HMGP Quarterly Report
2016 2nd Quarter
Sub Grant Number / Project/Plan Name / Performance Period / Project Manager InfoHMGP DR-4011-UT
Project # 10-F
(HMGP CFDA # 97.039) / Implementation of Risk-based liquefaction maps in hazard ordinances / 3/19/2013
8/29/2016 / Name: Steven F. Bartlett
Phone: 435-841-9837
Progress Report for Jan 1 thru Mar 31
(Please describe a general summary of what occurred during the past quarter, and any concerns encountered)
Received review and comments of maps by UGS. Making changes to maps to finalize. Traffic modeling completed. Draft traffic modeling report being prepared.
(Please list status of important milestones, if not already listed above in Progress Report)
Task Summary
Task 1-1 Finalize Maps (Completed – Received UGS review, making final changes)
Task 1-2 Electronic publishing (Working on finalization to UGS requirements)
Task 1-3 Map supporting information (Completed)
Task 1-4 Draft liquefaction ordinance (Ongoing – UGS is taking lead drafting general hazard ordinance, U of U is assisting in developing and reviewing liquefaction part.
Task 2-1 Develop risk-based decision making short course (Completed – Delivered in Feb. 2015 at ULAG mtg.)
Task 2-2 Develop liquefaction mapping short course (Completed – EERI annual mtg. see Task 2-8)
Task 2-3 Liquefaction web content (In progress by UGS, but not finalized)
Task 2-4 Liquefaction meetings with stakeholders (Completed - mtgs. held Feb. 2015)
Task 2-5 Follow-up meetings with Weber, Davis, Salt Lake and Utah Co. officials - Scheduling follow-up meetings with county building officials – U of U needs to confirm dates and assist UGS).
Task 2-6 Revise draft liquefaction ordinance (Started)
Task 2-7 Support adoption of liquefaction maps and ordinances (Not started)
Task 2-8 Deliver short course of Task 2-2 (Completed - Delivered to Utah Chapter of EERI and Utah Geological Association)
Task 3-1 Review of traffic modeling methods (Completed)
Task 3-2 Develop liquefaction fragility curves (Completed)
Draft summary report of bridge and roadway damage is available at:
Task 3-3 Traffic modeling (Completed)
Task 3-4 Determine impacts (Completed)
Task 3-5 Develop interfaces to display modeling results (Ongoing)
Task 3-6 Modeling technical report (Ongoing – Draft being developed)
Task 4-1 Develop earthquake hazard curriculum (Completed)
Task 4-2 Outfit earthquake mobile lab (Completed)
Task 4-3 Presentations (Completed)
(Please comment on budget/reimbursement status)
Total Expenditures on this project to date? $52,922
When and how much do you anticipate requesting for reimbursement? $1500
Do you expect the cost of the project/plan to be overrun/underrun? Plan to be on budget
Federal Award: $71,691.00 Federal Funds disbursed to date: $0
Environmental Report Status (Projects only, does not apply to Plans)
(Please comment on the conditions stated in the CATEX, any permits obtained and any other issues. Attach copies of permits, if applicable.)
Percent of project/plan complete: 90
Do you expect to complete the project/plan on time? yes If no, why not? _
Please provide projected completion date (or actual completion date, if already complete): _
Next Quarter
(Please provide a brief description of next quarters projected work elements)
Map ready for publication. Review with municipalities. Traffic modeling report prepared.
Comments (if any): _ / Today’s Date:
For questions, please contact Eric Martineau, Mitigation Specialist at 801-946-4022 or