Holy Cross Herald
Volume 36, Issue 11 November2016
Holy Cross Herald 1
From Pastor Tim’s Desk ~ November 2016
As I was looking at the month of November it did not take long to realize that this month is chalked full of events. We just finished with the celebration of the Reformation and the freedom we have through Scripture alone, grace alone, and faith alone; all having a foundation in Sola Crux (the cross alone). November begins with the celebration of All Saints’ Day; Election Tuesday; the Blood Drive; Thanksgiving; and the beginning of Advent the last Sunday of the month. You assuredly have many other items to add to this list. Yet, WOW, what a month, I guess we can use it to prepare for December!?
Reformation Sunday and All Saints’ Day, over the years, have become two of my favorite celebrations in the Church Year. The Reformation once again clearly confessing and teaching the joy of Jesus and His total removal of sins from each of us brings us peace. Jesus became the greatest sinner ever on the cross; not His own sins but taking our sins and making them His. In the Church Year the very next day after the Reformation we celebrate All Saints’ Day. It is the day to rejoice because all whom we have loved and known that died in faith are now residing around the throne of God with Jesus as their eternal Shepherd. What a comfort it is to know that now on this earth we are part of this same heavenly Kingdom of Christ through faith. When we close our eyes to this world as Jesus calls us we will join the company of heaven and those whom we have loved and known on earth. The Apostle John was given a glimpse of this joy in his recorded Revelation.
As Jesus grants John the privilege of seeing the future heaven; (something we cannot grasp) he sees what is recorded for us in our New Testament Text for All Saint’s Day: “After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: ‘Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne and to the Lamb’” (Rev. 7:9-10). Later in the same Revelation John writes: “Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb standing on Mount Zion (the heavenly Sanctuary), and with him 144,000 (meaning a great number too large to count) who had His name written on their foreheads (the Name into which we are Baptized)” (Rev. 14:1). Once again John is seeing heaven in the future of eternity with us there around the Lamb, Jesus; our Savior. All Saints’ Day is a beautiful day of remembrance, joy, and comfort; a day to give thanks.
Therefore, as Christians, who have been washed in the blood of the Crucified we gather on the last Thursday of the month to celebrate Thanksgiving Day. We are to remember on this day all that God has graciously given to us; especially our new life in Christ as we no longer live under the law and condemnation; but, we live in the law giving thanks for His insurmountable love. It is a day in which we pray at many tables: “Come Lord Jesus…”
“Come, Lord Jesus” is the theme of Advent which starts the last Sunday of November. The Latin word advent means coming. It is not that we are to prepare our hearts for the birth of Jesus on Christmas; rather, the season of Advent is to prepare our hearts for the day when Jesus returns. On this day the dead in Christ will rise and those who are still alive will all be joined together in our eternal home of heaven. A day beyond our comprehension; yet, a day of assured celebration and Thanksgiving!
May our Lord, Jesus Christ, the Lamb bring you His peace this November, Pastor Tim
Holy Cross Herald 1
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Council Meeting Minutes
October 12, 2016
Meeting called to order at 7:35 pm. Pastor Timothy Wangerin gave the invocation. The September minutes were read. A motion to accept the minutes as written was made and seconded. The motion passed.
Learning Center Report:
Board of Directors: Linda Hillard Executive Director, Sarah Head, Joe Diaz, Shandel Martinez, Rachel McGlothlin, Carolyn Pulley, Georgia Robb, Rosemary Templeton.
Enrollment: The center currently is licensed for 60 and has an enrollment of 58. Out of that 58, five are church members. There are 3 children on the waiting list.
Items Purchased: Gym Phone - $25.00, Internet $20.00, Coffee, tea, lemonade, paper goods and cleaning supplies $105.84, Case Houser’s salary and workman’s comp $796.25, Pastor Tim’s stipend $250.00.
The grand total for September was $1,197.00.Total for the year, 2016: $9,892.22.
- Enrollment is starting to pick up. 3 DHS children were enrolled last week.
- Fall Conferences are scheduled for the week of Oct. 20.
- Church members using the gum during school hours are asked to not prop the door open as it is a safety issue with the children in the building.
Pastor’s Report:
On a personal note, was hospitalized and came through it good. Thanks for the visits and cards and well wishes.
Made 7 visits. Visited Jo &Roberta Inselmann and several to Dan & Pat Tucker. Last Sunday of November will not be here, the Elder’s will give the service. Ordered Advent services. Confirmation classes have started with Savannah, Vali and Josie. New material being used. Working on fitting in Kathy Howk’s grandsons, since they can’t attend on Wednesdays. Sunday bible study has reverted back to the study of the book of Romans. Will be starting a women’s bible study within the next couple of weeks. Visit with Pastor Thompson asking why he has not attended conferences lately. Too much going on here at the church.
Education Report: Has nothing new to report.
Elder’s Report:
Elders present: Stephan Ellis and Brad Rushing
- Want to create a “Vision Statement”.
- Challenged Elders to bring one new person a month to church.
- Wants to start using a sign in book for attendance. To see if more people will use that along with the attendance cards.
- Wants to have the congregation vote on whether or not to have communion every Sunday.
- Constitution has not been approved by district, revisions need to be ratified by district synod.
- Goals to improve transparency with the congregation. Asking the Elders to make 3 contacts a week with members.
Evangelism Report:
Cookie sale will be December 3rd. there will be a sign-up sheet ion the board this Sunday. Family Promise is having a training day for volunteers. Poster will be hung up with more information. Next training is Oct 22nd from 9 am-12 pm. Family Promise is also having a Chili cook-off fundraiser November 10th. Fee is $5.00 and it is from 5 pm -7 pm.
Stewardship Report:
At present we are half way through the program. 23 pledges that pledged last year, have not submitted this year yet. 42 total last year, with 23 so far this year. 95 letters were sent out with 2 returned due to addresses unknown.
Tabitha Guild Report: None.
Treasurer’s Report:
Property insurance has increased. That is standard for this time of year. Drop box has been added to share reports with council members.
As of the end of September 2016:
General Fund Balance……………………………....$32,026.84
Capital Improvement Fund………….………….. $31,135.54 Uncommitted Capital Improvement Fund…$7,576.02
Financial Secretary’s Report:
Jonith Grundman isnot able to do anything yet until she gets training from Ed Moore. Will meet with him on Sunday.
Trustee’s Report:
The urinal in the men’s bathroom in the gym is fixed. Steve Grundmann caulked the roof in the gym to stop leaks. Hopefully that takes care of the problem. Put up a bracket in the secretary’s office for the candle lighters. Still mowing the grass. Men’s bathroom sink, the hot water is leaking. Will look in to it.
Old Business:
Steve received a letter from the lawyer that mediation will be October 23rd. Need to schedule a voters meeting on the calling of a Pastor. Steve motioned to resolve the resolution to accept. Seconded by Stephan Ellis. Motion passed. Pastor Thompson doesn’t need to be there for second calling unless we want him there. Budget committee will meet October 23rd.
New Business:
Angela Schonvisky motioned to empower Steve Grundmann to mediate on the lawsuit. The amount not to exceed $20,000.00. Motion was seconded by Fred Rowzee and passed. Angela askes the counters to double check the checks that come in for contributions. Some are being returned to her for failure to be completely be filled out. Jodi Duffy has scheduled the children’s Christmas Program for December 11th. Also brought up a question about whether or not we need to do background checks on Sunday School volunteers. Stephan Ellis will research it.
A motion to adjourn was made and the meeting closed with The Lord’s Prayer at 9:01pm.
Respectfully submitted by, Carolyn Ellis-Council Secretary
Holy Cross Herald 1
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday1 / 2 / 3 / 4
American Heritage Girl’s Ham & Bean Fundraiser / 5
9:15 am Sunday School
10:30 am Communion Service
Soup & Salad dinner & Dessert Auction
5:00 pm Cub Scout’s Meeting
Daylight Savings Time ends / 7
6:00 Neighborhood Watch / 8
12:00 pm Prayer Time
5:30 Elder’s Meeting
Election Day / 9
4:15 pm Confirmation class
5:00 pm Fellowship Dinner
6:00 pm Wesley Moffett Bible Study
7:30 pm Council Meeting / 10
6:00pm Leaning Center Staff Meeting
7:00 pm Boy Scout’s Meeting / 11 / 12
9:00 am Men’s Group Meeting
9:15 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship Service
5:00 pm Cub Scout’s Meeting / 14 / 15
12:00 pm Prayer Time
7:00 pm Tabitha Guild / 16
4:15 pm Confirmation class
5:00 pm Fellowship Dinner 6:00 pm Wesley Moffett Bible Study / 17
7:00 pm Boy Scout’s Meeting / 18 / 19
9:15 am Sunday School
10:30 am Communion Service
5:00 pm Cub Scout’s Meeting / 21 / 22
12:00 pm Prayer Time / 23
4:15 pm Confirmation class
5:00 pm Fellowship Dinner 6:00 pm Wesley Moffett Bible Study / 24
7:00 pm Boy Scout’s Meeting
/ 25 / 26
9:15 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship Service
5:00 pm Cub Scout’s Meeting / 28 / 29
12:00 pm Prayer Time / 30
4:15 pm Confirmation class
6;00 pm Advent dinner
7:00 pm Advent Service / 31
7:00 pm Boy Scout’s Meeting
Holy Cross Herald 1