Holloman Military Child Education Program: FAQs
- APS registration, what do I do to get my child enrolled in school?
- If families arrive after school starts, they can go directly to the school their child will attend. They should bring their child’s official birth certificate, updated immunization records, proof of residency, and official school transcripts. (If they do not have them, not to worry, the gaining school will request them. However, please bring unofficial school records.) The list of all APS schools with phone numbers are on pages17-24 of the Holloman Military Child Education Guide (attch 1).
- My family does not live on base but I want my child to go to the Holloman Schools?
- Both Holloman ES and MS accept “Out of Zone” students based on space availability.
- HES:Ms. Knox, school principal, will decide if the child(ren) can be accommodated. The phone number for HES is 575-812-6100.There is a priority list for Holloman ES.
- HMS:Mr. Starkovich, school principal, will decide if the child(ren) can be accommodated. The phone number for HMS is 575-812-6200.
- Are there any pre-school programs on base?
- The only pre-school on base is the Developmental Delayed program at Holloman Elementary School. If your child has an IEP, contact Ms. Knox, HES Principal 575-812-6100 for assistance.
- There is a listing of all the community pre-school programs on page33of the Holloman Education Handbook 2017-18.
- Where can I get information about home schooling?
- On pages30and 31of the Holloman Education Handbook there is a listing of local home school groups, links to the NM laws, and other resources.
- What school will my child attend?
- The Alamogordo District Schools are zoned. Please contact the Holloman Military Child Education-School Liaison for assistance in locating your home” school. Call the Airman & Family Readiness Center at 572-3944/7754, speak withLaurieAnn Goodier, School Liaison Officer
- What is the age cut off to enroll my child in kindergarten?
The state of NM requires that children be 5 years old by midnight 31 Aug 2017.
*The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunities for Military Children may allow for exceptions.
- Are there any private schools in the area?
See page 32 in the Holloman Military Child Education Handbook.
- My child is on an IEP, how do I enroll them in special education classes?
If at all possible, fax your child’s IEP to the APS SPED office (575-812-5999) as soon as you receive orders. Once you arrive in Alamogordo, go to the school your child is to attend and bring a copy of the IEP, along with a birth certificate and updated immunization record. Your child’s new school and the IEP Specialist will assist you.
- My child was in the gifted program at his/her last school. How do I get them enrolled in similar classes here?
Gifted Education Servicesare included under the Special Education umbrella in New Mexico. In keeping with the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity, students who received services through gifted programs at a previous school will be enrolled, as best possible, in gifted services through APS. NM has very high standards for placement for gifted services. Please bring copies of any diagnostic testing that you might have, and be prepared for the APS SPED Department to conduct additional testing for appropriate placement.
Primary Gifted Education Services:
a.If possible, please make available the results of any intelligence or achievement testing which has been given to your child. Contact your prior district to providedocumentation pertaining to gifted placement.
b.Your student will be invited to attend GEMINI (Gifted services with APS) pullout sessions as a GUEST. A Statement of Understanding must be signed by parent/guardian.
c.The regular classroom teacher will begin a High Ability Learner Student Assessment Team (SAT) process upon your child’s enrollment.
d.Your child’s screening will be completed and results sent to the SAT. (Prior testing will be considered if assessments are on the New Mexico approved list.)
e. If scores do not fall in the required range, the SAT along with a gifted education representative will determine if the referral should proceed.
f.Students may continue to attend the GEMINI pullout sessions if they are receiving benefit as evidenced through student progress. (Consideration is given to grades, participation, level of understanding, etc.)
g.For students who do not progress successfully in the GEMINI pullout sessions, the gifted facilitator will make arrangements to deliver enrichment lessons in the child’s regular classroom for the duration of the school year.
Secondary Gifted Education Services:
a.If possible, please make available the results of any intelligence or achievement testing which has been given to your child.
b.Your child’s school will review available assessments results (contact the prior district, if needed, for documentation pertaining to gifted placement.
c.If your student has gifted or accelerated placement test results on record, s/he will be placed in corresponding gifted classes as intervention only while completing any assessments required by New Mexico’s Public Education Department. AStatement of Understanding must be signed by the parent/guardian prior to this arrangement.
d.Assessment results are shared with the parent and a meeting will be held to determine if any changes in placement are appropriate.
e.Screening will be completed and results sent to SAT. (Prior testing will be considered if they’re on the New Mexico approved assessment list.)
f.If scores do not fall in the required range, the SAT along with the school’s gifted facilitator will determine if the referral should proceed.
g.Students may continue in the GEMINI classroom if it is shown to be of benefit. (Consider grades, participation, level of understanding, etc.)
h.For those who do not progress successfully in the GEMINI classes, the SAT will meet in a timely manner to consider changes in placement. Parent must be included in the decision making.
- What is the best school to send my child?
All the public schools in Alamogordo are in the same school district and the curriculum for each grade is the same. School Grading results can be reviewed at the Alamogordo Public School District website The 2015-16results are posted.
- Before & After School Programs
- The School Age Care (SAC) on base provides both and after school care. They provide transport to and from school for the Holloman Schools only. The number is 575-572-1136.
- Full House (575-434-1572) and Full House Too (575-434-5179), licensed child care facilities, have Before & After School Programs. In addition they provide transportation to & from the elementary schools in town. Full House transports to the La Luz Elementary School.
- Children’s World CDC (575-434-3150) has a Before & After School Program. Transportation to & from the elementary schools in town is provided.
- The Boys & Girls Club of Otero County (575-437-3788) has a Before School Program for Yucca Elementary School students. The students are walked over to Yucca from the B&GC.
- Their After School Program is more extensive. The B&GC transports students from all the elementary schools.
- Please call these programs for details.
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