18 Manager - Sue Eaton (H) 020 8979 3205, (M) 07890 903686 (E)

U16 Manager – Steve DeFrond (H) 0208 891 2230 (M) 07860 303708 (E)

U16P Manager - Sara Walker (H) 020 8878 9227 (M) 07773 523368 (E)

U14 Manager – Lizzie Leath (H) 0208 943 3194 (M) 07811 219291 (E)

U14 Pinks - Fenella Sams (H) 0208 943 2594 (E)

U14Dev.Mgrs -‘Chestnuts’ - Mike Gibson (H) 0208 943 9125 (M) 07710 189276 (E)

-‘Chocolates’ – Lindsay Brown (H) 020 8894 07933 (E)

(M) 07748 184763


Colts Manager – Mark Robinson (H) 07811 468102 (E)

U16 Fixs – Hannah Sprake (H) 07811 206180 (E)

WIMBLEDON (Tel. 020-8971-8092) Colours - White shirts, Maroon Socks, Navy skirt

Colts Manager – Julie Quester, at Wimbledon Club Tel. 020 8971 8092 (M) 07977 59634


WOKING (Tel. 01483-472509) Colours - Pale Blue Shirts, Purple Skirts & Socks.

Colts Manager – Sue White, (H) 01483 837678 (M) 07801 262102 (E)

U14 Fixs – Mike Alcock (H) 01483 797839 (E)

U16 Fixs – Chris Burton Brown (H) 01483 770277 (E)

WOKINGHAM (Tel. 0118-9780087) Colours – Orange shirts, green socks, Black Skirts.

Colts Manager – Michele Morris (M) 01189 730489 (E)

U16 Fixtures & U14 Dev Fixs – Gail Trueman (H) 0118 9782032 (E)

WYCOMBE RYE Colours – Sky Blue Shirts & Socks. Navy Skirts

Colts Manager +U16 Fixs–Kate Porter (H) 01628 530059 (M) 07885 533871 (E)

U14 + U14D Fixs – Treena Partridge (H) 01494 562806 (M) 07709 088397 (E)

U18 Fixs – Aby Jones (M) 07786 627633 (E)

YATELEY (01252 879820) Colours - Red/White/Red

Colts Manager & U18 Fixs -Dave Chatfield, (H) 01252-879326 (M) 07753 579813


U16 Fixs – Angela Lott (H) 01252 668456 (E)

PAT SMYTH (H) 020-8669-9277 (E)

WENDY BEANEY 47 Hillcrest Gdns, Hinchley Wood, Surrey KT10 OBU

(H) 020-8398-1567 (E)