Sport Premium Funding
What is the Sports Premium?
The government has made available funding to provide primary school sport funding. This commitment to sports funding has been confirmed until 2020 for all primary schools. The funding goes directly into school budgets to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE. Each school receives £8,000 plus an extra £5 per pupil per year.
At Hardy Mill Primary School that means we have been allocated £9156to spend on improving thePE and Games provision each year.
Purpose of the funding
The money is being given to schools to help them to improve the provision of PE sessions. Schools are then given the choice on what to spend it on.
Possible uses of the funding include:
  • Hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work alongsideprimary teachers when teaching PE
  • New or additional Change4Life sport clubs
  • Paying for professional development opportunities in PE/sport
  • Providing cover to release primary teachers for professional development inPE/sport
  • Running sport competitions, or increasing participation in the school games
  • Buying quality assured professional development modules or material forPE/sport
  • Providing places for pupils on after school sport clubs and holiday clubs

What are we using the funding for?
Please see below a report on the use of Sport Premium Funding for 2015-16 and a review of its impact on the quality and provision for PE in school.
Sports Premium Funding Allocation 2016-17
Total number of FT pupils on role / 299
Total number of PT pupils on role / 42
Funding allocated for 2016-17 / £9,156
Summary of funding spent and review of impact – 2016-17
To continue to use the Sports Premium Funding to raise the profile and outcomes for children in PE, sport and physical activity across the school.
Spending record and impact 2015 (April to November 2015)
Objective / Actions / Cost / Impact
  1. To increase high quality PE teaching and learning throughout the whole school.
/ Employ qualified sports coaches to work alongside primary teachers when teaching aspects of PE / £5,400 / After pre and post questionnaires it is evident that staff confidence has improved across the PE curriculum.
Teachers are now delivering more differentiated PE lessons and offering feedback to children on how they can improve.
The new PE assessment will evidence children’s progression due to the increased confidence and better quality of PE lessons being delivered.
Staff are delivering a broad and balanced curriculum, due to the new yearly overview.
Please see impact report from Premier Sport attached.
  1. Develop the range of extra-curricular clubs available to children.
/ PE lead to work with staff and volunteers to provide a broad range of extra-curricular activities for the children. / Cost of resources/ training - £3,250
GB Athlete: £989 / The increased number of clubs available has been maintained and offer a much wider variety. Timetables for clubs are available on the school website. All school run clubs have excellent attendance and most are still oversubscribed. Clubs offered take into consideration the talent and interest of a wide range of pupils and age groups.
A yoga specialist is also visiting school, this will allow all staff to gain CPD in yoga and then this can be used as an extracurricular activity within the future.
Due to our push on male role models; we have arranged for two (male) GB athletes to come to Hardy Mill for the day and run activities, as well as explain how and why they are where they are now!
  1. Secure school participation in local and national competitions.
/ PE specialist to plan competition programme with other schools and to enable children to access local and national competitions. / Transport costs - £500 / Children took part in a variety of competitions last year including running, football, gymnastics, dodgeball and rounders.
The PE lead is aware the competition needs to increase and plans are already in place for the upcoming year, including football, dodgeball and rounders.
Total spend up to November 2016: / £5479