Minutes of the Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council meeting held on Wednesday 21 September 2016 in the Methodist Church Hall

Present: Peter Hastings (Chairman), Ian Baxter, Richard Brook, Ann Dowson, Laird Evans, Margaret Hobson, Madge Johnson, Tim Laverack, Ernest Smith, Anthea Waudby, Mike Wright

Apologies: Andrew Lee, Helen Williamson

Clerk: Steve Young, Telephone 01757 288234, there were 21 members of public present

Public session

·  Iris Hickling spoke about Sands Lane Nurseries and the problems of the overgrown verge & dyke, Iris reported that she had met that day with an officer of the East Riding of Yorkshire Council who had promised early action to tidy the grass verge along Sands Lane

·  Karen Jones from Water End spoke about traffic issues on the A163, Karen reported that she had recently moved to the village and had serious concerns about the speed of traffic at Water End. Karen asked for support from the Parish Council in her campaign to get a double white line, movement of the speed limit sign and beware of cyclists sign on the bend near her property

·  Paula Mountain Agar spoke about the Park Farm anaerobic digester planning application, East Riding Council has refused the application and it has now gone to appeal at the Planning Inspectorate. Paula asked that the Parish Council reinforce objections it made at the planning application stage

63/16 Minutes of PC meeting 17/8/2016, these were approved and signed by the Chairman

Declaration of Interest. To record any declarations of pecuniary and non-pecuniary interest by any Member in respect of items on this agenda, Ian Baxter, Richard Brook, Ernest Smith, Anthea Waudby non-pecuniary in Village Hall matters

64/16 Matters arising

ü  Parish Council website, a website domain name has been purchased for the Grapevine

ü  Handyman issues, Chairman expressed thanks to Richard Pickering for removing the basketball rig in the play area and reported that when it was removed parts of it were dangerously rusted

ü  Leylandi trees in playing field, Chairman reported that handyman Peter2 had estimated the cost of work to the boundary would cost £307, this was accepted unanimously and Peter will be asked to do this work, Clerk reported that the neighbour was happy with this option

ü  Grapevine, new editor Jo Metcalfe attended, deadline for the October edition is 30/9/2016 but earlier would be good, Clerk reported that John Tomlinson the Mobile Optician would be sponsoring this edition

ü  Adoption of BT telephone box Back Lane and re-siting, Mike Wright reported that the box is ready for being moved which will happen shortly

ü  Pedestrian crossing at village centre, Chairman reported on the site meeting held earlier at 5pm with the East Riding Council engineer who answered questions and explained the rationale for the preferred site. Clerk reported that the Parish Council had committed £10,000 to the cost and that half of this has been committed in donations and further donations would be sought if it goes ahead, £5,000 has been reserved in the Parish Council budget in case it is needed. Parish Councillors made points about the preferred site and the objections from neighbouring properties, concerns were noted about the bus stop proposed new site, the rationale for the crossing appearing to be based on car parking spaces to be lost and that speeding was not an issue near the site as shown by research by the East Riding Council. It was noted that 430 residents had signed a petition asking for a crossing and these residents deserved a voice as well as the objectors. It was resolved to hold a public meeting on Monday 24 October at 7pm in the Methodist Chapel and advertise this date in the Grapevine plus facebook, website and notice-boards

ü  Snowdrop Garth road adoption, nothing to report

ü  Cemetery report, a Burial Committee meeting was arranged for Monday 26 September at 5.30pm and Steve Towse plus Ralph Work to be invited. Clerk reported that the consecration stone had been moved as agreed

ü  Car parking in the centre of the village, Richard Brook explained that the football club is trying to rent the field at the back of the playing field. Ian Baxter explained that the Village Hall car park is owned by the Village Hall and can be used for short term parking by residents but that the use by Village Hall users is a priority. Currently problems are being caused by people catching the bus to York and leaving the car in the car park all day so taking up spaces needed by hall users

ü  Play area update, Clerk ran through the list of points made about the play area and Parish Councillors resolved to have the fencing at the back of the play area extended at an estimated cost of £813 plus VAT and to remove the free standing horizontal logs which are showing signs of rot. Tom Matthews offered to obtain a formal price for someone to make a new wooden tractor and trailer in the style of the existing, again this equipment is showing signs of rot. Tom was given a budget of £40 to buy silica to put in the artificial grass to protect it. Chairman to check prices for 300 thyme shrubs to plant between the artificial grass and the fencing. Clerk reported that Mel Raper has been booked on a play area inspection course in York. Once the final jobs are done then the Commuted Sums Officer at East Riding Council will arrange refreshments and a photographer for an official opening. Accidental damage to the playing field caused during play area refurbishment has been repaired by hiring a roller

ü  Recycled plastic seats/picnic benches, three picnic benches (two adult and one junior) plus a bench for the top of Chapelfields plus one for the Holme Grown Group to site on the playing field will be delivered and fitted shortly

ü  In Bloom, Chairman reported that he has bought more daffodil bulbs for the Cemetery and other areas in the village, he will buy some whips to plant in the hedge in the Cemetery to be planted in the late Autumn

ü  Bus consultation, email 5/9/16 from David Mills was considered, Parish Councillors understood the points made by David and a “use it or lose it” message will be printed in the Grapevine

ü  Area outside school will be progressed at a later date

ü  Litter bin siting, it was resolved to site a litter bin adjacent to the new zip wire as soon as possible and to check locations for a possible site at the junction of Back Lane/Springfields

ü  Request for a 30mph speed limit for Spen Lane has been rejected by ERYC, there have been many concerns in lots of different areas in the village about speeding and a general article is to be put in the Grapevine asking for drivers to slow down

ü  First Aid Training date, Clare Adrian and the first responders will run a day’s training in the Committee Room of the Village Hall between 10am and 12 noon plus 2pm and 4pm on Saturday 12 November. All are welcome and it was seen as good if the level of knowledge in the village about first aid was raised for the benefit of all residents, the Parish Council will fund meeting the room hire

ü  Planning for Christmas, a tree has been kindly offered, Christmas event date will be Friday 2 December and a road closure will be needed. The craft fair will be organised by Joan Johnson and Margaret Hobson plus Ann Dowson has booked on behalf of the Parish Council the organ and first aid support. It was resolved to donate £20 to the Yorkshire Air Ambulance to show thanks to Santa. It was resolved to ask Ward Councilllor Victoria Aitken to switch on the Christmas Tree lights. Clerk to ask handyman Peter2 to put out the event banners

65/16 Planning application

16/02584/STOUT Outline- Erection of up to 175 dwellings (including up to 25% affordable housing) with associated landscaping, open space, drainage and ancillary works (Access to be considered) at Land south east of The Croft, 44 Back Lane for Gladman Developments Ltd, the Parish Council resolved to object strongly using the information sheet prepared after the public meeting, the information sheet will be distributed via the Grapevine, facebook and notice-boards. This was formally proposed by Anthea Waudby and seconded by Tim Laverack and resolved unanimously

66/16 Planning decisions as advised by East Riding of Yorkshire Council

16/02150/VAR variation of Condition 2 (personal domestic use) and Condition 4 (no external artificial lighting) (15/02748/PLF) Construction of an equine arena with associated drainage, storage shed and a new vehicular access and parking area at Pear Tree Farm, 24 Station Lane for Mrs Lucy Jordan, granted

16/02110/PLF Erection of first floor extension over existing garage at side at Rush House, 4 Old Road for Mr & Mrs Martin Eveson, granted

16/02255/PLF Erection of a dwelling following demolition of existing bungalow at Laurel View, 5 Lock Lane for Mrs Elaine Snowden, granted

16/01419/PLF Conversion of existing flat to two dwellings at Flat 1, 70 High Street for Mr Matthew Webber, granted

16/02480/PLF Erection of single storey extension to side at Meadow Farm, Howden Road for Mr & Mrs Oglesby, granted

16/01857/PLF Erection of a dwelling following demolition of existing at Arglam Lane Farm for Mrs Kunz, granted

An appeal has been lodged by Gascorp Beta Ltd against refusal of planning permission for Erection of an anaerobic digestion plant and associated infrastructure following demolition of 2 existing buildings at Park Farm, Market Weighton Road. The Parish Council objected to the planning application and it was resolved to confirm this opposition to the Planning Inspectorate

Agricultural notification of change of use of agricultural buildings to form 3 dwellings at High Garth, Lock Lane, this was noted

67/16 Accounts, balances of £20,332.92 current account, £2,240.63 saver account (reserves £1000 towards election 2019, £1,372.42 towards pedestrian crossing)

Cheques approved: £508.52 Peter2 Wiles handyman (£444.60 salary plus £63.92 expenses), £103.05 Mel Raper litter picker (inc £3.20 for black bags), £844.73 Steve Young Clerk August (includes £26.95 post, £16.78 web domain name purchase), £723.66 HM R&C tax on salary Q2, £24.64 Autela payroll service Q2, £39.85 Margaret’s DIY black bags/brush, £10,507.20 Tom Matthews final payment for play area refurbishment, £842.00 Holme Bowls for the Bowls Club mat, £2,764.80 Marmax Products for plastic seats and benches, £18.23 XBM copy costs, £79.46 reimbursement to Peter Hastings for bulbs, £30.00 Village Hall meeting room hire, £405.00 Methodists Church meeting room hire, £78.00 Holme Rovers roller hire

Newsletter/copier 2016/17 to date. Income £1,022.50 Expenditure £1,897.40 (£1,581.17 ex VAT)

68/16 Reports

·  Tim Laverack reported that the footpath on the opposite side of the road from the Church entrance leading back to the village was overgrown and needs to be cleared of growth

·  Ernest Smith again reported that the verge on the road up to the Church needs to be strimmed

·  Mike Wright reported that large tractors running from Duck Nest Farm towards the A614 appear to be travelling at excessive speeds

·  Madge Johnson reported three streetlight problems plus that rabbits in the two graveyards are a major problem. It was suggested that a pest control company be asked to quote to control the rabbits

·  Ann Dowson reported a loose panel on the street light at junction of Sands Lane and Holme Close plus mess caused by grass cutting of litter at New Road

·  Chairman reported that the village flags are showing signs of wear and tear and he will start to replace them

69/16 Correspondence

·  Community led housing survey

·  Sheltered housing survey

The next meeting of Holme on Spalding Moor Parish Council will be held at 7.00pm on Wednesday 19 October 2016 in the Methodist Church Hall