Cloning and Stem Cell Research: Web Walking Down the Road of Debate

First look at the sites below and find answer to the following questions. Then fill out the Bioethical Analysis Worksheet.

Cell Cloning

A. Stem cells FAQ

What are the stem cells?

What are three types of stem cells?

What are some of the challenges of using stems cells?

B. Concerns

What are some objections to using stem cells? Is there a difference between using adult stem cells and using embryonic stem cells?

C. Interactive poll on Stem Cells

Take the poll and see if you can be persuaded to change your mind.

D. Animation

View how stem cells are collected

Reproductive Cloning

A. History of Cloning Interactive

What was the significance of Dolly? When was Dolly born? What was the public’s reaction?

B. Cloning Fact Sheet

What is a clone? What are the different types of cloning?

C. Concerns

What are some obstacles to reproductive cloning?

D. Animation

Try the Click and Clone to clone a mouse

E. Quiz

How many questions did you get right on this quiz?

Bioethical Analysis Worksheet

Name ______


  • What is the bioethical issue or decision?
  • Who must make the decision?
  • What factual information is relevant?


  • Who are the stakeholders?
  • What values does each stakeholder have?
  • What immediate priorities does each stakeholder have?

Alternatives and Tradeoffs

  • What are the alternative courses of action?
  • How would each stakeholder be affected by the alternatives?


  • What solution do you propose?
  • How would you convince each stakeholder



You are a staff writer for the local newspaper. Your editor has just come to you with a deadline. The CEO of a large company, TransGen, that specializes in transgenic animals is making an appearance in the city to speak at a luncheon. There will be plenty of news coverage at the luncheon, but your editor wants an article that explains transgenic organisms to the public. The article is to be at least a one page article and you, of course, must do your research before writing it. Unfortunately, the article deadline is tomorrow.


  • Watch the video and animation to aid you in your research.

United Streaming: Transgenics: Splicing genes across species

Positive and negative effects of gene combinations

  • Read the articles to aid you in your research. Take notes on the T-chart as you go.
  • Write a 1-2 page paper on the use and ethics of transgenic animals. This article will be included on the editorial page and thus should include your opinion about the topic. The article may be handwritten –as long as it is legible.



Your research needs funding so you go to a local Foundation to request $100,000 to complete your project. Your research requires that you test the efficacy of a potential new blood pressure medication on animals prior to entering it into clinical trials. The Foundation, however, has concerns about the use of animals in your research. You have been asked to make a presentation to the Foundation that might help them understand and accept your use of animal experimentation.


  1. Create a list of concerns that someone at the Foundation might have about animal research
  1. Go the following site about Animal Research and read over the Frequently Asked Questions 8-15.
  1. Create a eight slide Powerpoint presentation that addresses the concerns of the
