Schedule/ Time frame:

Wed- notes

Thursday- notes

Friday- prep/ worksheets

Monday- prep/ worksheets/ conferences

Tuesday- dress rehearsal

Wed- Trial

Thurs- reflection

Friday- Civil War

History Court: Andrew Jackson and the Native Americans

Charges: Jackson is charged with war crimes against humanity because of his harsh, brutal and barbaric treatment of the Native Americans during the mid- 19th century.

Role / Student
Andrew Jackson / Mike W
Defense lawyer / Nate
Defense team / Jaycob Q., Cody
Prosecuting lawyer / Mariah C
Prosecuting team / Talina, Kelsey, Jon
Judge / Elijah
Native Americans / Joe
State government officials / IV
Jury / Bailee,Rachel, Paul
Security Guard / Dave
Role / Student
Andrew Jackson / Kodi
Defense lawyer / Ja’Sean
Defense team / Molli, Angel
Prosecuting lawyer / Mya
Prosecuting team / Macy, Eric, Haleigh, Miranda
Judge / Dominic
Native Americans / Terrance, Nicole, Karlee
State govt. officials / Draven, Keith
Jury / Summer, Brittany, Timmy O.
Role / Student
Andrew Jackson / Justin
Defense lawyer / Timmy M/ Isiah
Defense team / Isiah- Sam, Danny, Mikey
Prosecuting lawyer / Alex
Prosecuting team / Ashlyn, Eric, Sam J., Claire
Judge / Andrew
Native Americans / Sabrina, Claire
State government officials / Sam S., Danny
Jury / Mariah W., Deidra, Robert, Zach, Lauren

History Court: Genghis Kahn

Directions: Students will simulate designated roles and hold a mock-trial against Mongol ruler, Genghis Kahn. Roles will demonstrate knowledge and understanding of material, not personal opinions. Jury decisions will result from the team which best represents their argument; no correct answer, yet jury must provide reasoning for their final decision during their decision presentation.

Jury Decision:

  • Innocent- proven to not be involved/ held accountable
  • Not guilty- found to not be 100% guilty however may be involved in certain situations. Used often when attorneys can/ do not “prove” one’s complete involvement, yet do not “defend” one’s innocence
  • Guilty- 100% involved in the charges and found responsible

Charges: Genghis Kahn is being charged with war crimes against humanity during his 13th century conquests

Indictment Punishment:

  • Life in prison- Jury must come to a majority agreement. Everyone does not have to have the same opinion, however majority of the students deciding must agree on the jury’s punishment
  • Death penalty- Jury must all agree

*Note: Prosecuting team will decide the punishment for the designated charges

Prosecuting- charging Kahn with brutal war crimes and uncivilized manners during his barbaric conquests and ruling.

Defense- believes the Kahn’s united the Mongols and connected the East and West, which encouraged trade, cross-cultural exchange, political and economic stability, and peace among empires.

Role / Student / Opinions/ Side
Genghis Kahn / Tre Madget / D
Judge (controls court room- keeps order, makes sure students talk one-at-a-time) / Garrett Cogar / None
Prosecuting Attorney (charging- against) / Josh F./ Payton / P
Prosecuting Team / Adam, Jacob, Joe, Aaron, Gina / P
Defense Attorney (defending- on his side) / Bekah Stout/ Bella W / D
Defense Team / Nick L, Nate, Phillip / D
Security/ Order (keeps order, supports judge, directs scenes) / DJ / None
N. Europeans Reps (represents area) / Rose, Emerald / Both
Peasants from Eurasia (reps. area) / Haley S., Gina, Maddie H, Brandy, Riley / Both
Russian Representatives (reps. area) / Nick R., Jason / Both
Chinese Reps (reps. area) / Brandy / Both
Ottoman Empire Rep. (reps. area) / Maddie H / Both
Persian Rep. (reps. area) / Riley, Caitlin / Both
Mongol Soldiers (reps soldiers) / Tyler Collins, Blake, Chason / D
Mongol Citizens (reps empire’s citizens) / Mia, Kayla / D
Mongol Women (reps. Mongol women) / Karlee G., Caitlin, Haley S. / D
Marco Polo (speaks about discoveries, positives) / Phillip / D
Pope (speaks out unjust acts/ Roman Christian beliefs on situations) / Alex M / P
Jury (decides final) / Burns’ class / Undecided

Defense Team


Opening and closing statements (follow prosecution)

Questioning for (D) roles

Map of trade routes between East & West

Summarize opening argument:

(Attorney will address court room/ jury and explain what Kahn is guilty. Argument will follow prosecution’s statement. Descriptive details will play out during questioning segment.)

Why do you believe Genghis Kahn’s conquest was a positive event in the 13th/14th century, and not a crime against humanity?

List specific examples that prove Kahn’s conquests were positive:

People (refer to role sheet) you will call to the stand and list question(s) you will be asking summoned personnel:

“Person” / Brief question(s)/ topics discussed
Eurasian Peasants
Chinese rep
Ottoman Rep
N. European Rep
Marco Polo
Mongol citizens/ soldiers/ women (called up separately)

*Note: When prosecution calls people to the stand for questioning, you’ll be permitted to ask further questions/ clarifications—even if the person isn’t part of the defense

Summarize closing argument:

(This will be the final chance the group will have to speak/prove Kahn’s charges are not justified. Statement will follow prosecution’s.)

Prosecution Team


Opening and closing statements

Map to show Mongol Empire/ conquest

Questioning for (P) roles

Punishment decision

Summarize opening argument:

(Attorney will address court room/ jury and explain what Kahn is being charged with and why. Descriptive details will play out during questioning segment)

Why do you believe Genghis Kahn is guilty of war crimes against humanity during the 13th and 14th centuries (list reasons)?

List specific examples that prove Kahn was involved in war crimes:

What should his indictment/punishment be (refer to coversheet- list specific people)?

People (refer to role sheet) you will call to the stand and list question(s) you will be asking summoned personnel:

“Person” / Brief question(s)/ topics discussed
Eurasian Peasants
Chinese rep
Russian Rep
Ottoman Rep
N. European Rep

*Note: When defense calls people to the stand for questioning, you’ll be permitted to ask further questions/ clarifications—even if the person isn’t part of the prosecution

Summarize closing argument:

(This will be the final chance the group will have to speak/prove Kahn is guilty)

7th Grade; 3rd and 6th Period

Tentative Schedule for 7th grade:

Week of April 7

Monday- FS
Tuesday- Mongol explanation/ notes

Wed.- Ottoman Empire Fall/ ppt w notes, trial prep

Thurs- trial prep

Friday- FS, trial summaries due

Week of April 14 (week of OAAs, spring break – may not meet)

Monday- FS

Tuesday- court prep (P- conf. w Parish, D- meet with people called for questioning)

Wed- court prep (D- conf. w Parish, P- meeting with ppl called for questioning)

Thurs.- no school (FS at home)

Friday- no school (FS at home)

Week of April 21

Monday- No school (FS at home)

Tuesday- prepare for Towles ceremony

Wed. prepare for Towles ceremony

Thurs.- Prep for Towels

Friday- reflection from ceremony/ court prep

Week of April 28

Monday- prep Courts (revisit conf./ question meetings if needed)

Tues- prepcourt (revisit conf./ question meetings if needed)

Wed- dress rehearsal (3rd and 6th period)

Thurs- trial (1st, 2nd, 3rdperiods ?)

Friday- in-class reflection (FS updates)

Week of May 5

Tuesday- FS and trial reflections due

Cross curriculum:
Social studies- analyzing events, considering the past, cause and effect, democratic court process, soc., pol., econ. Developments, defending opinions

Language arts- writing, reflection of trial, presentations/ speeches, opening/closing arguments, defense

Math- map work (distance of trade routes, mileage of empire, population increase/comparison), compare and contrast time periods (numbers)

Science- technology advancements, eco-systems, geographic/ environments, bubonic plague

Common Core:

Non-fiction readings

Presentations- informative and argumentative

Group work