* History Cycles: Ancient, Middle Ages & Renaissance, Growth of Nations/Early America, Modern

* History Cycles: Ancient, Middle Ages & Renaissance, Growth of Nations/Early America, Modern

Scholé Homeschool Center of Harrisburg Scope & Sequence / 2015- 2016
Pillar/Strand / Pre- Grammar / Lower Grammar / Upper Grammar / Lower Dialectic / Upper Dialectic / Rhetoric
Christian Virtue/Piety / Fruit of the Spirit and Virtue lessons in Opening Assembly and then applied and integrated throughout curricula
Wonder leading to Wisdom; Discovery of Truth & Goodness; Governed by sound Biblical Theology / Lessons in Christian Virtue/Piety integrated throughout the curricula. Opportunities provided to put virtues into action through Service Club. Wonder leading to Wisdom; Discovery of Truth & Goodness; Governed by sound Biblical Theology
Liberal Arts: Trivium
Grammar, Logic, Rhetoric / Memory Work & Presentations
imitation leading to art / **Logic Instruction & Application
Dialogue, Thinking , Asking Questions
Logic I & II, Debate & Mock Trial will be offered as the schedule and needs allow / **Rhetoric Instruction
Language Arts: Great Books
English Grammar / Five in A Row
Integrated approach to develop a delight and wonder for language / Language Arts
Integrated approach to literature, writing & grammar / Literature/Writing
Classes at progressively deeper levels of applying the skills and arts of the Trivium; Entering the “Great Conversations”
*All levels will rotate together through 4 yearly cycles / History Projects & Exploration / History
Classes at progressively deeper levels of applying the skills and arts of the Trivium; Rotating history cycles/time periods
Science / Experiments, Demonstrations, Projects, Journaling / General Science / Physical Science
Alternating years / Chemistry, Physics, Adv. Science
Offered as needed
Languages / Song School Latin / Latin for Children / Latin I, II & III (as needed)
Spanish I, II & III (as needed)
Fine Arts
Art, Music, Drama / Various class offerings in Art, Music & Drama
Discovery of Beauty; imitation leading to art
Math / Primarily taught at home; Opportunities for exploration and games at Scholé / Primarily taught at home; Possible opportunities for problem solving, games, discussion, and Math focused study halls at Scholé
Gymnastic / Training the Body: Varying opportunities for movement, gross motor & athletic development

*History Cycles: Ancient, Middle Ages & Renaissance, Growth of Nations/Early America, Modern

**Classical Academic Press (CAP) is offering discounted Logic and Rhetoric classes on their online Scholé Academy to members of the Scholé Homeschool Center of Harrisburg.