HIV TESTING Program Work Plan

HIV Testing Program Work Plan

Year this work plan is for:

Agency name:

Program name (if applicable):

Program Overview

HIV Testing Method

Preliminary Rapid Testing:

Confirmed Rapid HIV Testing:


Men who have sex with men (MSM) in greater Minnesota:

African American MSM:

Latino MSM:

White MSM:

Black women:


List any sub populations within your selected priority population that you are planning to focus on:

HIV Testing Program

Number of outreach contacts (Jan-Dec):

Number of HIV tests to be done (Jan-Dec):

On-site and off-site total:

Engagement & Recruitment


What activities will your agency utilize to reduce barriers and stigma around your HIV testing program?


Complete the table to describe a typical weekly outreach plan/schedule.

Outreach location/setting
(Include Websites if applicable) / Days of the week / Time of day
(start to finish)


List any apps, websites and other social media you will use to promote your program:

HIV Testing

Describe how your program will assure that testing activities are targeted to your priority population?

Connection to Care & Referalls

Describe how persons testing positive (reactive) will be linked to confirmatory testing or HIV care:

List clinics or providers you currently have a relationship with where clients will be connected to care or confirmatory testing:

How will you actively refer or link clients to appropriate prevention and/or support services (other than HIV care)? List agencies/providers are you connecting clients to (e.g., housing, mental health, chemical dependency treatment, etc.):

Condom Distribution

Describe how targeted condom distribution will be implemented in your HIV Testing Program:


Describe how PrEP education and active referrals will be integrate into your work:

Describe training or capacity building assistance you need from MDH to accomplish this:

STD and Hepatitis Integration

Describe how you will integrate STD and Hepatitis testing and treatmentreferrals into your program:

Monitoring & Evaluation

List one specific program activity that will be evaluated this year. Include the type of data that will be collected to evaluate the activity:


Will incentives be utilized as described in your Program Work Plan and Budget Plan?

Has your incentive policy been submitted and approved?


Number of volunteers in your program:

Describe the roles and responsibilities of volunteers in your program:


Complete the table to list any staff paid through this project’s budget.

Name (first and last)
(If position is unfilled, use“vacant.”) / Title / FTE on program
(Must match FTE in Budget Plan and Narrative) / Authorized to use EvalWeb
(Yes or No)

If no staff is currently in place, describe how staff will be recruited:


HIV TESTING Program Work Plan

Additional Comments

Describe any additional information that you think is important for MDH to know:

Minnesota Department of Health
651-201-5414 | 1-877-676-5414


Required Elements of Testing Programs – HIV Testing

▪Data collection

▪Condom distribution – data entered into Evaluation Web

▪Maintain an agency HIV testing protocol

▪Standards of practice

▪Obtain client consent (incl. Tennessen Warning), assess risk, give brief prevention information, refer for other services

▪Educate on the meaning of test results

▪Provide HIV CTR link confirmatory or care when applicable

▪Follow local, state and federal regulations and guidelines

▪Maintain staff testing proficiency

▪Compliance with MN Communicable Disease Rule

▪Compliance with OSHA standards for blood borne pathogens, incl. exposure plan

▪Develop and use MDH approved risk assessment tool

▪Directly connect clients identified at highest risk of infection to HIV testing

▪Provide PrEP education or referral to all high risk negatives

▪Confirm client connection to confirmatory testing and track positivity rate