Holocaust and Genocide Syllabus
Montville Township High School 2015 – 2016
“I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.”
― Elie Wiesel
Instructor: Mr. Christopher Trzepinska
* Desk in the Social Studies Resource Room*
Course Description
Holocaust and Genocide Studies offers the students an opportunity to examine the nature of “man’s inhumanity to man”. Students will understand the nature of human prejudices, understand the rise of Nazi Germany, critique the Holocaust period, and examine modern Genocides that occur in our world.
Your expectations for me
- Mr. Trzepinska will treat you with respect and care as an individual
- Mr. Trzepinska will provide you with an orderly, organized, and structured classroom environment with rules and discipline
- Mr. Trzepinska will be a passionate, positive, and hard working teacher who will get the best out of you
- Mr. Trzepinska will come into class everyday ready to motivate and challenge you
My expectations for you
- Students will treat the teacher, classmates, and the course material with respect. During the 20th Century genocide has claimed 100,000,000 INNOCENT lives. These victims deserve your respect and anything less than that will not be tolerated.
- Students will be cooperative and not a disruption
- Students will be required to act as researchers, project managers, team members, and leaders.
- Students will be held accountable; there is no such thing as an “Easy A” in this course.
- The two things that you can always control in class are your EFFORT and ATTITUDE.
- If you come to class with a positive attitude, an open mind, a genuine interest, and put forth your best effort there is no reason for you not to succeed.
1. You will be required to have the following items for this class-
Pocket Folder and/or binder to hold classroom materials, handouts, etc.
Notebook specific to the subject
Pen (black or blue ink) and pencils
USB Drive/Headphones (recommended)
2. All assignments must be the student’s original work. If a student is found cheating or plagiarizing any type of assignment (test, quiz, essay, homework, projects, etc.) the student will receive a zero of the assignment and immediate administrative action as stated in the student handbook will be taken.
3. If the student is absent it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and come prepared to class when you return. Everything will be posted on my School Wires page.
4. If a student is absent for a long-term period, of time any tests, quizzes, homework, and in-class assignments are to be made up within one school week of your return. Failure to do so will result in a zero.
5. Cell phone policy - Cell phones are greatlearning tools if used responsibly. During the year students will be asked to use their phones for research and classwork. However, unless the students are instructed to use phones, students must keep cell phones turned off (or silent) and put away during class. Failure to do so will result in the confiscation of the phone.
6. I AM HERE TO HELP YOU! If you have any questions/concerns about your grade or would like EXTRA HELPplease make an appointment with me. I am available before school, after school, and during lunch.
Grade Determination
Your grade will be determined by a point system (ex. 900 points out of 1,000 = 90%). Assessments will include the following:
- Tests/Major Projects: 70 - 100 points
- Quizzes: 25 – 50 points
- Homework: 10 - 30 points
- Homework must be handed in on the day that it is due
- If the student is absent on the day that homework is due it is expected that the assignment will be handed in at the beginning of the first day the student returns to school.
- Homework must be handed in at the beginning of the class period that it is due. If it is handed in at the end of class or later on in the school day it is late
- Homework will be accepted one day late for half credit (ex. A 30 point assignment will earn 15 points), after that one day it is a zero.
- Essays: 30 – 50 points
- Classwork: 5 – 10 points (will be collected randomly)
- Class participation: Students will be given periodic class participation grades. Students can earn points for participating, working well in groups, being prepared, and good behavior. Points will be deducted for discipline issues, inattentiveness, tardiness, disruptive behavior, sleeping, and unauthorized cell phone use
****These values are not set in stone. The value of the points will be determined by the difficulty of the assignment, time needed to complete the assignment, etc****
All rules and guidelines set forth in the Montville Township High School handbook will be followed in this classroom. In general this is the pattern of steps that will be taken for some behavior or activity that is distracting to the educational process.
- The first time something becomes a problem the student will be given a warning to stop.
- The second time it becomes an issue the student will be issued a teacher detention and a parent/guardian will be contacted
- The third time the student will be referred to the office.
If a student follows all classroom rules and procedures they will earn 1 extra point on their final marking period average. If a student is a consistent participant in classroom discussions they will earn 1 extra point on their final marking period average.
Course Schedule 2014-2015 School Year
Unit 1: Understanding Prejudice
Unit 2: 9/11 and Prejudice against the United States
Unit 3: Introduction to Genocide/Early Genocides (Armenia, Ukraine, etc.)
Unit 4: Germany after World War I
Unit 5: Rise of Hitler
Unit 6: Introduction to the Holocaust/Early Nazi Measures
Unit 7: The Ghettos
Unit 8: Extermination and the Camps
Unit 9: Resistance to Nazis
Unit 10: End of the Holocaust – Nuremberg
Unity 11: Other Genocides (Cambodia, Rwanda, Darfur, Bosnia, Modern Genocides, etc.)
I genuinely want this to be your favorite class that you look forward to coming to everyday. I want this to be a fun class, however during this year I expect you to give 100% in my class (and your other classes as well). You will be held accountable, I will push you, and I expect a lot out of you. Let’s have a great year together!
FILMS AND DOCUMENTARIES: Please sign and return (10 point homework grade)
MTHS requires parental permission for your student to view films and documentaries that are used in our curriculum, which are Rated R for language, violence, and situations. There are a wide variety of films and documentaries that illustrate the events that will be studied in this course. It is my belief showing your son or daughter full-length movies and segments enable them to benefit from another medium as a resource in their study of current events and history. Films, along with hands-on activities such as readings, in-class discussion groups, and research projects, give students a well-rounded opportunity to discover the world of history. Films go beyond dry facts and help bring events “alive.” Each film will have an assignment attached to it.
Be assured that I will use proper discretion when showing full-length films and segments to illustrate genocide. During the course of the year students will be shown some of the following:
Genocide: Worse than War
Documentaries on the Armenian Genocide and Ukrainian Genocide
Schindler’s List
The Killing Fields
Hotel Rwanda
Thank you for taking the time to read and sign this permission form. Any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me
Mr. Trzepinska
Student Name (Please print)______Period:______
____ Yes, I give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and school appropriate full-length films and segments Rated R.
____ No, I do not give my son/daughter permission to view curriculum and school appropriate full-length films and segments of the types mentioned in this letter. I understand alternate learning experiences/assignments will be provided for my child while the film is being watched.