HI 5004 Marketing Management
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Holmes Institute Faculty of Higher Education offers business courses that combine discipline-basedexcellence with practical application. The faculty operates on campuses in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Hong Kong.
The faculty offers a Bachelor of Business, a Bachelor of Professional Accounting, a Master of Professional Accounting, a Master of BusinessAdministrationand a Graduate Diploma in Business.
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At Holmes Institute, the Master of Business Administration, the Graduate Diploma in Business and the Master of Professional Accounting offer domestic and international students the opportunity to study a set of contemporary subjects in the field of business. These subjects prepare students for the challenges in business environments of the 21st century. These programs emphasize the global and cross-cultural dimensions of business. Teaching utilizes a combination of delivery methods and includes critical analysis and case study methods. A combination of exams, case studies and company analysis are used in assessment.
The Masters' programs of Holmes Institute focus on:
- Developing career related capabilities
- Emphasis on business numeracy and literacy
- Managerial proficiency
- The new economy
- Leadership
- Entrepreneurship
- Social responsibility and ethics.
Welcome to HI5004 where we study Marketing Management. Marketing begins and ends with the customers. It is about meeting their needs profitably and building relationships.
Marketing Management aims to get, keep and grow customers. It involves choosing a target market, crafting a unique positioning for the product/service, getting the “marketing mix” right, building brand equity, and creating, communicating and delivering superior customer value.
I look forward to sharing the exciting world of marketing, consumers and brands with you
Alex Kouznetsov
Kotler, Keller and Burton’s book on Marketing Management talks about marketing in the 21st century as follows: “Marketing is everywhere. Formally or informally, people and organisations engage in a vast number of activities that we could call marketing. Effective marketing has become an increasingly vital ingredient for business success. And marketing profoundly affects our day-to-day lives. It is embedded in everything we do – from the clothes we wear, to the websites we click on, to the ads we see.”
The purpose of this subject is to provide an understanding of marketing management and to introduce students to the principles and practices of marketing, from both a local and international perspective. The course covers various topics, including: Defining marketing; the role of market research in marketing; building strong brands; applying the 4P’s/7P’s of the marketing mix; goods versus services marketing and, integrated marketing communications (IMC).
Upon successful completion of this subject, you will have:
- An understanding of the theory and practice of marketing management;
- An understanding of how marketing tools are applied in a variety of business settings;
- An understanding of how marketing strategy is formulated from market intelligence;
- Enhanced problem-solving and decision-making abilities in relation to market analysis;
- An understanding of how companies organize their marketing programs and manage these activities effectively.
Awards / Duration / Core/Elective / Subject weightBBus, BPA / 1 semester / Core / 3 credit points
Mode of delivery / On campus
Prerequisites / Nil
Workload / Students are expected to attend all classes
Delivery / 2 hrs of lectures and 1 hr tutorial or equivalent
Independent study / 5 hrs
Subject Coordinator and Lecturer Melbourne Campus / Dr. Alex Kouznetsov / / (03)96622055Lecturer Sydney Campus / Jas Paul Chawla / / (02) 9299 1400
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / FridaySydney Campus / 2 to 4 / TBA / TBA
Melbourne Campus / TBA / TBA / TBA / TBA / TBA
Students please note:
Holmes Institute provides each student with a Holmes webmail. Faculty and Administrative staff can only communicate with you using your Holmes Institute mail address. Emails from private and/or business email accounts cannot be used and may not be answered.
ASSESSMENT TYPE / DUE DATE / WEIGHTIndividual Essay / Week 5 / 20%
Group assignment (Report & Presentation) / Week 9&10 / 30%
Final Exam / Exam Week / 50%
To be eligible to pass this subject, students must complete all forms of assessment and demonstrate achievement of the learning outcomes. All assignments must be submitted electronically using a word processor, uploaded to Blackboard via SafeAssign. You must printand attach the full SafeAssign report with the Holmes Institute Cover Sheet to the printed assignment (hard copy).
The assignment cover sheet must include the student/s name, number, subject code and subject name, subject lecturer’s name, assignment due date and time of submission. All hard copies must be submitted to the designated Assignment Submission Facility on Campus during opening hours.
Submission deadlines are strictly enforced and late submission incurs penalties of 5 (five) % of the assessment valueper calendar day unless an extension and/or special consideration has been granted by the Subject Coordinator prior to the assessment deadline. Unless an extension and/or special consideration has been granted by the Subject Coordinator prior to the assessment deadline, no assessments are accepted after 14 calendar days of the due date or the end of the trimester for assessments due later in a trimester. Students are requested to familiarize themselves with the Holmes Institute Assessment Policy located on the Blackboard Student Subject: HE-General Study Information (HGEN_HE) > General Information > Policies and Procedures > Holmes Institute Student Assessment Policy v1.pdf.
GRADE / LETTER / RANGEHigh Distinction / HD / 80% and above
Distinction / D / 70 – 79%
Credit / CR / 60 – 69%
Pass / P / 50 – 59%
Fail / NN / 0-45% (did not meet the standard required according to the learning outcomes in the Subject Guide )
FacultyPass* / FP / 46 – 49% (awarded by Board of Examiners)
Supplementary Exam Granted (a temporary grade) / NS / Supplementary examination granted
Deferred Exam (a temporary grade) / ND / Officially Deferred examination
Fail / NA / Student did not submit any work according to the schedule in the Subject Guide
Result Withheld / RW / Additional assessment and/or work required
Result Withheld / WH / Outstanding fees or non-return of Holmes Institute materials
* This grade is sometimes referred to as a conceded pass at other institutions
Explanation of Letter Grade
HDOutstanding work which exhibits sophisticated understanding and critical synthesis, analysis and evaluation of the subject matter. While the work utilizes opinions of others, judgements about the value of the subject matter are made and drawn together in an organized whole. Gaps in the subject matter might also be identified and the implications discussed.
DSubstantial work of high quality, which demonstrates a clear understanding of the subject matter, in which the relationship between the constituent elements are identified clearly and discussed with some level of critical analysis. The work also applies abstract ideas in concrete situations.
CRSound and competent work, which demonstrates a reasonable but not complete grasp of the subject matter. The work utilizes recall and paraphrases the work of others concerning the subject matter. Some basic level of critical analysis is evident. Originality in the work is rarely evident.
PWork that demonstrates a satisfactory engagement with the subject matter such that the student is said to have a general understanding of the field. Provides an adequate basis for further study.
NN Did not meet the learning objective of the subject
Results including the final grade can be viewed via the Grade Centre on Blackboard. Results for all assessments are published within two weeks of the due date of the assessment and the final examination. Students who wish to appeal their mark for a specific assessment are advised to follow the procedures outlined at /undergraduate/appeals.
Holmes Institute view any forms of academic misconduct as most serious offences. Academic misconduct in any form during an examination is not tolerated and will be dealt with according to the policies and procedures set out in the Holmes Institute Student Handbook (located on Blackboard in the Student General information Subject: HE-General Study Information (HGEN_HE) > General Information > Student Handbook 2010 v.3.pdf).
Plagiarism occurs when one uses another person’s ideas or manner of expressing them and passes them off as one’s own work by failing to give appropriate acknowledgement (that is, referencing the source).Any instances of plagiarism will be dealt with promptly).
It is important that student reference their work appropriately. The Faculty of Higher Education at Holmes Institute uses the APA (American Psychological Association) style of referencing. A detailed guide to referencing can be found in the Student Handbook. It expected that you will be familiar with the APA style of referencing.
Holmes Institute uses Blackboard as its online teaching platform and all students enrolled have access to Blackboard to view and download their lecture material, grades, important announcements on their subjects and discussion rooms for selected subjects.
Please note that it is the student’s responsibility to check Blackboard on a regular basis. It is expected that students will have viewed lecture materials and additional readings before class. All students are advised to familiarize themselves with the use of Blackboard. Guides to Blackboard are available in the Resource Centre on each campus. Should you havedifficulties accessing and/or using Blackboard, please contact your lecturer or the Holmes Institute Blackboard Helpdesk on: .
For most subjects, students are expected to engage in additional research. Textbooks and teaching materials available in the Resource Centre will be of use here. In addition, current students have access to a range of electronic academic journals via Proquest, which is accessible once you loginto Blackboard.
Should you require any assistance with the use of Proquest and/or online research, please contact your lecturer and/or the Resource Centre staff on your campus.
Students who have difficulties with their studies and/or specific forms of assessment should visit online Study Skills on Holmes Institute also offers regular Academic Support, which is free for any student enrolled. See details on
1.Assessment 1:Individual Essay
Length:1500 words
Due Date:Week 5
From discussions and material presented during lectures, write an essay to demonstrate your theoretical understanding and practical application of Marketing. Each student is to select one of the essay topics below and write an essay of 1500 words, to be submitted in Week 5. The essay must be referenced with relevant up-to-date sources.
Choose one of the topics below:
- Discuss the concept of perceived value and its importance to consumer behaviour and marketing. Discuss the theory and then give practical examples of how customers perceive various brands and how this impacts on their behaviour.
- To evaluate an organization's Strategic Business Units (SBU), the Boston Consulting Group developed a portfolio performance framework.
- Segmentation, targeting and positioning are interrelated activities which are important to achieving a successful Marketing Mix. Discuss these concepts in theory and give practical examples of how they can be applied to one industry of your choice. Examples of an industry you might choose: fashion for men, or personal care products (shampoo, shavers etc.), or pet products, or toys, or vehicles, or furniture, or fashion for women, or financial services, or beverages, or baby products, or snack foods or another industry.
- Marketing decision makers in a firm must constantly monitor competitors' activities - their products, prices, distribution, and promotional effort.
- Good market research and environmental scanning forms the basis of success for other related marketing activities. Discuss the theory and then give practical examples of what types of market research and environmental scanning a company like Domino’s Pizza should do and explain why.
- Why is it important to do market research and adjust the marketing mix when entering into a foreign market? Explain the theory and then give practical examples of how some companies have already adjusted their marketing mix in foreign markets. Also, explain what advice you would give the marketing team of “Vegemite” - if they wanted to launch this product in a foreign market such as South Africa (or a market of your choice), where people do not know the product/brand.
Marking Criteria for Individual Essay
Assessment Criteria / Maximum / ScoredDiscussion of relevant issues, theories and concepts for the chosen topic for essay / 8
Demonstrated understanding, logic and reasoning evidenced in essay / 6
Application of theories/concepts to industry/real products/services. And other relevant examples and ideas provided by the student to demonstrate an understanding of the theory / 3
Style, structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation, referencing / 3
Total / 20
2.Assessment 2: Group Assignment
Weighting:Written Report 20% and Oral Presentation 10% = 30%
Length:3000 words for Report.
10 minutes for Presentation.
Due Date:Week 9 &10
Note: Students are required to discuss the topic with their lecturer before they start the assignment.
This assignment must be done as part of group.Students are to form groups of 4 to 5 (may vary depending on class size) and will be allocated one organization from the following list:
Topic 1: Australian Dairy Farmers
Topic 2: Hybrid Car
Topic 3: Australian Wool Industry
Topic 4: Business Schools in Australia
Topic 5: HSBC
Topic 6: Bank of China
Topic 7: Any small to medium enterprise in Australia
Other organisations are possible to be negotiated with your lecture (at least 2 weeks prior to the due date)
Each group is to prepare a written report (in report format of approximately 3500 words) and an oral presentation (in PowerPoint format) of approximately 10 minutes duration, outlining the following:
- Executive Summary with key findings and recommendations
- Clear and concise description of the market in which the organization operates
- Summary of the marketing environment (both micro and macro-environmental forces and trends)
- Detailed description of how the market is (or may be) segmented and a statement of the segment(s) that the organization is targeting.
- Brief discussion of the behaviour of customers in the segment(s) identified above
- A description of the marketing mix being used by the organization to target these segments
- A recommendation for improvements to the organization’smarketing effort.
Marking Criteria for Group Assignment
Students Please Note: Each group member must participate equally in the preparation, presentation, and group report writing and ensuing seminar discussion.
Marking Criteria for Group Assignment - Written Report
Assessment Criteria for Written Report / Maximum / ScoredClear and concise explanation of the respective organization and its competitive context.
Comprehensive analysis of all relevant issues. / 8
Demonstrated understanding, logic and reasoning evidenced in report.
Demonstrated understanding of the theory discussed during lectures. / 6
Application of theories/concepts to industry/real products/services. And other relevant examples and ideas provided by the student to demonstrate an understanding of the theory. / 3
Style, structure, spelling, grammar, punctuation, referencing / 3
Total / 20
Marking Criteria for Oral Presentation
Presentations will be held during the lecture period on Week 9 and 10.
10 minutes duration is permitted including any ensuing class discussion.
Every student must take part in the presentation.
Was it an engaging presentation?
Did the presenters connect with the audience? / 3
The presentation is not the report.
The presentation compliments the report.
It must give the big picture (not all details) and highlight the most important points and recommendations. / 3
Clarity and overall impression of excellence (visual aids used etc) / 2
Adherence to time / 2
Total / 10
3.Final Examination
Length:2 Hours and 10 Minutes
Prescribed Textbook (compulsory)
Kotler P & Keller, K, Burton S (2009) Marketing Management 1st Adaptation edition published by Pearson Education Australia Pty Ltd.
Lecture notes/slides, recommended reading, tutorial activities and all other relevant information will be made available on Blackboard.
It is the student’s responsibility to check Blackboard on a regular basis. It is advised that students view lecture materials and readings before coming to class.
Week / Topics Scheduled / Tutorial Activities / AssessmentDue / Chapters
1 / What is marketing? / No Tutorial / 1
2 / Strategic planning and the marketing process / What is Marketing?
Does marketing merely reflect consumer needs/wants or does it shape them? / 2
3 / Global marketing environment / Mission Statements -are they critical for successful marketing or are they unnecessary?
Show the “shift happens” video clip and discuss the big themes. / 3
4 / Marketing research and information systems / Take a position:
The best market research is quantitative
The best market research is qualitative / 4
5 / Marketing segmentation, targeting and positioning / What brands and products/services do you feel successfully speak to you and effectively target your age group? Why?
Which ones do not? What could they do better? / Individual Essay Due / 8
6 / Consumer & business buyer behaviour / Describe a recent high involvement purchase that you made – explain the decision making process. / 5, 6, 7
7 / Product, branding and packaging concepts / What is your favourite brand and why?
Do brand extensions endanger brands OR grow brands – take a position. / 9.10
8 / Developing and managing goods and services / Take a position: product and services marketing are fundamentally different.
Or product and services marketing are highly related. / 12,13
9 / Pricing fundamentals and management / What pricing strategy is best for a new product/service? And why? / Group Presentation / 14
10 / Marketing channels and supply chain management / Show the “Barbie flagship store” video clip and discuss Place as well as the other 6P’s. / Group Presentation and Written report due / 15,16
11 / Integrated marketing communications and promotions / Does it matter where a product/service is sold/experienced?
Is channel image important for brand building? / 17,18
12 / Revision / No Tutorial
Exam Week*
* Note: Students must consult the Academic Calendar and Blackboard for the dates of the Examination Week.