

September 10, 2016


Hollywood Casino – Bangor Maine

Attendees: Kenneth McCall, Gregory Cameron, Eric Jarvi, Betty Harris, Larry Lamie, Diane Blanchette, Amelia Arnold, Heather Sudik, Lisa Martin


  1. Minutes fromJune meetingand July and August Notes

Motion made to approve minutes/notes. Seconded. Minutes Approved

  1. Treasurer’s Report (Eric)

This is the closing report for the last fiscal year. Income $87,452 which is $17,000 increase over projected income thanks in part to the grant from Mac and Amelia’s grant from Drug importation article. Expenses $64,186.25 which is less than budget leaving us with net income of $22,299.26. YTD vs last year better $7400.91. The balance sheet checking $83844.36, Invest in Cost $43,685.99,Invest at market $14,633.09 total Balance Sheet total of $142,193.44. No questions. Motion to accept report. Seconded. Approved. This report will be present to general membership for approval.

Eric will work on the budget for the next fiscal year to present to the board next month.

Linda will work with Eric about opening another CD.

  1. Conventions (Larry)
  2. Fall 2016 – September 9-11, 2016 --Hollywood Casino, Bangor, ME

Attendance at the convention is a little higher than last year and 60 will be attending the dinner. Everything at the facility is fine.

  • Sesquicentennial -2017 –October 13-15, 2017, Holiday Inn by the Bay, Portland, ME

-Save the Date Cards – These have been printed and sent to NE Pharmacist Convention.

Instead of having a person bring the cards to the APhA region 1&2 meeting, Linda will get a contact from Eric to mail them.

-Planning Meeting – October 1st at 9:00am at Husson University – Westbrook Campus.

A request for volunteers has been sent to the membership and Eric has received some interest. There are multiple committees for the event and will “take a village” to coordinate this celebration. Jane and Eric made a trip to the facility and the Portland Visitors office. They are receiving bids for favors to use at APhA and our event. We have national speakers lined up.

-Sponsorship Levels – To be discussed at the planning meeting.

  • Spring Meeting

Members of the board through conversations with membership detects some angst that there is only on meeting in 2017. In response to the membership’s request, the option to hold a one day CE in Northern Maine in the spring will be explored. It is thought that early April would be the best time for the meeting and will include at least Immunization Update and Law Update. There will be no vendors. Eric offered Husson as a host sight to save some money on facility. Membership will be advised at the business meeting the option of a one day CE with a CPR track.

  1. Legislative Update /Board of Pharmacy (Mac & Greg)

Mac and Amelia met with both Democrat and Rebulican parties along with the Retail Association of Maine. Specific topics to pharmacy included the LD 488 – Opioid Bill. The bill was implement late last session and left some questions when implemented. Since a special session is not an option for changes, it was thought that DHHS would be able to sign exceptions around PMP enhancements and waivers for over the threshold for amount.

Amelia will be meeting with Gordon Smith, Maine Medical Association to discuss the new law. They are experiencing similar frustrations. They will work to get doctors and pharmacists on the same page.

Mac stated that he attended a meeting with Dean Brazeau and legislators from both political parties to work to get a change to the tax credit law for graduates. Currently, if you graduate with an associate’s degree or bachelors from a school in Maine and work in Maine, you receive a tax credit on you Maine state taxes. They are looking to expand the bill to include first degrees higher than a BS, including pharmacists. Paul Chace submitted a bill to the reviser and when completed Mac will share. There was discussion if the bill would be specific to pharmacy or include all advanced degrees. It was thought that if it was expanded it would get more support but the financial implications to the state could be too much to implement. This will be monitored to protect pharmacy interest.

  1. Golf Tournament

The golf tournament was very successful raising $2300.00 with 36 golfers and all of the holes having sponsors. Thanks to Laurie Roscoe for coordinating and will look forward to next year.

  1. Membership Committee (Betty)
  1. Education Committee
  1. Awards (Lisa)
  2. New Award – Douglas Kay Distinguished Educator Award - Lisa will meet with Cassie and Deb regarding the criteria for the award in October. Lisa requested input from board prior to meeting. The question was asked if there would be a scholarship associated. Lisa thought it would be like the other MPA awards and will discuss at the meeting.
  1. MPA Office Report (Linda)
  2. Insurance – New quotes came in and will distribute.
  1. MPA History Archive

The Memorandum of Agreement regarding cataloging and archiving MPA history was distributed a few months ago. Eric has been working with a curator from Husson to catalog and display the items received. Mac stated that he visited the Maine Historcial Society as a option for the items. After visiting, he does not feel they would be best for what we need since they will become the owners of the material and will control when it is displayed.

The major topic discussed is how to get the items to “travel” through the state for display and where to display. It was felt that a good option was to have a display at each of the schools that could have the items rotated through. Eric and Mac will draft a new MOA to have reviewed by the legal counsel of both schools.

  1. New Business

Next Meeting: Linda will follow up with survey for times.