Welcome to Calculus! :)

You made it!

Course Code / Teacher / Room
MCV4UI / Mr. M. Ruhnke / P129

The diverse nature of the courses that students take in their postsecondary education necessitates a balance of emphasis between building solid foundations and providing sufficient opportunities to engage in investigations and problems that involve a rigorous level of mathematics. This balance requires students to consistently demonstrate the ability to:

Ø  practise and consolidate skills;

Ø  deal with applications that address a broad scope of scenarios;

Ø  reflect on and summarize new learning;

Ø  investigate and construct mathematical concepts independently;

Ø  conjecture and, through inquiry, test a hypothesis;

Ø  generate multiple types of solutions to complex problems which may cross strands, require the use of appropriate technology, and require abstract thinking;

Ø  expand the depth of their inquiry in order to solve higher-order problems.


The following are your “keys to success” in this course:

1.  At all times demonstrate RESPECT for yourself, for others, and for CH!

2.  Arrive to EVERY class on time (detentions will be given for chronic lateness), in proper attire, quietly, and be prepared to think, ask questions and work with your books open and ready.

3.  Make a trip to the washroom (if you have to) and to your locker BEFORE class! A couple of extra minutes will be given to you to get out to our portable.

4.  To EVERY class bring your own textbook, a pen and pencil, a binder for math only, a good supply of paper and graph paper, a calculator, and a ruler.

5.  Maintain an organized binder.

6.  Participate fully in class – volunteer answers, ask questions, ask for help!

7.  Complete ALL assigned work/homework (you should know the pg. #!)!

8.  Copy ALL notes from the board. Borrow notes if you’re absent (this is your responsibility!). Make corrections in a different coloured writing utensil.

9.  Be responsible for ‘catching up’ on any missed classes/work.

10.  Prepare for tests, quizzes etc…by creating condensed study notes, and solving problems

11.  Keep our classroom CLEAN! Closable containers are allowed. Get a water bottle!

12.  Last but certainly not least: practise practise practise! Solve as many problems as you possibly can! Think outside the box! Pursue knowledge and understanding of all of the course concepts by asking as many insightful questions as you possibly can!

Test Policy

If you are absent for a test for a LEGITIMATE reason, including being sick, in which case you must provide a note, you will be given a make-up test at a scheduled time after you return to school.

In the event that you know in advance that will be away for a test (for a valid reason), you must inform me so as to arrange an alternate test date. Bottom line: COMMUNICATE with me before hand, you have my voicemail!

Homework and Assignments

Your success in this course great depends on daily practice through homework and assignments. Homework may be checked at random. It is imperative that you complete homework whether it is collected or not, and complete ALL assignments that are asked to be handed in! Be prepared to ask questions in class about the previous night’s homework, to put solutions on the board and explain your results to the class, and to show that you have made significant progress/effort with the work before asking for help.


If you are absent due to illness, school activity, etc…, you are expected to contact someone for the notes, homework, and assignment missed BEFORE you return to the next class. I am always available for extra help to sort out work that you have already attempted. Be responsible and organized!

Extra Help

It is ALWAYS possible to arrange for extra help from me! Please just arrange a time! It is your responsibility to make the effort to seek help when necessary. Do not hesitate or wait until it is too late! Do NOT get behind in this course, or leave things till the last minute. This course is cumulative in nature, and what you learn one day will be important for later course work.

I’m really looking forward to teaching you this semester, and know that if you put in the hard work that you WILL be successful! Mathematics can sometimes be a difficult and frustrating subject but with success, it can also be very enjoyable and satisfying. Success comes with constant practice and thorough understanding of the concepts. Try to stay on top of the daily assignments and at the first sign of difficulty make arrangements with your teacher for extra help. Providing support and extra help is a priority of the Mathematics Department, so we encourage our students to take advantage of this. It is our hope that all students have a successful year in their study of mathematics.

Good luck, have fun, and all the best! J

I ______will work my hardest to meet the course expectations and objectives, (student signature) and achieve my goals. Date: ______

I ______will support ______in meeting the course expectations and

(parent/guardian signature) (student)

objectives, and achieving his/her goals. Date: ______

Thank you so much for all of your hard work and support! It is much appreciated. If you have any questions, problems, comments, or concerns please contact me:

Mr. Ruhnke @ 578-8330 ext. 669