Home and School Club General Meeting
November 9, 2016
Members Present: Gina Argenti-Schultz, Jen Loftus, Chelsea Armann, ShaliniPriyadarshini, Gizzele Linayao, Matt Squires, Tonya Gazzera, Yolanda Lara, SangeethaSampath, ZoriCuturela, Kelly Minamide, VasudhaChittar, Elizabeth Harrell, Lisa-Marie Lonich, Stephanie Little, Bethany Von Hagen, Keri Billings
The meeting was called to order at 8:37 a.m. by Elizabeth Harrell. VasudhaChittar seconded.
Review of minutes from October 12 General Meeting.
Elizabeth Harrell moved to approve. Stephanie Little seconded.
Principal’s report by Keri Billings
- Halloween parade was a success.
- October was a busy long month for teachers with preparation for conferences.
- “Dude be Nice” program, a PBL led by our first graders, took place last week. It included posters thanking the neighborhood made by the students at lunch time, bucket filler notes. It was a great PBL.
- A plan is in place to have a monthly school wide spirit assembly to bring the school together on a more regular basis. The first one will happen in December.
Budget Review by ZoriCuturela
- $143 K currently available for spending
- 6 K over membership drive goal
- Company match very close to goal
- $36 K WAT income. This does not including company matching which is anticipated to come in later
- See attached report for further details
WAT Date for 2017
- Zori did get feedback from some parents that they did not pledge as much for WAT this year because it was so close to the membership drive.
- We had moved the WAT earlier at the request of MEF so that it would not draw volunteers away from the Pumpkin Patch.
- October 14 proposed as the WAT date for 2017.
School Beautification Day:
- Mr. Gabe and Tonya Gazzerahave arranged to have large dumpster brought to the school on Saturday, November 19 from 9:30 to 12:30
- Funding for the $500 cost of the dumpster hasprovided by an anonymous person. HSC would like to look into the possibility of having this person reimbursed.
- It is hoped that a group of about 12 volunteers bring drills to help take apart desks and chairs so that more things can fit into the dumpster.
- This clean up will focus on specific areas of the school.
Box Tops report by Bethany Von Hagen
- 5 volunteers worked for 5 hours cutting and organizing box tops.
- Checks from the box tops are cut on December 1 and in March.
- We should receive $500 in December from box tops collected by Daneen Lee at the end of last year and $535 from the most recent collection in the December check.
- There will be additional collections in January, March, and May
- The current budget for box tops is $150 which is not sufficient to cover the costs of shipping ($50 each time), paper, glue, etc.
- Bethany utilized donations for prizes for the top three classes. Mrs. Sunzeri’s class won first place and received 16 pizzas donated by MOD Pizza . Mrs. Taylor’s class won second place and were treated to meat, cheese, crackers and fruit trays using Sprouts gift cards. The SDC classes won third place and received prizes. Bethany has gotten a pizza donation from Mountain Mike’s for the next collection.
- It was suggested that plates and napkins from Room F be used for future parties.
- Regarding the paper used for flyers sent home about box tops, the question of whether paper resources be used in a more centralized way arose. It was suggested that paper in room F be available for all unless it is labeled for a specific group.
- Issue of whether the volunteer work is worth the $1600 that is brought in through box tops after expenses was discussed. It was noted that although the return on box tops is not huge, it is a fun thing for the kids and community to be involved in.
- SangeethaSampath volunteered to come in next time the box top committee cuts box tops and make a video on how to cut box tops. Would be helpful if families sent in the box tops already trimmed.
- Elizabeth Harrell suggested reaching out to the neighborhood for box top donations.
- Stephanie Little moved that budget item line be increased to $300. Elizabeth Harrell seconded. All were in favor. None opposed.
- It was noted that Bethany should come in and ask for additional funding if the $300 is not sufficient.
ELAC Committee by Chelsea Armann
- Any school that has 21 or more English learners is required to have an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
- Mrs. Arman will be merging the four required ELAC presentations with Home and School Club this year in order to increase participation
- Mrs. Armann presented information on the terminology used regarding English learners including LEP, ELS, ELD, ELL.
- She discussed the process that English learners go through in attaining English fluency. The process of going from being an English Learner to a Fluent Language Speaker takes an average of 7 years.
- The CELDT test which involves listening, speaking, reading, and writing is used in evaluating what phase of development English learners are in.
- It is recommended that ELAC have a president, vice-presedent, and secretary. Last year Mrs. Armann took on these roles, but she would be happy to have other interested people participate.
- We are required to have a DELAC representative. DELAC is the link between the school and the district. Let Mrs. Armann know if you or someone you know of might be interested in filling this role.
- One of the ourschool site council representatives should be the parent of an English learner.
- Topics at meetings will be based on what parents are interested in hearing about. Mrs. Armann distributed an topic interest survey.
- Support for English Language Learners includes LLI pullout, an after school academy for grades 3-5, and flex grouping. Support in K-1 is wrapped in the regular curriculum as these classes are very focused on literacy throughout the day.
- Mrs. Armann showed the Country Lane language census. The variety of languages spoken is probably the widest in the district
“For the Good of the Order”
- Lisa Marie Lonichexpressed thanks to everyone who is here and has taken on new projects. She encouraged all to reach out and welcome parents of younger students.
- Shalini has nominated Mr. Gabe for Project Cornerstone Asset Champion.
- Custodian appreciation day at CL will be in December 2.
- SangeethaSampath noted that December 12-16 there will be holiday cards at the SCRIPT table. If you have extra cards at home, feel free to bring them in. This gives all the kids a chance to give something to their teacher!
- Bethany suggested having bus driver appreciation. President will put it on the next agenda.
- Thank you for MOD Pizza. Perhaps a poster made by students.
- Pizza My Heart is still giving SCRIPT at 20% MOD is also giving SCRIPT for 30%. Boudin is also very supportive with SCRIPT and restaurant nights.
- There will be a Chipotle restaurant night for 5th grade science camp in December. Have offered 30%, but we are hoping for 50%
- Shalini has collected almost 100 pounds of candy for overseas troops.
- Ms. Billings expressed appreciation for the work parents are doing.
The next general meeting will be on December 14.
The meeting adjourned at 9:47 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Gina Argenti-Schultz
President’s SignatureDate