2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
Conference Call
1. Spring Conference
2. ICD10: Updates from CMS on end to end testing and trends to watch for in 2013 as the implementation date approaches
3. New WEDI website addressing implementation of new Healthcare IT initiatives (Affordable Care Act and HIPAA):
4. Add-on Codes edit tables –CMS:
5. Follow –up on the proposed 2013 deliverable regarding payer readiness for ICD-10 testing and implementation.
/ HIPAA COW EDI Networking Group Call3/13/13
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM
conference call
Facilitator: / Melissa Bruechert
Note taker: / Wendy Ellwein
Attendance: / Attendance is no longer taken.
Review of Assignments from last call
The following assignments still need to be completed from the last call:
Agenda topics
Spring Conference Update
*The Spring Conference will be held on Friday, April 12th at the Country Springs Hotel in Waukesha. Conference planning is complete and the brochure is now available. The following speakers and topics have been confirmed:
· Keynote: Making Sense of the HIPAA Contingency Planning Requirements, Scott Owens, BluTinuity
· Session 1: PPACA Operating Rules : What Providers Need to Know, Ross Lippencott, UnitedHealthcare
· Session 2: Operating Rules for EFT & 835. Deb Strickland, TIBCO Software Inc.
· Session 3: HPID...The What, the When and the Where, Laurie Darst, Mayo Clinic
Online Registration is now open: http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e6w1a44b65beae43&llr=7xtbtyiab
*Questions for Ross Lippencott’s session-Suzanne had sent out an email asking if anyone had questions for Ross’s Operating Rules Session. To date, no questions have been received.
*We are looking for an EDI track manager for this conference. As a thank you for doing this, HIPAA COW will waive you conference registration fee. If you are interested, contact Wendy. She has a list of duties so you can see what is all involved.
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
ICD10: Updates from CMS on end to end testing and trends to watch for in 2013 as the implementation date approaches
Looking Ahead to ICD-10 from CMS:
The Version 5010 upgrade paved the way for ICD-10 and offers valuable insights:
1. Early planning and preparation will smooth your transition to ICD-10. Practices that planned for the Version 5010 upgrade were well prepared and transitioned smoothly.
2. For ICD-10, your office can start planning by developing a checklist of activities that will need to be completed and a timeline for accomplishing these tasks.
3. Communication and coordination must occur not only in your office, but also between your practice and the trading partners you conduct business with – software vendors, clearinghouses and billing companies, commercial and government health plans and other payers.
4. Risk mitigation is important to address any disruptions that may occur as your practice transitions to ICD-10. You may want to consider planning for possible short-term cashflow disruptions and for securing the services of billing companies or clearinghouses.
5. Testing will need to be conducted within your office and with all payers and other companies you work with. You will need to begin ICD-10 testing in 2013 to allow for ample timeto test multiple types of transactions, including claims. Share your ICD-10 plans with one another now to ensure you are on track to test at the same time.
Important Dates:
· April 1 is suggested date for organizing your testing within your organization.
· June-CMS is looking for organizations to participate in a program for sample testing. They would like to have 100 test cases. March 19th is an information meeting. Suzanne will send out information on this.
· October CMS is asking that practices to do testing start to finish.
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
New WEDI website addressing implementation of new Healthcare IT initiatives (Affordable Care Act and HIPAA):
With the numerous Health IT regulatory demands upon the healthcare industry, there has been no greater need for access to critical information to help companies meet those demands.
In support of helping the healthcare industry meet the requirements of HIPAA and the Affordable Care Act, WEDI is pleased to announce the recent launch of its new website:www.wedi.org.
Visitwww.wedi.orgfor more information on the myriad of resources available. The new website includes:
· Free access to WEDI’s Knowledge Center, containing whitepaper and issue briefs on critical Health IT topics
· Ability to search the website by workgroup or by topic
· Access to a Health IT innovative showcase that displays industry practices
· A new Health IT compliance guide and key regulatory timeframes
· A vendor marketplace to search for vendor solutions
· Access on how to join WEDI and it’s over 40 workgroups on topics like transactions / operating rules, ICD-10, Health Insurance Exchanges (HIX), Accountable Care Organizations (ACO), and Health Information Exchanges (HIE)
In an effort to make the new site more intuitive and user-friendly, the development of WEDI’s new website began with research and collection of input from WEDI members a year prior to launch. WEDI is still collecting user feedback on the new website and will continue to make updates and add content to the site throughout the year. Site visitors can provide feedback by completing a short online survey located athttps://www.surveymonkey.com/s/WEDIwebsiteor by emailing Mario Marzette .
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Add-on Codes edit tables –CMS:
“According to a CMS transmittal released shortly before the New Year, your Medicare carriers may soon start matching those 33 orphan add-on CPT codes to specific primary codes. If you attempt to report the add-on without the appropriate primary, you’ll get a denial.
Readers of theAnesthesia & Pain Coder’s Pink Sheetalready know that the CCI Manual for 2013 included mention of Type II add-on codes, that is, codes defined as add-ons in the CPT Manual, but which don’t actually have a specific primary code. The transmittal, which goes into effect April 1, lists these codes and in a few instances, lists primary codes that were suggested by the American College of Radiology/Society of Interventional Radiologists.
But that isn’t the final word. Check the transmittal and then watch your carrier’s website for a draft LCD announcement. That’s when you’ll have the chance to submit a comment on the proposed policy.”
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Follow –up on the proposed 2013 deliverable regarding payer readiness for ICD-10 testing and implementation.
Payer Readiness for ICD10 - looking for volunteers to start a spreadsheet of payer readiness. If you are interested in being on this subgroup, please email Suzanne or Melissa.
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Email if you are interested in ICD-10 sub-group / Entire Group
Other Issues/Problems/Concerns
Melissa Bruechert: Are there any practices having problems getting paid from Behavior Health codes? Janet will email Melissa a contact from someone at her clinic that may be able to assist her.
Janet Van Barriger: WPS will no longer be processing Medicare claims. She said the date is 9/7 for Part A.
Mary Peterson Mile Bluff: She states that as a small provider it is going to be a real challenge to meet those deadlines.
Action items: / Person responsible: / Deadline:
Email Melissa contact / Janet Van Barriger
HIPAA COW is Linked-In
HIPAA COW is now Linked-In. Go to the website http://www.linkedin.com/. Search forHIPAA-COW (HIPAA Collaborative of WI)under Companies to Follow Us.
HIPAA COW Facebook Page
HIPAA COW now has a Facebook page. Go to the website http://hipaacow.org/home/home.aspxand click on the "Like us onFacebook" icon on the lower left orLog in to yourFacebookaccount and enter Hipaa Collaborative of Wisconsin (hipaa cow) in the search bar. Check it out!!
Minutes are posted on HIPAA COW website
Minutes from all EDI networking group meeting are available on the website. Go to the HIPAA COW website, www.hipaacow.org. Go to the Networking Groups tab to view prior meeting minutes.
Next Meeting
Next call will be on April 3rd at 2:00pm
Call in number: 800-524-3094
Call code: 899317er 9, 2012 at 2:00pmthe HIPAA COW website. Online registration is being taken. Early Bird ends September 28th.
Email Agenda items to:
Melissa Bruechert () or
Suzanne Geske ()