Oleg V. Ivanov

Home address: Repina 37-229, Ulyanovsk, 432030, Russia


Phone: +7-8422-357-658

Fax: +7-8422-412-340


Strong background in physical optics, magneto-optics, integrated optics, optics of thin films and stratified anisotropic structures. Practical and research experience in optical design. Experience in computer programming. PhD degree in Solid State Physics.


Assistant Professor, Department of Quantum Electronics and Optoelectronics, Physical Faculty, Ulyanovsk State University

- Fall semester, 2000

Lecture and practical courses "Laser physics" and "Natural sciences"

Supervising undergraduate students preparing course work and diploma

Design of ellipsometric installation

- Spring semester, 2000

Lecture and practical courses "Quantum electronics" and "Natural sciences"

Supervising undergraduate students preparing course work and diploma

- Fall semester, 1999

Lecture and practical course "Laser physics", practical course in natural sciences

- Spring semester, 1999

Practical course in molecular physics, natural sciences

- Fall semester, 1996, 1997

Practical course in mechanics

Senior Engineer, Physical Faculty of Ulyanovsk Pedagogical University

Sept.1996 - June 1998

Design and construction of experiments, in particular:

* interference of light in thin films;

* transmission of light through anisotropic materials, birefringent crystals, films, optically active solutions, stress induced anisotropic models;

* propagation of light in planar waveguides, fibers;

* interference on double-slit, Fresnel's bi-prism;

* diffraction on slits, disks, edges, holes, diffraction gratings;

* scattering of light in cloudy media;

* spectroscopic analysis of various samples;

Programmer, Middle-Volga Scientific Center

Jan.1993 - June 1993

Design of an application teaching system for school mathematics.


- Nov.1995 - Nov.1998

PhD, Graduate study, Physical Faculty, Ulyanovsk State University

Thesis Title: "Propagation of electromagnetic waves in stratified magneto-gyrotropic and bianisotropic structures"

- Sept.1990 - July 1995

MS, Honor Diploma, Physical Faculty, Branch of

Moscow State University in Ulyanovsk

Thesis Title: "Interaction of light with periodical bigyrotropic media"


Russian (native), English (excellent), German (poor)


Programming: Pascal, C, Fortran, Basic, 80x86 Assembler

Operating systems: Windows 95, 98, DOS, Unix

Applications: CorelDraw, Microsoft Office


- Honor scholarship of Branch of Moscow State University in Ulyanovsk Council, 1994, 1995

- International Soros Science Education Program, 1997, 1998


1. D.I.Sementsov, A.N.Shuty, O.V.Ivanov "Dynamical conversion of optical modes induced by nonlinear ferromagnetic resonance", International symposium on electromagnetic theory, S.Petersburg, Russia, May 23-26, 1995, p.796-798.

2. Sementsov D.I., Ivanov O.V. "Magneto-optical interaction of light with a periodic bi-gyrotropic structure", Proceedings of the international conference CHIRAL'96, Moscow - S.-Petersburg, 23-30 July, 1996, p.38.

3. Ivanov O.V., Sementsov D.I., "Optical characteristics of maneto-gyrotropic structures", Proceedings of XV All-Russian conference "New Magnetic Materials in Microelectronics", Moscow, 18-21 June, 1996, p.316-318.

4. Ivanov O.V., Sementsov D.I., "Electromagnetic waves in bianisotropic stratified media: 4x4 matrix method", Proceedings of the international conference BIANISOTROPICS'97, 5-7 June, 1997, Glasgow, p.233-235.

5. Ivanov O.V., Sementsov D.I., "Propagation of light in structures with coherent and noncoherent layers", Regional conference "Coherent optics and optical spectroscopy", 20-22 Nov. 1997, Kazan, p.43-48.

6. Ivanov O.V., Sementsov D.I., "Electromagnetic reflection and transmission of inhomogeneous stratified bianisotropic structures" Proceedings of International Conference Bianisotropics'98, 3-6 June, 1998, Braunschweig, p.137-140.

7. Ivanov O.V., Sementsov D.I., "Optical characteristics of stratified bianisotropic disordered structures", International conference "Physical processes in disordered semiconductor structures", 21-25 June, 1999, Ulyanovsk, p.69.

8. Ivanov O.V., "Incoherent reflection and transmission of light in chiral stratified structures", SFM'99, Saratov, 5-8 Oct. 1999, Proceedings SPIE, V.4001, p.304-311.

9. Ivanov O.V., "Resonant effective properties of plane-layer periodical structures", International conference "Optics of Semiconductors", Ulyanovsk, 21-25 June 2000, p.62.

10. Ivanov O.V., "Resonant Effective Properties of Plane Stratified Structures", Proceedings of International Conference Bianisotropics'2000, 27-29 Sept., 2000, Lisbon, p.139-142.

11. Ivanov O.V., "Effective Properties of Plane Stratified Structures", SFM'99, Saratov, 3-6 Oct. 2000.


1. Ivanov O.V., Sementsov D.I., "Dielectric permittivity tensor of cubic magnetic crystal with arbitrary orientation of magnetization and crystallographic axes", Crystallography Report, 1995, V.40, N 1, p.89-92.

2. D.I.Sementsov, A.N.Shuty, O.V.Ivanov "Optical mode conversion in a gyrotropic waveguide", Pure Appl.Opt., 1995, V.4, p.653-663.

3. D.I.Sementsov, A.N.Shuty, O.V.Ivanov "Transformation of optical modes in a magneto-gyrotropic waveguide", Radiotechnics and electronics, 1996, V.41, N 4, p.421-428.

4. Ivanov O.V., Sementsov D.I., "Magneto-optical interaction of light with periodic bigyrotropic media", Crystallography Report, 1996, V.41, N 5, p.791-798.

5. Ivanov O.V., Sementsov D.I, "Magneto-optical interaction of light with a periodic bi-gyrotropic structure", Pure Appl.Opt., 1997, V.6, p.455-464.

6. Ivanov O.V., Sementsov D.I, "Propagation of light in chiral stratified media. 4x4 matrix method", Crystallography Report, 2000, V.45, N 3, p.487-492.

7. Ivanov O.V., Sementsov D.I., "Light propagation in inhomogeneous bianisotropic stratified structures", Optics and spectroscopy, 1999, V.87, N 3, p.484-489.

8. Ivanov O.V., Sementsov D.I., "Reflection and transmission of light in structures with noncoherent layers", Optics and spectroscopy, 1999, V.87, N 1, p.121-125.

9. Ivanov O.V., Sementsov D.I., "Negative shift of light beam Reflected from the boundary of optically transparent and resonant media", Optics and spectroscopy, 2000, N5, V.89, p. 858-862.

10. Ivanov O.V., Sementsov D.I., "Reflection and transmission coefficients of coherent and incoherent anisotropic stratified structures", Crystallography Report, 2000, V.45, N 5, p. .

11. Ivanov O.V., "Resonant Effective Properties of Plane Stratified Structures", Optics and spectroscopy, 2001 (in print).