HJHS CASE Evaluation 2016-2017
21st Century Workforce Development
Performance Measure / Unacceptable / Acceptable / Recognized / Exemplary1 / Percentage of students who visited a college campus / 0-25% of students visit a college campus / 26% - 50% of students visit a college campus / 51%-75% of students visit a college campus / >75% or higher of students visit a college campus
2 / Number of High School Courses offered to Middle School Students / 0 Courses offered / 1 Course Offered / 2 Courses Offered / 3 or more Courses Offered
3 / Percentage of students involved in student leadership opportunities (NJHS, FSA, Student Council, Jr. FFA) / 0 – 25% of students involved in leadership opportunities / 26% - 50% of students involved in leadership opportunities / 51%-75% of students involved in leadership opportunities / >75% of students involved in leadership opportunities
4 / Course offerings for students related to Career and Technology areas, etc. / 0 Courses offered / 1 Course Offered / 2 Courses Offered / 3 or more Courses Offered
Campus Rating: Recognized
Community and Parent Involvement
Performance Measure / Unacceptable / Acceptable / Recognized / Exemplary1 / HJH provides multiple opportunities to promote parent and family involvement. / < 3 opportunities or events / 3-6 opportunities or events / 7-9 opportunities or events / More than 10
2 / HJH offers opportunities for community members to present educational programs to students. / <3 / 3-6 / 7-9 / More than 10
3 / The HJH community service project opportunities through campus organizations and/or classes. / <3 / 3-6 / 7-9 / More than 10
4 / HJH has community partners actively supporting various school organizations. / <3 / 3-6 / 7-9 / More than 10
5 / Through a variety of activities parents are involved in school functions (% of parents attending). / <50% / 50-70% / 70-90% / 90-100%
Campus Rating: Recognized
Digital Learning Environment
Performance Measure / Unacceptable / Acceptable / Recognized / Exemplary1 / Professional development in digital learning opportunities / 0-25% of teachers participate in >5 hours of PD / 26% - 50% of teachers participate in >5 hours of PD / 51%-75% of teachers participate in >5 hours of PD / >75% or higher of teachers participate in >5 hours of PD
2 / Teachers lessons include use of models and tools that integrate technology in the classroom / 0-25% of lessons include technology integration / 26% - 50% of lessons include technology integration / 51%-75% of lessons include technology integration / >75% or higher lessons include technology integration
3 / Sustainability plan is in place and technology is purchased with regards to an acceptable replacement plan / > 5 year rotation of technology purchases / 4 year rotation of technology purchases / 3 year rotation of technology purchases / Technology is purchased on an as needed basis
4 / Ratio of students to computer workstations / >4:1 / 3:1 / 2:1 / 1:1
5 / Digital safety training for teachers and parents / 0 Trainings offered / 1 Training Offered / 2 Trainings Offered / 3 or more Trainings Offered
6 / Digital safety lessons for students / 0 Lessons offered / 1-2 Lessons offered / 3-4 Lessons offered / >4 Lessons offered
Campus Rating: Recognized
Dropout Prevention
Performance Measure / Unacceptable / Acceptable / Recognized / Exemplary1 / Percent of 8th grade students with High School credit
(MS) / <10% / 10-25% / 26-50% / >50%
2 / Number of clubs/organizations offered / <1 / 2-3 / 4-5 / 6+
3 / Campus has designed intervention programs for at-risk students
(per campus) / Specific intervention programs are not available on the campus / Campus offers 1 - 3 intervention programs/strategies /
Campus offers 4 - 6 intervention programs/strategies / Campus offers more than 6 intervention programs/strategies
4 / Mentoring opportunities provided for at risk students (athlete, Dad's night, peer-to-peer) / = 1 / 2-3 / 4-5 / 6+
5 / Campus incentives are provided to acknowledge attainment of various educational goals. / <1 / 2-3 / 4-5 / 6+
Campus Rating: Recognized
Educational Programs for Gifted and Talented
Performance Measure / Unacceptable / Acceptable / Recognized / Exemplary1 / GT Teachers Meeting State GT Hours Requirements
(K-12) / < 100% GT Teachers Meeting State Requirements / 100% GT Teachers Meeting State Requirements / 100% GT Teachers Meeting State Requirements AND 20% of those GT teachers have 3 Additional Hours / 100% GT Teachers Meeting State Requirements AND >20% of those GT teachers have 6 or more Additional Hours
2 / Parental Involvement Opportunities for GT Program Options
(K-12) / Less than One Parental Involvement Opportunity during an academic year / One Parental Involvement Opportunity during an academic year / TwoParental Involvement Opportunities during an academic year / Three or MoreParental Involvement Opportunities during an academic year
3 / Student Participation in GT Service Opportunities Academies/PreAP/AP
(2-12) / Less than 50% of GT Students participate in GT Program Options / 51-70% of GT Students participate in GT Program Options / 71-85% of GT Students participate in GT Program Options / 86-100% of GT Students participate in GT Program Options
4 / GT Students Participate in Rigorous Projects
(K-8) / Do NOT Participate in Rigorous Projects during an academic year / Participate in ONERigorous Project during an academic year / Participate in TWORigorous Projects during an academic year / Participate in THREERigorous Projects during an academic year
5 / Academic UIL Competition Outcome / Ranked lower than 3rd place or did not participate in UIL Academic Competition / Ranked 3rd in District Academic UIL Competition / Ranked 2nd in District Academic UIL Competition / Ranked 1st in District Academic UIL Competition
6 / Student leadership activities, field trips and/or competitions are planned for GT students / GT students do not have the opportunity to participate in school leadership activities, dedicated field trips or competitions. / Student leadership activities are provided for GT students / Student leadership activities and a minimum of 1 field trip are provided for GT students / Student leadership activities, a minimum of 1 field trip and 1 competition opportunity are provided for GT students
Campus Rating: Acceptable
Fine Arts
Performance Measure / Unacceptable / Acceptable / Recognized / Exemplary1 / Participation of students in fine art courses/classes / Less than 40% of students are enrolled in fine arts courses/classes. / 40 to 49% of students are enrolled in fine arts courses/classes. / 50 to 59% of students enrolled in fine arts courses/classes. / 60% or more of students enrolled in fine arts courses/classes.
2 / Fine Arts UIL or comparable Competition Participation
Ex: music memory, art memory, etc. / Less than 40% of students participating in Fine Arts UIL or like competitions / 40 to 49% of students participating in Fine Arts UIL or like competitions / 50 to 59% of students participating in Fine Arts UIL or like competitions / 60% or more of students participating in Fine Arts UIL or like competitions
3 / Opportunities to participate in special events Ex: field trips, guest speakers, artists, musicians, cultural development / 3 opportunities / 3 opportunities / 4 opportunities / 5 opportunities
4 / Inclusion of art, music, and/or theatre TEKS in core courses / Core classes at any specific grade level do not cover any art, music, and/or theatre TEKS / At least 1-2 core classes at any specific grade level cover art, music, and/or theatre TEKS / 3 core classes at any specific grade level cover art, music, and/or theatre TEKS / 4 or more core classes at any specific grade level cover art, music, and/or theatre TEKS
5 / Students participate in art exhibits on or off campus / Less than 10% of students participating in art exhibits on or off campus / 10 to 15% of students participating in art exhibits on or off campus / 16 to 20% of students participating in art exhibits on or off campus / More than 20% of students participating in art exhibits on or off campus
Campus Rating: Exemplary
Wellness and Physical Education
Campus Rating: Recognized
Performance Measure / Unacceptable / Acceptable / Recognized / Exemplary1 / Character education is offered to students / <50% of students participating / <50-70% of students participating / 70-90% of students participating / 90-100% of participating
2 / Students have access to exercise opportunities other than the required PE / Campus rarely provides additional opportunities / Campus occasionally provides opportunities / Campus generally provides opportunities / Campus consistently provides opportunities
3 / PE students are participating in fitness programs on campus / <50% of students participating / 50-70% of the students participating / 70-90% of the students participating / 90-100% of the students participating
4 / Campus offers opportunities to promote healthy choices / <2 / 2-3 / 4-5 / 6+
5 / Health Safety Programs / <2 / 2-3 / 4-5 / 6+
Second Language Acquisition Program
Performance Measure / Unacceptable / Acceptable / Recognized / Exemplary1 / English Language Development Progress through TELPAS / 6 or more points below the state average / State Average (including 5 points above or below average) / 6-10 points above the state average / 11 points or more above the state average
2 / Open House opportunities are offered for ELL parents / No Open House opportunities are offered for ELL parents / 1 Open House opportunity offered for ELL parents / 2-3 Open House opportunities are offered for ELL parents / 4 or more Open House Opportunities are offered for ELL parents
3 / Extended day opportunities to support ELL instruction / Not available / 1 day a week / 2-3 days a week / Daily
4 / ESL students participate in Reading Intervention class daily / Not Available / 1 day a week / 2-3 days a week / Daily
5 / Rosetta Stone and Lexia Technology instruction for Vocabulary / Not available / 30 minutes per week / 1 hour per week / 1.5 hours per week
Campus Rating: Recognized
Compliance with Statutory Reporting and Policy RequirementsPerformance Measure / Data
Source / Question / Answer / Timeline
1 / Required Data Reports / District / What percent of these indicators were in compliance? / 100% / April
2 / Academic Notices / Reports / District / What percent of these indicators were in compliance? / 100% / April
3 / Tax and Finance Notices / Reports / District / What percent of these indicators were in compliance? / 100% / April
4 / Personnel Notices / Reports / District / What percent of these indicators were in compliance? / 100% / April
5 / General Governance Notices / Reports / District / What percent of these indicators were in compliance? / 100% / April