History 90020th Century United States HistoryProf. Rodriguez/Spring 2017

“City, Suburb, Nature”

Holton 341

Tuesday 7-9.40 pm

This graduate reading and research class will analyze 20th Century US History. Readings focus on urban, suburban history and how residents interacted with the natural and manmade environments. The emphasis of the readings is on how race, ethnicity, and gender influences our interaction with the built and natural environments. Readings include analysis of the history of urban/suburban environmentalism, the how exploitation of natural resources shaped the city and suburb, the changing urban/suburban natural landscape, economic and political impacts of pollution, impacts of sprawl, environmental justice, and grassroots social movements to protect the environment and resist environmental hazards.

Graded Assignments:

1. Students will produce a final paper of roughly 20-25 pages on a research topic related to the issue of urban, suburban history and nature. There are many possible topics. Students can do archival research, interviews, statistical analysis, or an analysis of secondary sources. Topics can be Milwaukee-focused or compare cities/suburbs, or deal with smaller cities or suburbs. Papers may compare US and international cities/suburbs. I will grade the paper based on originality, depth and extent of research, writing clarity, and footnote/endnote documentation accuracy (value: 30 percent of course grade).

2. Three times during the semester you will write a 1000-word response paper. This response paper is an assessment of the week’s readings and will include a summary and criticisms and conclude with 3 questions for the class to consider. You will present your paper in class. You must post the response paper by the Saturday before the Tuesday night class (10 percent each; total of 30 percent).

3. Literature review: You will upload this assignment and students will comment on it. This is due on March 17 and students will present their topics for discussion on March 21. The paper must be a minimum of 7-pages, double-spaced, and analyze at least 15 sources. (10 percent of grade)

4. Critique of two classmates’ Literature reviews. (5 percent each=10 percent)

5. Final 15-20-minute presentation (10 percent).

6. Attendance and participation and any in-class assignments (10 percent).

The final paper is due on May 20, 2017—a hard copy in my History mailbox



Attendance and Participation is mandatory and absences will result in loss of points.

Course outcomes:

1. Knowledge of US urban/sububan history

2. Knowledge of social science methods.

3. Improved writing and oral presentation skills

4. Knowledge of academic publishing requirements.

Time commitment required: An average of 10 hours per week (reading, research, writing papers) for a total of 150 hours.

Professor’s Office: 325 Holton Hall; telephone: 229-3963; email:

Office Hours: Tuesdays, 6-7 pm and by appointment.

University policies on final exams, incompletes, complaints/appeals, accommodations for students with disabilities, absences due to religion and military service, sexual harassment, and academic misconduct (i.e. cheating and plagiarism)= http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/SecU/SyllabusLinks.pdf

Course D2L

This course D2L site will contain electronic readings and other materials. Students will post responses to the readings and other assignments to the D2L Discussion section.

Required books and Readings TBA;