Hire of Council Owned and Managed Land


Instructions on completing this form:

  • Type in your response when field is highlighted by the cursor. The fields will expand as necessary.
  • If a particular field is not relevant, move to next one but try to complete all fields with as much detail as possible;
  • Pay particular attention to the ‘Essential’ sections marked in green.
  • Supplementary information will be required to support your application. You can input the required information directly into the boxes provided OR use the boxes to clarify where the information can be found i.e. document title/page number.
  • Ideally, all supplementary information should be submitted to at the same time as submitting your application. Where this is not possible you may submit documents at a later date, on the understanding that;
  • Failure to complete a required field or supply the required level of supplementary information may result in delays processing your application or your application being terminated (your application will not be considered complete until all supplementary information has been received).
  • Before you apply; please ensure you have read our associated Hire of Council Owned and Managed Land; ‘Terms and Conditions; ‘Supplementary Information Guidance’; and ‘Fees and Charges’ documents.

SECTION 1:THE HIRERAll questions in this section are Essential

Contact name:
Position held:
Phone (work):
Phone (mobile):
Email address:

Will the ‘Hirer’ be the ‘Individual’ or ‘Organisation’ named above? Please specify

Roles and Responsibilities

The ‘Hirer’ as defined above, will have overall responsibility for the safe delivery of the event, unless otherwise defined in writing. Please use the box below to clarify any key roles/responsibilities (e.g. Event Manager, Event Safety Officer, Senior Person Responsible), or to confirm that you will be providing this in your supplementary information.

Hirer Experience

Please summarise your experience organising events including examples (name and date) of other recent events you have organised. If you are new to organising events in the borough, or have NOT produced an event in LBRuT Parks and Open Spaces in the past two calendar years, please also supply the name and full contact details for TWO referees.

Hirer status

Please describe your status as hirer.

NOTE: Additional information may be required as proof of status. ‘Local’ shall mean LBRuT based or registered address.

a)Local community group (such as ‘friends of’ or amenity groups).

b)Locally (LBRuT) based; schools (excluding fee paying schools), places of worship, not for profit (NFP) organisations and charities.

c)Commercial company

d)Other – please describe

Second contact(for queries relating to the event if the ‘Hirer’ is unavailable)

Contact name:
Position held:
Phone (work):
Phone (mobile):
Email address:

SECTION 2:REPEAT APPLICATIONSAll questions in this section are Essential

Is this a repeat application for an event that has taken place in LBRuT within the last two calendar years (by event date)? Please provide details including event name and date of last event.

Have any details of the event changed since last application?

Please consider all elements such as; changes to days/times, scale of event (or elements thereof), site location or layout, infrastructure, event format, proposed activities, expected attendance.

Were there any issues or problems experienced with your past event? Please provide details including details of any complaints made.

At the discretion of the Head of Parks, we may be able to allow repeat events (full application received within the last two calendar years), with no changes and no past issues, to re-apply without re-submitting full supplementary information. This will be on the basis that the Hirer can confirm previously submitted documents remain correct and up-to-date. Hirers will be required to complete all other sections of the application form and submit some supplementary documents upon request, including but not limited to proof of current insurance cover and updated risk assessment.

Would you like your application to be considered in this way, if possible? Y/N

SECTION 3:ABOUT THE EVENTAll questions in this section are Essential (where applicable)


Event Title/Name

This is the title we use to refer to your event in future correspondence and how your event will be listed on our parks event calendar (not for advertising/website).

Description/Overview of event

Please provide a brief description of your proposed event and its purpose (i.e. the type of event you are planning to hold); a few sentences should be appropriate.


Static event: Anticipated maximum DAILY attendance (overall)

If the event has more than one open day and the anticipated attendances are different, please clarify.

Static event: Anticipated maximum PEAK attendance (at any one time)

Running/Walking/Cycling Events: Maximum total PARTICIPANTS permitted

Where the event is made up of more than one element (e.g. a 10k run and half marathon), please split out and provide details accordingly.

NOTE: Hire Fees will be based on anticipated attendances at the time of application, not actual attendance on the day. See ‘Fees and Charges; sheet for further details. Inspections will occur at events to help ensure the accuracy of information provided.

Target audience Describe the profile of the expected audiencee.g. local families, specific age groups

Do you plan to restrict access or charge entry to this event? If yes please provide list of charges.

NOTE: If yes, you will need to supply additional information to describe how access will be managed, under SECTION 5 PART E: SECURITY & CROWD MANAGEMENT

Is the event intended to raise money for a charity? If yes, provide name and registration number


Please submit a separate breakdown of opening/closing times as required e.g. multi-day events

Arrive onsite DATE
Build period OPERATING TIMES (hours between which there will be activity onsite)
Event open to public DATE
Event open to public OPERATING TIMES (hours when site is open to the public)
Event closeto public DATE
Pull-out OPERATINGTIMES (hours between which there will be activity onsite)
Vacate Site DATE


Which site(s) / LBRuT Park or Open Space do you wish to hire?

Where an event takes place on more than one site, please seek advice from Park Events to determine if single or multiple applications are required. In general, where an event takes place on more than one physically distinct site, multiple applications will be required. Where an event takes place on neighbouring /linked sites, or where an event utilises a static site plus the use of a towpath, a single application is usually sufficient.

Please refer to our website for clarification of site names:

TOWPATH EVENTS: If you wish to use the Thames Towpath (sections within LBRuT) for part of your event, ‘Towpath’ should be included in the list of sites below.

Site Name
Site 1
Site 2
Site 3
Site 4

SPORTS PITCHES: Does your event utiliseany sports pitches within our Parks?

If yes please provide details (for clarification email:)


If the proposed event utilises or impacts upon the Highways and Transport network, including roads or pedestrian areas, the Hirer understands that they will need to seek permission from the LBRuT Highways and Transport division via . If road closures or parking suspensions are required, the appropriate charges will apply.If your event impacts on a red route, permission from TfLis also required (contact Highways and Transport in the first instance).

Does your event utilises or impact upon the LBRuT Highways and Transport network?

Please provide summary details including clarification of any proposed road closures or parking suspensions, and status of any applications in progress.


Where the proposed event requires the consent of land owners other than LBRuT, the hirer understands that they are responsible for gaining land owner consents as required. Additional information /proof of consent should be made available on request.



This application is for the Hire of Parks and Open Spaces, it is NOT a licence application for any licensable activities that may be taking place at the event.

Where licensable activities are proposed the Hirer understands that it is their responsibility to apply to the Council within the required deadlines, to obtain the necessary licences and consents e.g. for Premises Licenses, Temporary Event Notices, Street Trading or Occasional Sales Licenses.

The following activitiesmay be licensable (sometimes this will depend on factors such as proposed timings and expected audience):

  • the saleor supply of alcohol
  • the provision of late night refreshment
  • the provision of regulated entertainment (a performance of a play, an exhibition of a film, an indoor sporting event, a boxing or wrestling entertainment, a performance of live music, any playing of recorded music, a performance of dance, entertainment of an adult nature)
  • where commercial sales or trading is taking place

See the Licensing webpage for deadlines and details of how to apply:

for further information:


We need to gain an understanding of your event content and the proposed activities taking place. If the content is not finalised at the time of application, please include details of everything that ‘might’ be present at the event (even if provided by a third party supplier), to ensure it is considered when processing your application.NOTE: Additional details may be required under section 5, or at our request.

Event Feature / Present: No/Yes
Essential / If yes please provide details (type, quantity). If you would prefer to supply details in a supplementary document, please refer to the document title here.
Bar / Example information required:Will there be alcohol? Will drinks be sold or free of charge?
Catering / Refreshment / Example information required:Number and type of stalls or concessions. Will food be sold or given? Will food be cooked onsite /how?
Trader stalls/ concessions / Example information required:number and type off stalls and/or concessions e.g. information giving, commercial, charity. Will stands/gazebos be provided or suppliers own?
Entertainment / Example information required:type of entertainment (play, film, sports activities, live or recorded music, dance, circus acts, other) performance times.
Animals e.g. shows, rides, displays / Example information required: Provide details of any animals expected onsite and describe the associated activity.
Fireworks / Example information required:display details, timings, location, referral to safety documentation
Novelty rides, funfairs, inflatables / Example information required:Will this type of activity be present? If yes please describe (see part C where a comprehensive list is required).
Other / Example information required:Describe any other activities that are taking place.


Please describe the type and quantity of infrastructure proposed to be brought to site. If you are not sure at the time of application, please include details of everything that ‘might’ be present at the event (even if provided by a third party supplier), to ensure it is considered when processing your application.

NOTE: Additional details may be required under section 5, or at our request. Significant infrastructure should be marked on site plan.

Infrastructure / Present: No/Yes
Essential / If yes please provide details (type, quantity). If you would prefer to supply details in a supplementary document, please provide document title.
Marquees, tents, gazebos / Example information required:numbers, type, size of small marquees/gazebos. Hirers own or 3rd party suppliers? Full specifications for larger structures (inc. method statements, supplier RA’s, drawings, structural calculations, relevant certification). For minor infrastructure such as gazebos, you can provide summary information such as ‘up to 10 pop up gazebos for trading stands’
Staging / Example information required:size, specifications
Fencing /Barrier / Example information required:specifications e.g. type (lightweight), length
Toilets/ Sanitary provision / Example information required:numbers, type (cubical, urinals, disabled), owner permissions if offsite. Assurance that the level of provision is adequate in accordance with current guidance.
Novelty rides, funfairs, inflatables / Example information required:Where yes, you must provide a comprehensive list of the number and type of rides/attractions that will be present
Generators, lighting or other electrical / Example information required:details, specifications, power source, installation plan, BS7909 compliance
Amplification equipment/PA / Example information required:Please provide specifications and locations.
Vehicles onsite / Example information required:number of vehicles that will require access/reasons. Will any remain onsite during the event open? Include build, show open and pull-out periods.
Other / Example information required:Describe any other temporary structures or infrastructure you feel may be significant including any otherheavy equipment.


Supplementary information will be required to support your application, the level of which will be dependent on your event content. Please use the boxes below to provide your assurances and describe the relevant aspects of your event OR refer us to the document where this information can be found (e.g. doc title and page number).Please submit all supplementary information to: TE:We may request additional information after your initial submission. See ‘Supplementary Information Guidance’ for more information on the type/level of information to include.

PART A: SITE MAPEssential for ALL events i.e. where there is static element in a LBRuT Park or Open Space. Please provide a site map showing the event location within the site, and the proposed event layout including location of significant infrastructure, clearways and emergency access points.

PART B: ROUTE MAP Essential where applicable e.g. running, walking, cycling events. Please provide a clear route map showing the event start and end point and route followed. This should be sufficiently detailed for us to be able to determine exactly where participants will be travelling (i.e. on road, footpath). Please also include location of any infrastructure on-route (e.g. water stations). It may also be helpful to mark location of medical provision, key marshalling points etc.


Hirers are responsible for ALL suppliers that theybring to the event site, to include contractors, sub-contractors, traders, caterers, artists/performers, infrastructure or other suppliers. This means that it is the hirer’s responsibility to communicate the terms and conditions of the hire to their suppliers, check that they hold the relevant qualifications/insurances/safety documentation to carry out the proposed activities, and that they adhere to any regulations put in place by both the land owner and the Hirer.
Further Information or document supplied: title/page e.g. Supplier Management Plan, Food Safety Plan, Trader Mgt. Plan, Artist Mgt. Plan, Waste Mgt. Plan, Electrical Installation Plan

PART D: VEHICLE MANAGEMENTEssential where any vehicle is brought onto the site.

Approval for vehicles to access the site may only be granted if details are provided in Section 4, Part C herewith. Where vehicles are brought to site, the hirer understands that the management of such vehicles is their responsibility.
Further Information or document supplied: title/page e.g. Vehicle Management Plan


Hirers are responsible for managing this aspect of their event and as such, are required to supply information to demonstrate how this will be carried out. The levels of stewards/security required should be risk assessed and will be dependent on the type of event that is being delivered – this could range from a few voluntary stewards to full SIA security provision. Please be aware that some defined roles will require the appropriate levels of training.
Further Information or document supplied: title/page e.g. Security and Crowd Management Plan


Hirers are responsible for ensuring that the appropriate arrangements are in place with regards to information sharing, and ensuring the welfare of people attending their event.
Further Information or document supplied: title/page e.g. Information and Welfare Policies,Complaints procedures, Lost persons procedures, Child and vulnerable adult protection policies/procedures/appropriate training/disclosures, Disability compliance, Equal opportunities policy

Does your event include activities that specifically engage minor(s) under the age of 18? Whereyes, please supply copy of your Child Protection Policy and DBS Certification where applicable (please refer to current DBS guidance). Ensure that you specify details of activities, and procedures surrounding those activities, where minors will be attending in the absence of their parents/guardians.


Hirers are responsible for managing this aspect of their event and as such are required to ensure appropriate arrangements are in place. In particular, hirers should consider:
-Minimising disruptioncaused to local residents and the surrounding community
-Noise Management: where the proposed activities involve music or amplification, or otherwise have the potential to cause noise disturbance, a noise management plan should be supplied.
-Waste Management: The Hirer is responsible for making adequate provision for waste management and removal of litter from the site. The council will not be responsible for removing litter, beyond that which is considered usual (non-event) for the site.
-Sanitary provision should meet minimum requirements and this should be demonstrated.
Further Information or document supplied: title/page e.g. Environmental/Waste/Noise Management Plans