Thursday 13 May 2010 at 8.30 p.m. Victoria Club, Holmes Chapel

Part I – Public and Press present

1. Attendance / Mr WA Ashworth
Mr JA Clowes
Mrs PA Cotton
Mr L Gilbert
Mr WN Guthrie / Mrs IM Mackenzie
Mr RC Parry
Mr A Pierce
Mr AC Rickards
Mr DE Savage
Mr MJ Street
2. Election of Chairman / Cllr Rickards took the chair and thanked members, the Clerk and Assistant for support during his year of office.
RESOLVED (c10/11/11) to elect Cllr A Pierce as Chairman for the year 2010/11.
Cllr Pierce took the Chair, received the badge of office, signed the declaration of acceptance of office and thanked Cllr Rickards for his work as Chairman and pledged to work for the good of Holmes Chapel.
3. Election of Vice Chairman / RESOLVED (c10/11/12) to elect Cllr WN Guthrie as Vice Chairman for the period 2010/11
4. Apologies / RESOLVED (c10/11/13) to approve apologies from Mr K Brownlow
5. Declarations of Interest / Cllr Savage declared an interest in item 17-5, Holmes Chapel Youth Centre
6. Chairman’s Allowance / RESOLVED (c10/11/14) to approve an allocation of £750.00 for the Chairman’s Allowance for the year.
7. Civic Service / RESOLVED (c10/11/15) to arrange a Civic Service at St Luke’s Church; date and time to be arranged by the Chairman and Clerk
8. Code of Conduct and Member’s Interests / The Clerk reported that the Monitoring Officer required the completion of new Members’ Interests forms. These had been prepared and signed and would be forwarded to the Monitoring Officer
9. Election of Committees / RESOLVED (c10/11/16) to appoint the following Committees, with each Committee appointing a Chairman at its first meeting:
Strategy / Amenities
John Clowes
Les Gilbert
Nick Guthrie
May Mackenzie
Rab Parry
Alan Pierce
Alan Rickards
David Savage / Alan Ashworth
John Clowes
Patricia Cotton
Les Gilbert
Nick Guthrie
Alan Pierce
David Savage
Mike Street
Technical Services / Finance
Kevin Brownlow
Patricia Cotton
Nick Guthrie
Rab Parry
Alan Pierce
Alan Rickards
Mike Street / To be completed following the election of Committee Chairmen
10. Internal Appointments and Representatives of External Bodies / RESOLVED (c10/11/17) to make the following appointments
Finance Member / John Clowes
Internal Auditor / JDH Business Services Ltd
Newsletter Editor / Nick Guthrie
Web Site Officers / Clerk and Assistant
Webmaster / CBJ Digital
Chalc Area Meetings / Mike Street & Patricia Cotton
Highway Spokesman / Rab Parry
Transport Spokesman / Alan Rickards
Public Service Liaison / Alan Ashworth, Alan Pierce
Police Forum / Rab Parry
Community Action Meeting / Rab Parry
Almshouses Charity / May Mackenzie (until 2010)
Village Volunteers / John Clowes
Best Kept Garden Judges / Mike Street, Alan Ashworth, Alan Pierce
Local Area Partnership / May Mackenzie, Rab Parry
Press and Publicity / Clerk and Assistant
Dane Valley Improvements / John Clowes, David Savage
Play Area Improvements / Nick Guthrie, Mike Street
Parish Plan Steering Group / John Clowes, David Savage
Holmes Chapel Singers / Alan Pierce
Arising from the above it was agreed that:
1.  The Clerk should enquire as to whether CEC have appointed members of the Leisure Centre JMC and, if so HCPC members should be appointed at a future meeting
2.  Cllr Brownlow should shadow the work of the Finance member during the year
11. Minutes / RESOLVED (c10/11/18) to approve the minutes of the Council meetings held on 1 and 22 April 2009 as a true and correct record to be signed by the Chairman.
12. Committee Actions and Recommendations / RESOLVED (c10/11/19)
1.  To approve the actions and recommendations of the Strategy Committee held on 8 April 2010.
2.  To approve the actions and recommendations of the Amenities Committee held on 15 April 2010
3.  To approve the actions and recommendations of the Finance Committee held on 22 April 2010.
4.  To approve the actions and recommendations of the Technical Services Committee held on 29 April 2010.
13. Matters Arising / 1.  The Clerk had circulated a list of updates before the meeting
2.  The PCSO agreement is still in abeyance. Cllr Sylvester was no longer CEC Portfolio Holder, which may cause a delay in receiving a response.
3.  The Clerk had asked CEC for hedges on the north side of Middlewich Road to be cut; he was instructed to repeat this request
15. Accounts for payment / RESOLVED (c10/11/20) to approve the payments set out in the Schedule below:
Already Paid
681 / DR Cowgill / Salary – April 2010 / £533.92
682 / NL Clarke / Salary – April 2010 / 324.37
To be Paid
683 / HC Scouts / Delivery of Spring Newsletter / 90.00
684 / Bomfords / Stationery / 29.39
685 / Scottish Power / Church Floodlights
Jan – Mar 10 / 131.13
686 / Scottish Power / Electricity – office
Jan – Mar 10 / 144.03
687 / JDH Business Services Ltd / Internal Audit 09/10 / 229.13
688 / Techno Type / Posters for HC Today / 52.50
689 / C C Playing Fields Assoc / Subscription 10/11 / 20.00
690 / Impressions Print and Design / Printing of Spring Newsletter / 154.00
691 / ChALC / Annual Subscription
Member Training / 1380.89
692 / HC Youth Centre / s. 137 donation / 750-00
16. Holmes Chapel Today / 1.  The event on 15 May 2010 was to be opened by the Chairman at 9.30 a.m.
2.  Cllr. Rickards outlined the rota for the morning and encouraged all members available to attend and circulate with the public to promote the Council.
17. Reports from Chairman and Clerk / The Clerk reported on the following items:
1.  The following matters to be referred to the Technical Services Committee:
·  Letter from HCCS regarding parking and traffic problems outside the school during pick up and drop off times
·  Letter from Ramblers Assoc enclosing a Parish Footpath Report.
2.  The Clerk reported that, with Cllrs Clowes and Savage, he had attended a meeting at the Sandbach Partnership and will report to the next Strategy Committee.
3.  Cllr Gilbert has been appointed as Vice-Chairman of the CEC Southern Planning Board and appointed a member of the Environment and Prosperity Scrutiny Committe.
4.  Cllr Domleo had replaced Cllr Sylvester as Deputy Leader of CEC
5.  The Clerk outlined a request for funding from Holmes Chapel Youth Centre. Cllr. Had Savage declared an interest and took no part in the decision.
RESOLVED (c10/11/21) to make a s.137 payment of £750.00 to assist with urgent repairs.
Part II
Private and Confidential Business / None.
The meeting closed at 9.25 p.m.
These minutes will be submitted for approval at the next meeting scheduled for 24 June 2010. Until then they are draft minutes.

Signed as Chairman of the Council as a true and accurate record:

