
Dear Children,

Summer vacation is here once again. It’s time to relax and have fun. We have planned some creative assignments for you to enjoy and learn from them.

Note: Make a scrap book keeping the ‘Environment’ in mind. Do not buy any paper (use any old unused paper from previous year’s notebooks). Do all the work in one scrap book. Decorate it and make it look beautiful. Your scrap book should be neatly labelled with yourname, class and section. Remember to bring it on the first day when you come back after the vacation.

I.English: Compulsory Reading: The Blue Umbrella by Ruskin Bond

II. Acrostic Poem

An acrostic poem is where you pick a word or name and use each letter in the name as the beginning of a line that tells something about that person or topic.
Example: An acrostic poem using the word "Sun."
Sometimes when we go to the beach, I will get sun burn.
Usually if I put Sun block on my skin, I will not burn.
Noon is when I'm really prone to burning.

Write an Acrostic Poem using the word ‘ENVIRONMENT’ given below.





R …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...







III.Paste this sheet in your folder & fill in the answers in it.Complete the conversation.

If I Were....?

Pretend you are Mother Nature. Answer the questions given below. / NAME………………………………………………………………..
1. Are you running fever? Does
your temperature seem to be
gettinghotter? / ______
2. What is to be blamed for
increased GlobalWarming? / ______
3. How big are you compared to
the other Planets in your
neighbourhood (solar
system)? / ______
4. How do trees help in saving
Energy? / ______
5. Do trees help in reducing
pollution in the environment .
How? / ______
6.How could humans make your
life easier? / ______

IV. Guide the Tree to the Forest

V. Make a PPT (max. 5 slides) on “RECYCLE”. Take printout of each slide and paste in your scrapbook. (Do

not bring CDs or pen drives)

VI.१.अपनेशहर ( नईदिल्ली ) कोप्रदूषणरहितरखनेकेलिएआपकौन - कौनसेप्रयासकरेंगे?चित्रोंकेमाध्यम


2 . आपअपनीपसंदकीपाँचएतिहासिकधरोहरों ( दिल्लीमेंस्थित ) केनामलिखिए, उनकेचित्रलगाइएऔर

उनकोसुरक्षितरखनेहेतुआपक्या - क्याउपायकरेगें| ( कोईपाँच )

VII. Tangram is an ancient Chinese puzzle. This activity is sometimes called "seven pieces of cleverness." The object of the puzzle is to rearrange the pieces of a square (the puzzle pieces) to form figures (like a picture of a cat) using the tangram pieces.

As explained in the class, use Tangram pieces (made from old coloured newspaper/magazines) to make an Eco friendly landscape. You can make figures/ animals/ shapes using tangram pieces on a drawing sheet. You can cut Tangram pieces as shown below. Tangram puzzle pieces can be used to make many different shapes.

/ Fold the square piece of paper in half, then in half again (making a square that is divided into quarters). Repeat this step (resulting in a square divided into sixteenths).
Unfold the paper.
/ Draw lines along the red lines marked at the left. Cut along these lines.
/ You will now have seven pieces: a small square, two small triangles, a medium-sized triangle, two large triangles, and a parallelogram.

cats / You can arrange these seven pieces into an incredible number of shapes, making animals, people, everyday objects, etc.–Search the internet/ invent new ones. See how many you can make!