HOME & COMMUNITYPolicy No.: PM-3-110

SUPPORT SERVICESReviewed: Sept 2005 --OF GREY-BRUCE-- Revised:May 2016

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Day Away Program and Overnight Relief Program Staff will supervise, assist or administer medication to clients upon prior assessment by Registered Nursing Staff. Some clients may be incapable of self-administration and some may require supervision to ensure safety to themselves and others. Supervision will be provided for those clients who may need reminding due to short term memory loss or physical restrictions which impede self administration.


  1. Consent to supervise, assist or administer medication will be discussed with obtained from the client/caregiver as in the Day Away Program Service Information Sheet (Form DA-2).
  1. For each medication the client is taking at Day Away with staff assistance, theFamily and Client Care Co-ordinator will obtain a photocopy of the physician's order or the prescription and this will be kept in the client's chart and the Kardex (Form DA-7) . This may be obtained from the family physician or the pharmacy. This list should be checked with that supplied from the caregiver and or the CCAC and any discrepancies queried with the family/attending physician. In cases where medication dosages are in constant flux, it is permissible to note the dosage as a range. The medication list will be updated every six months or as changes are made known to staff. It is the responsibility of the client/caregiver/family to keep the staff informed of changes.
  1. When Day Away and Overnight Relief staff are required to supervise, assist or administer medication, it will be sent in the original dispensing container with the following information:

a)Name of client

b)Name of physician who has prescribed the drug;

c)Name of the medication

d)Dosage and Time to be taken

e)The Route

f)Any special instructions

  1. The staff at HCSS can withhold medications which do not meet these expectations. If medications are withheld, the caregiver will be promptly notified by staff and the situation will be documented by the staff member in the progress notes.
  1. Each medication which is to be administered/supervised while the client is attending the Day Away Program and Overnight Relief Program will be listed on the MAR sheet (Form DA-5 ‘MAR’ - Medication Administration Record), and the Kardex (Form DA-7), in ink, with start date. If the medication is discontinued, a line will be drawn through the medication and the end date noted and initialled.
  1. Each medication which is to be administered/supervised at Day Away or Overnight Relief will be listed on Form DA-24Assisting with Medications at Day Away. This form will be kept with the MAR (Form DA-5) and will be filed monthly in the client chart.
  1. The staff member administering the medication will record the act on the MAR (Form DA-5) by providing a time and initial for each medication administered. It is assumed that all staff members have signed and initialled the signature/initial sheet in the client’s chart. The MAR will be filed monthly in the client chart.
  1. If the client refuses the medication, the caregiver will be notified and this will be recorded in the client's file.
  1. Upon the clients’ arrival at the program, medication which requires supervision will be given to the staff member assigned to medications. All medications will be stored in a secure, designated location until the time the medications are to be given, and then will be sent home with each client at the end of the day. The staff person assigned to medications will ensure that the medications are taken at the designated time. Medication administration/supervision may be assigned to staff members who have demonstrated competence in the administration/supervision of specific medications for specific clients.Controlled medications will be received, dispensed and returned to the client according to Policy DA-30Controlled Medication Count.
  1. When no registered or trained staff is available to administer the prescribed medication, the Programs Director or her designate may arrange to have the medication administered by another qualified HCSS staff or contact the client's family physician to determine whether the client may occasionally miss the dosage(s) and obtain the physician’s permission in writing; or arrange with the CCAC to allow for nursing visits to the Day Away Program or Overnight Relief Program for medication administration.
  1. Registered Staff will maintain a small supply of acetaminophen and ibuprofen for the occasional use of Day Away and Overnight Relief Clients (one bottle of each). This medication will be kept in a secured location. For the Day Away Program and Overnight Relief Program, the Family and Client Coordinator will receive written consent to administer ibuprofen or acetaminophen with Form PM-110 Over the Counter Medication Permission. Without this consent, these pain medications cannot be administered.All decisions and administration of this medication will be recorded in the client chart and on the MAR sheet (Form DA-5 ‘MAR’ - Medication Administration Record). Prior to the administration of this medication, the Family and Client Care Co-ordinator will confirm with the client’s pharmacist that this medication is compatible with the other medication taken by the client.
  1. If OTC have been administered at Day Away or Overnight Program the caregiver will be informed by telephone or note that the OTC was administered.