Hollingbourne Primary School Oak Class


This term we will continue with our daily spelling focus looking at rules and strategies to help remember both words learnt so far as well as tackling new words.

Grammar and punctuation will continue to be taught throughout our units of work to enable us to use correctly within our writing.

This term we will use quality texts within English and write from different character perspectives. We will also focus on writing for a particular purpose and audience, ensuring the children are developing their skills as an author; are able to use their drafts to help them improve their writing and can describe settings, characters and atmosphere.

We will also be focussing on writing non-fiction texts, such as instruction and explanation texts as well as biographical accounts to improve skills further.

We will also use our ICT skills to write texts and research factual based texts to enhance our knowledge further.


In maths this term we will start by looking at and refining our methods of multiplication and division. We will look at using manipulatives to support our understanding and then develop our written methods.

Once we are happy our written methods are secure we will look at solving problems related to multiplication and division and then mixed problems involving these operations as well as addition and subtraction. We will use the bar model to represent the problems which will help us to visualise what they are telling us and this method should then support our solving of the problems.

For more information on the bar method, please come in and ask or visit:

At the end of the term we will spend some time looking at statistics and the different ways information is presented. We will look at bar graphs, line graphs and pie charts. We will read and interpret them as well as creating our own based on information we have collated ourselves.


We will continue with our topic of Forces.

So far we have investigated gravity and friction as well as looking into the lives of Sir Isaac Newton and Albert Einstein.

This term we will look at and investigate air resistance and water resistance. As with our previous work we will look at these through the context of Theme Parks and rides. The class have carried out and planned fair tests, made predictions and analysed their results already this year and will continue to do this as the term progresses, increasing their independent choices about what to investigate and how.


This term we will continue to think about internet safety. We will look at sharing things online and how to remain safe when doing this.

We will also use it to support our learning in Science and DT.


This term we will be concentrating on locating and naming countries in both Europe and South America. We will also be learning about the main principal cities across both areas to improve our knowledge of Europe and the wider world.


This term we are fortunate to have an expert dance teacher helping us develop our dancing skills. We will be showcasing our skills towards the end of term to demonstrate everything we have learnt.


This term we will be looking at the topic ‘All in a day’ where we will explore telling the time, think about our school day and learn days of the week.


This term we will be studying Christianity and looking at various Christian stories. We will discuss Christingle and the Christmas story as well as making crafts to showcase our


We are continuing to link our DT learning with our science topic. The class will be investigating linkages, levers and other moving elements in books. They will practise making different features and over the course of the science topic will make a moving story book – based in a Theme Park – that will explain their learning.


An expert music teacher will teach us Djembe drumming.

As always our door is open should any parents wish have any queries or concerns.

Thank you for your continued support

Miss Allen & Mrs Jones