Minute Record


Holdrege City Council met in regular session Tuesday, February 7th, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 502 East Avenue in Holdrege with Mayor Doug Young presiding. Council members present were Doug Simpson, Mike Sisson, Mary McDermott, Larry Gibbons, Troy Urbom, Larry Marvin, Jeff Nantkes and Randy Aldrich. City Staff also present were Rod Osborn, Kim Parsons, Dennis DaMoude, Bob Rager and Dane Jensen. Media was represented by Tunney Price of the Holdrege Daily Citizen.

Notice of the meeting was given in advance by publication in the Holdrege Daily Citizen; the City’s designated method for giving notice, and by announcement from radio station KUVR/KMTY. The Mayor and Council received notification of the agenda in advance.

Mayor Young called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. City Clerk Dane Jensen announced “State Law requires this body to announce at this time that a copy of the current Open Meetings Act is posted at the back of the room where it is accessible to the public” and took roll. Mayor Young began the meeting with a moment of silence and the Pledge of Allegiance.

A motion by Councilmember Gibbons to approve the Consent Agenda including:

  1. this agenda,
  2. payment of the claims as submitted,
  3. an Application for Special Designated Liquor License allowing Kent Shaffer dba The Station to serve alcohol in the Phelps County Ag Center from 1:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 1st, 2017 for the Fox/Harms Wedding Reception,
  4. an Application for Special Designated Liquor License allowing the Chamber of Commerce to serve alcohol in the Holdrege City Auditorium from 5:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. on Friday, March 31st, 2017 for the Annual Chamber Banquet,
  5. an Application for Special Designated Liquor License allowing Galaxy Enterprises dba Gutterz Fun Center to serve alcohol in the Phelps County Ag Center from 5:00 p.m. until 12:30 a.m. on Saturday March 11th, 2017 for the Svoboda/Shiers Wedding Reception and
  6. an Application for Special Designated Liquor License from Pam Snyder dba the Blue Moose Bar and Grill to serve alcohol in the Phelps County Ag Center from 4:30 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. on Friday, March 17th, 2017 for a CASA Fundraising Event

was seconded by Councilmember Nantkes. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Claims: February 7, 2017
Acct / Fund / $ Claim
11.01 / General Administration / 35,244.27
11.02 / Fire / 1,339.76
11.03 / Health & Sanitation / 12.60
11.04 / Community Development & Promotion / 68,715.16
11.05 / Public Buildings / 6,148.38
11.06 / Auditorium / 4,053.37
11.07 / Park / 10,543.11
11.08 / Pool / 371.14
11.09 / Library / 26,666.67
11.10 / Emergency Communications / 14,994.42
11.11 / Police / 23,653.18
11.12 / Street / 26,663.09
11.13 / Bond Fund / 0
11.14 / Equipment Maint. & Replace. / 5,672.12
Total: / *224,080.27
13.16 / Special Assessments Dept 16 / 500.00
31.15 / Prairie Hill Landfill / *22,406.70
41.17 / Electric / 94,863.32
42.18 / Water / 20,298.63
43.19 / Sewer / 19,994.26
Total: / *135,156.21
44.20 / Keno / *350.00
53.27 / Economic Dev. Revolving / *0
*Complete Total: / 382,493.18

Councilmember Urbom motioned to approve the minutes of the January 17th, 2017 regular Council meeting with a second by Councilmember Sisson. Roll call aye: Marvin, Nantkes, Simpson, Sisson, McDermott, Gibbons and Urbom. Abstain: Aldrich. Motion carried.

No one appeared for Public Forum.

At 7:02 p.m. Mayor Young opened the Public Hearing to receive comment on the City of Holdrege One and Six Year Street Improvement Plan. Municipal Services Director Kim Parsons explained that he had added a half mile of Gustin Street from the highway north to the half-mile line for infrastructure improvements to the Iron Horse Industrial Park. Mr. Parsons also informed Council members that, while funds for Gustin Street improvement would be substantially paid for with LB840 tax funds, completion of the 11th Avenue reconstruction project haddepleted most of the City’s Surface Transportation Program (STP) funds. He advised members that the City receives approximately $98,000.00 in STP funds annually from the state and indicated that it would be some time before the City would accumulate enough to construct another major street improvement project. With no other comments to be heard Mayor Young closed the Public Hearing at 7:08 p.m.

Motion by Councilmember Aldrich, second by Councilmember McDermottwith all members present voting aye to Adopt Resolution 2017-02; approving the City of Holdrege One and Six Year Street Improvement Plan. Motion carried.

State Certified Hunter Firearm Safety Instructor Robert Horst asked Council members to approve use of the City Auditorium for gun safety classes in March. Mr. Horst explained that, while there would be shotguns and rifles in the auditorium, ammunition, handguns and students’ firearms would not be allowed. Following a close scrutiny of safety class characteristicsCouncilmember Simpson motioned to approve the use of the City Auditorium for Gun Safety Classes as requested with a second by Councilmember McDermott. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

City Administrator Bob Rager told Council members that the Phelps County Title Company required a Resolution authorizing Mayor Young to sign documents and take other actions necessary to complete the sale of the Washington School Property to the Phelps County Development Corporation. A motion by Councilmember Simpsonto adopt Resolution 2017-03; authorizing Mayor Young to take any and all actions necessary to complete the sale of the Washington School Property to the Phelps County Development Corporation was seconded by Councilmember Urbom with all members present voting aye. Motion carried.

Administrator Rager also explained that it was once again time for the annual ACE Door Hangar Promotion and Mayor Young explained that, as a part of the Choice Gas Program, the City would advertise for a youth group to distribute door hangars throughout town. He stated that the group would receive a combined donation of six hundred dollars - two hundred from the City and four hundred from ACE for their efforts. Motion Councilmember McDermott, second Councilmember Gibbons with all members present voting ayeto participate in the 2017 ACE Door Hangar Promotion. Motion carried. Councilmember Aldrich requested that the Council be informed about applicants for the distribution.

Municipal Services Director Kim Parsons told members that Ordinances 2387 through 2391 would amend named sections of the Holdrege Municipal Code to reflectdistinctions between primary and accessory use structures as well as defining construction restrictions for accessory use structures that they had previously discussed and approved. Councilmember McDermott drew attention to Council’s general suspension of the rules that call for reading an ordinance on three separate occasions and asked if it might be more appropriate to consider these amendments over three meetings, allowing an opportunity for more input from the public. Members discussed and observed that the revisions werepreviously deliberated at two separate Council meetings and that no one had attended this meeting to comment on the proposed changes. City Clerk Dane Jensen read the Title of Ordinance 2387;amending Holdrege Municipal Code 11-202 and Designating the Construction Parameters for Primary and Accessory Use Structures in an R, Large Lot Residential Zoning District. A motion to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2387 was made by Councilmember Aldrich and seconded by Councilmember Simpson with all members present voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilmember Sisson, second by Councilmember Marvin to suspend the rules and continue with the final reading of Ordinance 2387. Roll call aye: Gibbons, Urbom, Marvin, Nantkes, Aldrich, Simpson and Sisson; nay: McDermott. Motion carried.

Clerk Jensen gave the final reading of Ordinance 2387; amending Holdrege Municipal Code 11-202 and Designating the Construction Parameters for Primary and Accessory Use Structures in an R, Large Lot Residential Zoning District. Councilmember Gibbons motioned to approve the final reading of Ordinance 2387 with a second by Councilmember Urbom. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Clerk Jensen read the Title of Ordinance 2388;amending Holdrege Municipal Code 11-203 and Designating the Construction Parameters for Primary and Accessory Use Structures in an R1, One (1) FamilyResidential Zoning District. A motion to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2388 was made by Councilmember Nantkesand seconded by Councilmember Sisson with all members present voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilmember Simpson, second by Councilmember Aldrich to suspend the rules and continue with the final reading of Ordinance 2388. Roll call aye: Sisson, Gibbons, Urbom, Marvin, Nantkes, Aldrich, and Simpson; nay: McDermott. Motion carried.

Clerk Jensen gave the final reading of Ordinance 2388; amending Holdrege Municipal Code 11-203 and Designating the Construction Parameters for Primary and Accessory Use Structures in an R1, One (1) Family Residential Zoning District. Councilmember Marvin motioned to approve the final reading of Ordinance 2388 with a second by Councilmember Gibbons. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Clerk Jensen read the Title of Ordinance 2389;amending Holdrege Municipal Code 11-204 and Designating the Construction Parameters for Primary and Accessory Use Structures in an R2, Multiple Family Residential Zoning District. A motion to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2389 was made by Councilmember Sissonand seconded by Councilmember Nantkes with all members present voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilmember Simpson, second by Councilmember Sisson to suspend the rules and continue with the final reading of Ordinance 2389. Roll call aye: Sisson, Gibbons, Urbom, Marvin, Nantkes, Aldrich, and Simpson; nay: McDermott. Motion carried.

Clerk Jensen gave the final reading of Ordinance 2389; amending Holdrege Municipal Code 11-204 and Designating the Construction Parameters for Primary and Accessory Use Structures in an R2, Multiple Family Residential Zoning District. Councilmember Urbom motioned to approve the final reading of Ordinance 2389 with a second by Councilmember Gibbons. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

City Clerk Dane Jensen read the Title of Ordinance 2390;amending Holdrege Municipal Code 11-205 and Designating the Construction Parameters for Primary and Accessory Use Structures in an M, Mobile Home Park Zoning District. A motion to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2390was made by Councilmember Marvin and seconded by Councilmember Sisson with all members present voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilmember Simpson, second by Councilmember Aldrich to suspend the rules and continue with the final reading of Ordinance 2390. Roll call aye: Sisson, Gibbons, Urbom, Marvin, Nantkes, Aldrich, and Simpson; nay: McDermott. Motion carried.

Clerk Jensen gave the final reading of Ordinance 2390; amending Holdrege Municipal Code 11-205 and Designating the Construction Parameters for Primary and Accessory Use Structures in an M, Mobile Home Park Zoning District. Councilmember Nantkes motioned to approve the final reading of Ordinance 2390 with a second by Councilmember Marvin. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Clerk Jensen read the Title of Ordinance 2391;amending Holdrege Municipal Code 11-206 and Designating the Construction Parameters for Primary and Accessory Use Structures in an R3, One (1) Family Transitional Zoning District. A motion to approve the first reading of Ordinance 2391was made by Councilmember Urbomand seconded by Councilmember Gibbons with all members present voting aye. Motion carried.

Motion by Councilmember Sisson, second by Councilmember Marvin to suspend the rules and continue with the final reading of Ordinance 2391. Roll call aye: Gibbons, Urbom, Marvin, Nantkes, Aldrich, Simpson and Sisson; nay: McDermott. Motion carried.

Clerk Jensen gave the final reading of Ordinance 2391; amending Holdrege Municipal Code 11-206 and Designating the Construction Parameters for Primary and Accessory Use Structures in an R3, One (1) Family Transitional Zoning District. Councilmember Gibbons motioned to approve the final reading of Ordinance 2391with a second by Councilmember Urbom. All members present voted aye. Motion carried.

Director Parsons also explained that Resolution 2017-04 would mandate registration requirements and dumping fees for all individuals or businesses operating a Honey Wagon within the jurisdiction of Holdrege. Councilmember Simpson inquired about penalties for non-compliance and members discussed the need for an ordinance to amend City Code. City Attorney Rod Osborn advised passing the resolution and addressing the need for an ordinance after Municipal Services Director Parsons checked into DEQ regulations and enforcement policies. Councilmember Aldrich motioned to adopt Resolution 2017-04; defining requirements for the registration of Honey Wagons and establishing applicable dumping fees. Councilmember Simpson seconded with all members present voting aye. Motion carried.

In Open Discussion:

City Administrator Bob Rager told Council members that the Nebraska Public Power District would be conducting a tour of their facility at Doniphan and the Gerald Gentleman Nuclear Power Station by tour reservation.

Councilmember Simpson commended Municipal Services Department employees for their exceptional work in repairing a water leak in the 1200 Block of East Avenue.

Mayor Young asked Council members for their opinion on the type of information they would like to have in their Council packets concerning Special Designated Liquor License Applications. He also inquired about a large roll-off dumpster beside the former Quilt Shop store and inquired about future Council action on the request for a stop sign at 12th and Logan.

There being no other business to discuss Mayor Young adjourned the meeting at 7:59 p.m.

Regular meetings of the Council are held at 7:00 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays of each month in the Council Chambers of City Hall at 502 East Avenue in Holdrege, Nebraska unless otherwise advertised. Agendas, as well as any Ordinance, Resolution or Agreement of the City, are kept on file, constantly current and available for public inspection at the Office of the City Clerk, 502 East Avenue in Holdrege.


Doug Young, Mayor


Dane C. Jensen, City Clerk