Things to Do During the Test:

  1. Read the test directions carefully before you begin to mark any answers. If the

directions are not clear, ask the instructor to clarify them for you before you start.

Don't try to guess what they mean.

2.Make certain that you understand the grading system. If some questions are worth more than others, give them more time and effort.

3.Keep track of the time. When you begin the test, try to decide how much time you’ll need to answer each question, and budget your time accordingly.

4.Explore all the questions, then begin with the ones you can answer most readily. Answering what you are sure of first will help you bring out all that you know and remember.

5.Make certain that you answer the questions. Don’t get so carried away that you write irrelevant answers.

6.Try to save some time at the end of the testing period to go over your test, filling in possible blanks, and proofreading your written answers.

7.Write legibly. Remember, the instructor doesn't have time to decipher scribbles.

Of the rules listed above, by far the most important is the first: read the directions carefully before you begin to mark any answers. Here is a sample test that illustrates this point. Try it.

This is a test to determine how well you are able to follow directions. Accuracy is more important than speed. You will have all the time you need to complete the test. Before beginning, read the test through once carefully to make sure you understand all the directions.

1.Circle every word in the directions above which begins with the letter a.

2.Underline two nouns in the above directions.

3.Count and write down the number of three-letter words in directions 2, 5, and 6.

4.Cross out all commas in the first two lines of the directions paragraph.

5.Fill in the centers of all the letter “o” in the third line of the first paragraph of this test.

6.Do not follow any of the first five numbered directions.

Do not make any mark on this paper.

© 2001 Anne F. Maben