TOOL-KIT for Managers – Approval Checklist
Before the HBW arrangement commences go through the checklist and ensure necessary assessments, approvals, documents and work protocols have been established and agreed.
Employee Name:Manager’s Name: / Date: / /
Issues / Yes / No
Has the employee submitted their home contact details, address and where necessary telephone numbers for their home, mobile and fax?(See Application for HBW)
Has the employee provided detailed information of the actual location of the HBW within their home?(See HBW Proposal)
Is the HBW a part arrangement (the most preferable), with the days the employee is campus based and HBW based being acknowledged by the employee?(See Application for HBW)
Other employees have been advised of the days the employee is HBW and campus based?
The employee has acknowledged their HBW day could be amended, cancelled or postponed to suit the needs of the University?(See Application for HBW)
The employee is aware of their core contactable hours for HBW, and they have acknowledged their availability during those hours?
Methods of communication to and from the HBW employee have been clearly defined to both the employee and other team members?
The duties and tasks to be performed have been clearly defined and form part of the employee’s role and within their skill and competency level?
Methods for measuring work performance and outcomes have been set and agreed?
The duration of the HBW arrangement has been recorded and acknowledged by the employee? (See Application for HBW)
Is the employee aware HBW is subject to a review, and a review date for the arrangements have been recorded and set? (usually within the first 3 months) (See Application for HBW)
Has the OSH / Risk Self-Assessment been completed, and if there were any actions identified have these been rectified? (See HBW OSH / Risk Self-Assessment Checklist)
Has the Equipment / Asset Checklist been completed, and is the necessary equipment in place? (See Equipment / Asset Checklist)
The employee understands the same campus based conditions of employment apply for HBW, including the requirement to abide by University statutes, policies and procedures?(See HBW OSH /Risk Self-Assessment Checklist)
The Employee understands that normal approval processes for example overtime and applying for leave are still required for HBW? (See Application for HBW)
The employee understands and agrees they cannot contract out any of their work?
The employee acknowledges and agrees that access to the HBW may be required by a University representative(s)?
Has agreement been reached and documented on what if any business-related expenses the University will reimburse the employee for?
Does the employee understand and agree HBW cannot solely be used for dependent care?
If there are any ‘No’ responses then these are potentially issues that need to be addressed or require urgent action prior to the HBW arrangement commencing.
If you have concerns or would like to discuss further please use the HR Contacts.