Club Constitutions
1 – NAME
(a) The Club shall be named the Holland Football Club and shall be affiliated to the
Essex County Football Association Limited.
(b) The Club colours shall be orange/white.
2 - Objects
The objects of the Club shall be to promote
amateur sports of football in Holland-
on-sea and community participation in the
3 - Officers
The Officers shall comprise of Chairman,
Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
4 - Committee
(a) The Club shall be controlled by A General
Committee consisting of the Officers and up
to 3 other members who shall be elected at
the AGM.
(b) The General Committee shall meet as
required. The Secretary shall give a least 7
(seven) days notice stating time, place and
agenda. The proceedings of such
meetings to be duly recorded.
(c) At meetings or the General Committee
3(three) members shall form a quorum.
5 - Powers of the General Committee
(a) The property of and/or assets of the Club
shall be vested in the General Committee.
(b) The General Committee shall have the
power to appoint such ad hoc committees as
are deemed necessary and shall receive
reports of such ad hoc committees at its
(c) The General Committee shall have the
power to suspend or expel any member
deemed guilty of conduct prejudicial to the
good name of the Club. The member
whose expulsion is under consideration shall
be allowed an explanation of his
conduct to the General Committee and, if in
the opinion of two thirds of the
members present at the meeting, his conduct
be considered such as to make it
undesirable for his membership to continue,
he shall be expelled from the Club.
(d) The general committee may refuse
membership or expel from membership only
for good and sufficient cause such as
conduct or character likely to bring the club
or sport into disrepute, appeal against such
decision may be made to the clubs
members and decided by a majority vote.
(e) The General Committee shall have the
power to fill such vacancies as may arise
in its Constitution between Annual General
6 - Membership
(a) Membership shall consist of playing and
non-playing members.
(f) Non-playing members shall be expected to
play an active part in the affairs of the
(b) Playing members must be properly
registered with the appropriate authority
before representing the Club as a playing member.
(c) A register of members and dates of elections
shall be kept by the Secretary.
(a) All players to pay a signing on fee each season also a monthly subs fee which is to be set by the General Committee at the A.G.M. and be charged to the Players in 9 (nine) equal monthly installments from September to May inclusive. The only time this Payment is not paid is when a player is injured with broken bones,
(d) Any fines imposed by the Essex County
Football Association Limited as a result
of a caution or sending off offence will
initially be paid by the Club and the player
concerned shall reimburse the Club within
14 days of the date of the invoice sub-
mitted by the Club to the Team in respect of
any such fine. If any player fails to pay
within the specified period a final letter will
be sent to both the Team Manager and the
player making it clear that from the date of
any such letter the player must settle within
14 days and failure to do so will result in the
Club requesting that the Essex County
Football Association impose a sine die
suspension on the player until payment is
received by the Club. However, if any
Team Manager requires the services of a
player who has failed to pay any fine during
the period specified above he may give
instructions to the Secretary that he/she is
not to ask the E.C.F.A. to impose a
(e) The club is open to the whole community
without discrimination.
(f) Any fees are set at a level that does not pose
a significant obstacle to membership or use
of facilities.
(g) All youth teams to be fully insured which is provided by Mann Broadbent Insurance.
(h) All adult players to take out player insurance which is optional. If no player insurance taken out the club will not accept any liability for injury or loss of earnings
7 - Non Profit making
All surplus income all profits are re-invested
in the club no surpluses or assets will be
distributed to members or third parties.
8 - Annual General Meeting
(a) The AGM shall be held on the first
Wednesday in July. 3 members to form a
(b) The secretary shall give at least 14 days
notice of the AGM to all Committee
Members and Team Managers. An Agenda
is to accompany this notice.
(c) The minutes of the preceding Annual
General Meeting (and Extraordinary General
Meeting if appropriate) shall be accepted
and matter arising dealt with. The
Financial Statement and Secretary's Report
shall be received by the Meeting which
will elect the Officers and General
(d) The Officers and the General Committee
Members shall be subject to termination
by resignation or otherwise remain in office
until the next A.G.M. following their
election when they shall retire but be eligible
for re-election.
(e) Nominations of officers and the 3 General
Committee members shall be received
from the floor at the AGM.
(f) If the number of nominations is in excess of
the number of vacancies voting thereon shall
be by ballot. Every member present at the
meeting and entitled to vote may vote for as
many candidates as there are vacancies to be
filled and no more. The candidates, up to
the number of vacancies, who receive most
votes shall be declared elected. In the case
of two or more candidates receiving an
equal number of votes the Chairman shall
have a casting vote.
(g) Where insufficient nominations are received
to fill the vacancies, those already
nominated shall be declared elected and the
Chairman shall have the power to call for
further nominations from the floor of the
Meeting. Should the number of nomination
Thus secured exceed the number of
Vacancies, a ballot shall be held.
(h) To be eligible for election all nominees shall
be present at the meeting or have tendered
an apology for absence which has been
accepted by the meeting prior to the start of
9 - Extraordinary General Meeting
(a) An Extraordinary General Meeting may be
convened by the General Committee when
deemed desirable and also upon the signed
written request of three of more members.
(b) The Secretary shall give 7 (seven) days
notice to all members of such a Meeting and
business to be transacted. 3 members to
form a quorum.
10 - Special General Committee Meeting
A Special General Committee Meeting may
be called at any time at the request of an
Officer of the Club. The request shall be
Made to the Secretary stating the business
for which the meeting is required.
11 – Team Managers
(a) The Team Managers shall be
reappointed/appointed for the following
season by the General Committee at the
Annual General Meeting.
(b) Once appointed, the Team Managers shall be at all times accountable to the General
Committee and may be dismissed before
Completion of their term by the General
Committee should their conduct warrant
such action.
(c) The Team Managers shall have the power to
sign on players for the ensuing season
and shall abide by all requirements of the
respective Leagues as set out in their
respective Rules.
(d) The Team Managers shall be responsible for
team selection.
(e) The Team Managers will not necessarily be
members of the General Committee but
will be required to attend all General
Committee meetings at which teams matters
are to be discussed.
12 - Finance
(a) The General Committee shall cause to be
kept proper accounts.
(b) The Club books to be open to
examination/audit by any two Committee members at their request.
(c) Official receipts for all monies received
shall be signed by the treasurer.
(d) The funds of the Club shall be held in an
account approved by the General Committee.
(e) The account shall be in the name of
"Holland Football Club" and shall be drawn upon under the signature of any two of the nominated Officers of the Club.
(f) All teams shall be responsible for their own
finances and keep proper accounts
which shall be open to examination/audit by
any 2 Committee Members at their request.
and passed on to the Treasurer at the end of financial each year
(g) Every Team shall pay a Levy to the General
Account of the Club. The amount of this Levy to be set by the General Committee at the A.G.M. The Levy will be charged to the Teams in 9 (nine) equal monthly installments from September to May inclusive. The only time this levy is not paid is when a player is injured with broken bones,
13 - Alteration to the Rules
(a) No alteration to these Rules shall be made
except at the A.G.M. or at an Extraordinary
General Meeting convened for that purpose
and only if supported by two-thirds of those
present and voting at such a meeting.
(b) Notice of proposed alteration to these Rules
must be given in writing to the Committee
Members prior to commencement of the
14 - Interpretation of Rules
Any matters not governed by the foregoing
Rules shall be dealt with by the
General Committee the decision of which
body shall be final an binding.
15 - Child Protection
(a) We currently have a child protection officer
Mr. Mark Sorrell of 10 Highview Ave,
Clacton-on-sea, CO15 3DY.
(c) We are currently applying for further
members to attend the county FA child
Protection workshop.
16- Dissolution
Upon dissolution of club any remaining
assets shall be given or transferred to
another Registered casc, a registered charity
or the sport’s governing body for use by them for related community sports.
ADOPTED ON 09TH September 2010