Hinton Minor Hockey Association

Tuesday June 14, 2016 at Hinton AB


Adam Ferguson, Tabi Arsenault, Charity Lawrence, Anita Mannix, Shelbey Donkin, Jamie Davy, Caroline Spalek, Neil Arsenault, Greg Nagam, Mike Aspell, Jason Legary


Call to Order:

Adam called the meeting to order at 6:37pm.

Adoption of Agenda:

Jason moved to adopt the agenda; seconded by Tabi.

Adoption of Minutes:

Neil moved to adopt the May 5th meeting minutes; seconded by Jason.

Business arising from the Minutes:

•  Apparel: Neil is getting prices together and will report back. Tabled until next meeting by Adam.

•  Jerseys: Novice, Peewee, Bantam, and Midget team jersey estimates are being collected. Neil said Bantam and Midget defientely neeed to be replaced going into the 2016-17 season. Jamie motioned to go ahead with the Varsity style H with "Hinton" lettering as discussed earlier, for both Jerseys and apparel. Tabi seconded. Adam called a vote. All in favour, motion passed. More discussion surrounding Jerseys tabled by Adam until next meeting.

•  Conflicting opinions were received when HMHA called for input from members on a team name that would be used at all levels. No decision is able to be made at this time. Discussion tabled until next meeting by Adam.

•  Atomic Improv has been booked for Nov.12/2016 at the Hinton Community Centre. Discussion was had regarding potential caterers. Charity to contact Sweet Lou's for quote for approx. 250 guests. Jason and Caroline will contact other local catereres for same.

New Business:

•  Ford Drive Fundraiser has been booked for Sept.17/16 from 11am-4pm. Gear swap will take place the same day from 12pm-4pm. Street hockey 3 vs 3, and a BBQ will also take place out of The Guild parking lot during the same hours.

•  Raffle: Forms to be sent in by Tabi for the upcoming HMHA raffle. Adam will talk to Ford about a car for same.

•  Hockey Alberta Conference 2016: Neil and Tabi talked extensively about Dr. Steven Norris as the key note speaker at this event. Both found his views on coaching and maintaining the number of participants in the association, very positive and motivational. Neil quoted many key points form his speech, one of the most prominent being "the greatest thing you can give a child is your attention". Neil is loooking forward to using alot of the key points taken from the conference in the upcoming year, in regards to coaching. He said he'd like to do a better job of managing coaching this year, and to stick to the philopsophy of bettering the kids and preparing them for the next level. He'd like to see coaching seminars and a year end coaches meeting this season. Tabi would like to have Dr. Norris come to do a presentaion locally when he comes for the MS Bike Tour.

Executive Reports:


Adam opened up a discussion regarding a summer hockey camp. Concern was raised that we are late orgainizing a camp to be hosted by HMHA. Neil responded that he has found a goalie coach for the camp, and is currently working on a power skating instructor. Neil is also speaking with the Rooneem brothers to take part in the camp as well. Adamfelt something needs to be posted to make people aware that there will be a camp offered this summer. Attention is being paid to keep cost of this camp as affordable as possible. Discussiion was had re: age limits for goalie portion of camp. Details to be finalized. Adam tabled discussion until next meeting.

Adam reported an email was sent about the Novice league proposal. Jasper is interested, and Edson is currently reviewing the proposal. Tabi suggested asking Grande Cache and Valemount if there was interest in having a mini league done "tournament style". Each team involved would host one weekend tournament per season. More discussion will be had later.

Discovery Camp asked for a dry land training camp/field hockey session to be offered as part of their program this summer. Neil to organize same.

Vice President:

Tabi spoke on the Conference earlier. Again, a well worthwhile session.

Tabi motioned for HMHA to sponsor "Every Kid, Every Community" in the amouont of $100, being billed every year for 5 years for a total of $500. Adam seconded. Adam called a vote. All in favour, motion passed.


Charity asked again for criminal record checks to be handed in as soon as possible.


Shelbey reported the bond for town for change rooms has no price point set yet.

Locks changing, Shelbey will take the minutes and take care of same.

Books are now up to date as of |April 30/16. Year end being handed into accountant tomorrow.

Account totals as of now:

General $27,000

Team $21,000

GIC $15,000

Adam suggested looking into other options for the GIC. Shelbey to look into same.

Bills presented by Shelbey that are currently due for payment including RAMP, Sturgeon, and Hockey Alberta. Adam motioned to pay these bills. Jason seconded. Adam called a vote. All in favour, motion passed.


Anita reported as of now ther are the following registrations complete:

12 Initation

2 Novice

12 Atom

6 Peewee

2 Bantam

6 Midget

1 Female

As registration deadline nears, it is expected that several will all come in at once.

Equipment Manager:

Jason reported the puck supply is low and socks have not been ordered. The need for new goalie gear for Novice was explained. Neil motioned to purchase the new gear required, Caroline seconded. Adam called a vote. All in favour, motion passed.

Tabi said she would look into pucks. Jason said ther are jersey bags that may need replacing as well. Will follow up with same.

Gaming Coordinator:

A replacement is still needed for this position. Tabi to ask Tracey Franken if she will cover position until a permanent member can be found.

Coaches Coordinator:

As mentioned previously, Neil spoke in depth about the Hockey Alberta Conference, and his goals for the upcoming season in regards to coaching.

Female Director:

Jamie had nothing to report.

Ways and Means:

Mike spoke to BP re: sponsorship. He will approach past sponsors to follow up for upcoming season. Discussion was had re: recruiting sposoships.

Referee In Chief:

Greg reported a slight increase in referee rates. Clinic confirmed for date stated last meting, October 22/16.

Ice Convener:

Caroline reported that the ice has been booked for the upcoming season. Discussion was had regarding a Bantam tournament this year, as there was not one last year. To be discussed at a later date.

Round Table:

Fall AGM tenatively booked for Oct.12/16

Next Meeting:

Adam scheduled next executive meeting for Tuesday July 12/16@ 6pm.


Adam adjourned the meeting @ 8:30pm.

______Adam Ferguson, President

______Charity Lawrence, Secretary