Historical Fiction Book Report Cover Page

What is the setting of the novel (Setting = time & place)? Do these change throughout the story? Explain.
Would you have liked to have lived during the time period featured in the book? Why or why not?
Describe the main characters and their relationship with each other.
Identify and explain the basic conflict of the novel (man vs. self, man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs. society)? State it in two sentences.
Theme Statement
Point of View- What kind of narrator is telling the story? (1st, 2nd, or 3rd person) How do you know? (use a quote with page number it came from)
Explain to the reader why this work of historical fiction could have happened ONLY during this particular time period and in this particular place.
What qualifies this book as a historical fiction novel and not just a realistic fiction novel?

Historical Fiction Book Report Cover Page

What is historical fiction?

See attached handout about historical fiction on page 2 of this packet.

How do I complete my historical fiction book report?

Step 1. Choose a historical fiction novel that is, within your Lexile Range.

Step 2. Fill out the Story Map graphic organizer as you read through your novel. You will be turning this in for a grade. (location: pg. 3)

Step 3. Use the Story Map graphic organizer that you filled out in Step 2 to complete the Historical Fiction Book Report Form. You will also be turning this in for a grade. (location: pg. 4)

How will I present my historical fiction novel to my peers?

Step 4: Prepare for a historical fiction talk show by practicing and answering the following 5 questions. You must pretend to be your character, while being interviewed. You will need to make a small poster (teacher will provide), including the title of the book, author, your recommendation (good or bad), and the time period in which your book takes place. Answer questions 1-5, found below, on notecards.

1.  If time travel were possible, how would the present be different to you?

2.  What was an internal or external conflict that you faced during your novel? Explain.

3. Where you the narrator in the story? If not, who was? Which point of view would that be?

4.  Was there a lesson or moral (theme) that your author was trying to share with readers?

5. Was there anything that you felt could have been added to your novel, which the author did not include?

When is my historical fiction book report due and when will I be presenting?

Answer: The historical fiction talk show will be held on two dates. Those days will be February 12th and 13th. Your teacher will be discussing the order that we will use to present, who goes on which day, etc.

How will my historical fiction book report and presentation be graded?

Your report and presentation will be out of 100 points and will be broken down into the following percentage categories:

·  25% for Story Map graphic organizer

·  40% for Historical Fiction Book Report Form

·  10% for overall neatness of the Story Map and HF Book Report Form

·  25% for the interview and questions (presentation)